Is having a small dick and being bald worse than being short?
Asking for a friend
Is having a small dick and being bald worse than being short?
Asking for a friend
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Plenty of chads are bald, very few chads are short
Depends how small but being short is probably the worst possible thing.
It's like 5 inches long and the girth is 4 and a half inches. It feels like it's fucking tiny, especially with everyone in today's society seemingly worshiping big dicks now.
But I'm not a Chad, I'm just a regular dude. I feel like being bald without having the Chad body is a complete death sentence
You're pretty damned small but if you are strong and charismatic you can make up for it.
what 'bout 5.7 x 4.8 - 5.1 inches
it passes the toilet roll test
Still not very big, buddy.
nope, if your banksavings are in the 7-figure range and you own a large house, have a steady income and no debt.
yeah but its average tho, I haven't had any bad feedback so far
Jesus how small are your toilet rolls? I failed the test and thought I was a girthlet, was about to off myself before I measure my toilet roll girth and it was 6.1 fucking inches... 6.1 fucking inches!!!!
Protip: Girls will very rarely say bad things abour your cock to your face. Unless you've been a cunt to them.
It's their frienda they'll be laughing about it to... and Chad as he plows her.
oh yeah I know the ones you're on about, I've gotten them before then laughed because it's fucking massive, the toilet rolls I get seem average, seen them in my friends houses, I think the toilet roll one is a joke though because all brands are different.
>he takes the dicket threads seriously
user, please lay off them memes it's not good for you
I thought I was a girthlet as well before I realized there are different toilet role sizes.
Having a small dick is the worst of all the "lets"
I like to do the thumb and index finger test, when I make the ok sign with my thumb and index finger about an inch up my shaft I cant touch them together, I also have average hands, I think it's better than the toilet roll tes
why does she cut her left arm for?
Women don't care that much about dicksize unless theyre massive whores. Most people on Jow Forums are LARPing about their giant dicks. Don't let it get to you (mine is legit huge though, so I can't relate personally)
same user 9.8x6.7 here
See, this is what I'm terrified of. Being made fun of behind my back, and being cheated on, because of my inadequate penis. It eats away at me
I can make my thumb and index finger touch and I have a 5.1 inch girth which is above average according to the available data.
Your test is even worse because it adds more random factors and it will simply make handlets feel like they're hueg.
Dick size is the most important endgame factor. Anyone can have an amazing personality and go far.
Lol my ex did this you fucking idiot. First date when she was stroking my cock I couldn't get hard, not even a semi, but being the stupid bitch she was she thought that was actually my erect size, so she made some comment to one of her colleagues about how size actually does matter.
Then on later dates she was two handing my cock while sucking it at the same time...
God I fucking hate that bitch, I hope she dies a slow and painful death.
This. You probably will never be chad but I saw a lot of bald chads and next to none short chads
If the small penis is that big a deal to her, she will likely just break up with you for no real reason.
Protip: Any girl that breaks up with you over that isn't a girl you want to keep anyway.
You faggots need to shut the fuck up and move on. There's nothing you can do about it so just work with what you've got and stop worrying about it.
You can be bald, and if you are fit, charismatic, and motivated you'll be fine. Even being a dicklet isnt a big deal since nobody will ever see it anyways.
But being short? Nah nigga
>Any girl that breaks up with you over that isn't a girl you want to keep anyway.
lol dicklet cope. You can't keep her because you are genetically inferior.
>Whales are superior to humans cause their cocks are bigger
You do worship horse and elephant cock right?
Women never selected for big dicks, big dicks randomly mutated into homo sapiens overtime.
>Women don't care that much about dicksize unless theyre massive whores.
>unless theyre massive whores.
So all women then.
Real men pump and dump women. Fact. You can be a small dicked player if you just pump and dump.
Women are dopamine before reason creatures so yes a woman would probably act kinder to a horse with a large penis than a man with a normal sized dick.
>I feel like being bald without having the Chad body is a complete death sentence
It is.
If you don't have the body or aren't rich you're fucked.
Yeah, I don't get how putting my time effort and money into a girl then having her leave me because of my dick size is supposed to make me feel any better
Who is to say she wouldn't have been an otherwise good wife/girlfriend as long as she was satisfied with my dick?
Why does her leaving me because I don't satisfy her make her a bad person?
Seems like one big cope to me...
thing is tho you cunts say height is everything and that women dont like guys who are below 6 foot in my town in the UK I'm 5'9, my mates are 5'5 with gfs and I tower above most girls and most guys are my height so obviously it doesn't really matter since I've been flirted with multiple times, so why should I believe the dicklet shit If I am average? they sure as shit dont care about height eventhough you lot go on about it constantly, Im starting to think its all jewish psyops and that you are all a bunch of nonces
thats not how it work lmao
Random mutations come about and then if they are successful they are passed on to the next generation
Yeah, that's what I honestly thought... and to be honest, my gut tells me even if I have a killer body, it still won't be enough unless I'm rich as well
That's only because most woman aren't into beast. Fact is most woman prefer bigger cocks and only date small dick men for their money.
>Seems like one big cope to me...
It is. Its easier to just assume all woman who want big cocks are bitches and whores than to just admit that generally its just what woman prefer, same as how they desire taller men. Sure it would be nice to look past each other's genetic faults, but woman don't have to do that, they have so many options that they can afford select only taller men with nice sized dicks.
How do you know when you've only ever owned one penis?
You probably live around plebs though. The average height for upper middle class brit men is like 5'11 - 6'1, same in the US the upper classes are tall the lowest classes are tiny.
There are always exceptions. Its not that short/small dick guys can't get laid, they are just at a disadvantage. Your dating pool is already cut in half if you aren't at least 6 foot just because of the sheer number of woman who won't settle for less.
>It is. Its easier to just assume all woman who want big cocks are bitches and whores than to just admit that generally its just what woman prefer, same as how they desire taller men. Sure it would be nice to look past each other's genetic faults, but woman don't have to do that, they have so many options that they can afford select only taller men with nice sized dicks.
Yeah, this is what hurts the most. It's the feeling of inferior genetics, of knowing that I'm not what women really want and that anyone who gets and stays with me will be settling because of other qualities I have that make up for something I'm lacking (and a very important thing like dick size)...
Feels FUCKING bad, man
I moved down south for my uni and my course is comprised of rich boys, they are all my height or an inch taller (apart from the one 6'5 lanklet)
>Your dating pool is already cut in half if you aren't at least 6 foot just because of the sheer number of woman who won't settle for less.
but it's not though because my mates are short as fuck and have slept around and fucked loads of women, I don't understand how they do it, girls don't give a fuck, most of them are shorter or the same height as them and they do not care, I simply do not believe in the height meme due to my real life experiences with it.
It's literally threads like this that show why America is so full of cuckold nigger worshippers. There's nothing you can do about your dick so just get over it. Love yourself. Stop worrying about you don't have and focus on what you do have.
>of knowing that I'm not what women really want and that anyone who gets and stays with me will be settling because of other qualities I have that make up for something I'm lacking
Yeah its sad. Small dick men will only be a joke to woman in the bedroom. Its a very primal thing, woman need to admire and look up to their man in nearly every way to maintain attraction for them, that's why they dislike manlets, from their perspective its like being with a child instead of a man. A small dick is not only disappointing for sex, it also excludes them from being able to brag about their bfs sexual prowess, so it fucks up their social standing as well since their bf will be perceived as a joke by her peers.
>Yeah its sad. Small dick men will only be a joke to woman in the bedroom. Its a very primal thing, woman need to admire and look up to their man in nearly every way to maintain attraction for them, that's why they dislike manlets, from their perspective its like being with a child instead of a man. A small dick is not only disappointing for sex, it also excludes them from being able to brag about their bfs sexual prowess, so it fucks up their social standing as well since their bf will be perceived as a joke by her peers.
True enough, my dude. Oh well, I suppose while you're right about that, the other people saying to just move on and work on other shit are right too since there's nothing I can do about my dick size
thats stupid, I am missing out on so much due to insecurity that I wouldn't have if I had a bigger dick
>muh self love
how can I love myself and be happy when I am inferior? I am missing out on human experiences due to me being mogged by people much better than I am, women can get whoever they want and they know it, can't love myself if no one else will possibly love me, no one has shown me that I am capable of being loved so I can't love myself
I can vent on Jow Forums
If you were inferior you wouldn't still exist. You are still here just like any big dicked fag that means you are evolutionary equal to them.
But it's nothing but a waste of your time.
>ust move on and work on other shit are right too since there's nothing I can do about my dick size
The one good thing about it is that you know what to look out for. If you have a small dick chances are any woman who sticks around just wants your resources since you can't please them sexually.
That's not really true, and there's no need to try and make me feel bad
get yo fucken jew psyops outta here mang
Its 100% true. Woman only date when there is a benefit, either financial or physical.
Everyone here knows you're that mentally ill tiny dicked faggot who always posts in every dick insecurity thread
Please kill yourself
the memes have gotten to his brain or he is an extreme larper, honestly please fuck off you're fucking up the minds of weak and impressionable robots with your jew psyops, pls please k lol thx bye
>they have so many options
That doesn't make sense. If large dicks and tall men are say a generous 30 percent of the male population, what will the other 70 percent of women do, die alone?
I'm not even coping, Im a dicklet and know women would rather have a bigger dick, but there is no equilibrium in the sexual market. People eventually just have to settle, both men and women...
So? Doesn't make my message any less true. You're nuts if you think woman will just date a dicklet without some type of financial incentive.
This isn't really a question to consider unless you're ugly/fat on top of being a bald dicklet.
Otherwise height will always be the coup de grace for any man trying to get laid. Women feel empowered by rejecting men based on height, it's literally a joke to them and they are happy to do so publicly.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH lmao anons got a small dick
you've overdosed on memes user
>what will the other 70 percent of women do, die alone?
They also fuck that top 30% and then marry the short, fat, dicklet when they're >40 yo and are fat themselves, how is that difficult to understand?
>People eventually just have to settle, both men and women...
Exactly. That's why I said woman only date small dick men for their money. Females slut it up during their youth and share the hottest guys up until its time to settle down, that's when woman are more concerned with finding a provider instead of good sex.
I suppose that's the silver lining, I'm 6'0" (it's one of the only things I have going for me)
>That pic
God, what the fuck am I doing here?
As opposed to what else?
It's not like I can ever get a gf or anything.
> penis pill 42.jpg
Just how many such pics do you have anyway?
Nothing is worse than being short
T: turbomanlet
But why would the top 30 percent bother fucking anything below a 6/10 when he has 7, 8, and 9 suffocating in his dick?
In your fairy tail story, no girl ever gets rejected and is always dicked by Chad and Brad. Don't be silly. Everyone aside from the top 20 percent of men have to eventually compromise.
>that feel when all three
It was over before it began
You're implying that the bottom 20% of men even get considered for a relationship. Women end up fucking and then divorcing the same guys while men often end up never marrying.
>But why would the top 30 percent bother fucking anything below a 6/10 when he has 7, 8, and 9 suffocating in his dick?
Because men aren't as picky as woman. Woman see fucking anything beneath them in terms of looks as an insult to themselves, men don't have that same line of thinking, whether we are a 5 or a 10, we'll fuck anything that's mildly attractive.
Woman only have to compromise when it comes to locking a guy down, but that's as simple as finding a beta to leech off of and control after they've already enjoyed their share of attractive men.
Same applies to women. You think anyone wants to be with the bottom 20 percent of women? And if same average guy does settle for a 2/10 girl, what makes you think she can do better? It's not always then women that's settling.
But most women aren't that attractive. The only type of people I see wanting to fuck anything are blacks and Hispanics.
Most women can't lock a guy down though. Why do you think there are so many single moms? And have you seen the fathers that leave them? Most are average to below average looking guys. They just happen to be drug dealers or deadbeats, not really Chad.
>Same applies to women. You think anyone wants to be with the bottom 20 percent of women?
pic related
>Most women can't lock a guy down though. Why do you think there are so many single moms?
Because woman always confuse being able to date up as being the same as actually being able to keep the guys that fuck them. Woman are literally drawn to men who are more likely to leave them because of their tendency to prefer high value men who other girls want. They want a guy who can get lots of girls but will also be faithful, which is laughable.
I often wonder if secretly gay because i've never had this mentality. I've turned multiple women down because I was not that attracted to them at all, but I know guys that would have fucked those girls without hesitation and would think i'm a queer or a pussy for turning them down.
>tfw bald, short, and a dicklet
i have given up
It depends on what your standards are. A 5 really isn't that bad, perfectly fuckable even for a 10/10 guy. Some guys will fuck anything though.
I want to greentext a related experience I had about this subject. I got pretty much the same size as you.
>chasing this girl, fingered her but she stopped it after a while, says she just wants to be friends
>am extremly inexperienced, almost a virgin, but are trying really hard (too hard) with this
>some days later she literally asks for dickpicks
>chicken out and send her a dark pic where you cant really see anything.
>She is like is it big? can you ask that? tehee
>Kinda bothered I say its just normal
>Later on the phone she says she dont know why she asked that or asked for pics etc, again I mumble that its just normal
>Size anxiety, measuring and googling sessions reaches a fever pitch
>few days later, I am fingering her AGAIN, this time she starts rubbing my pants.
>not really feeling okay with this, but try to power through
>her pressing my dick through my pants just makes me focus on how small it seems against my leg
>she wants to see, I unbutton my pants
>Whip it out, I FREEZE
>just keep looking down her bosom, cant face her
>she says something like, "yes you are hard"
>anxiety overwhelming, I try to keep touching her, but the spell is completely broken
>she sighs, walks from the couch
>says she still isn't ready for this and that we should just be friends again
>says "its not me its her"
>later I ask her if it was someting pshysically wrong with me, she says noo, it was perfectly okay. She says she feared I would think that, but that was not it at all.
Point; If she likes you she will lie about it.
Also: your anxiety about it will make the problem much worse and probably also your dick much smaller than it can be.
>Most women can't lock a guy down though.
They keep trying to lock down the Chad/Tyrone that has been giving them their dream fuckings, don't they?
There's their problem.
How big are you?
same as op
1 hair
2 hair
3 hair
4 hair
5 hair
6 face
7 body
8 money
how old are you baldfags? I hope you say like 28 at least because all that at 22 is just too much
That sucks, I just wish I could whip it out and have her gasp at her size
I'm 26, but went fully bald at 25
Feels fucking bad man
>OP here btw
>Point; If she likes you she will lie about it.
This. Woman can't have their betas knowing they are just a wallet to them.
i'm 5'9" and bald, but i have a thick cock. i'm good.
I'm bald, 5'9" and have a 6.5" x 5.5" dick (so, pretty small)
Never had any woman interested in me.
Not fat chicks, not slim chicks, no average chicks, tall, short or average, pretty or ugly, nothing.
Not even back when I was younger and had some spending money so I could be somewhat flashy.
>6.5" x 5.5" dick (so, pretty small)
You fell for the memes, my dude. That's a way above average dick, I'd kill to have it
>that spelling was not original
>That's a way above average dick
Might technically be.
But not for women's standards
Only gay men truly care about dick size. Vast majority of women do not give a shit and never obsess over dicks the same way a gay man does.
t. a faggot obsessed with dicks.
Well being short is kinda bad, baldness can be fixed however if you have a small dick forget having a romantic or sex life. No women will ever love you or put up with you.
It doesn't change the fact that she won't ever feel that primal lust for you like she did for the Chad, she would just want you to finish fast so she wouldn't have to deal with your boiclitty. I fucking hate my genetics so much.
shiiiit I have a garbage ass hairline but I just couldn't imagine that... ever since like 21 or 22 ive had a shit hairline but im 26 and it hasn't moved and its still thick
its pretty depressing I would say my shit kinda looks like Gordon ramsey but not as bad. i'd be fucked if I was full bald though i'm literally as white as paper, fat with stretch marks, ugly face, black racoon eyes. my hair makes me go from a 3/10 to like a 6-7/10 on a good day
What's wrong with Gordon's hairline?
I am straight and I like big dicks. Big dicks turn me on because I know how much pleasure they give women, and therefore big dicks = female pleasure in my mind
also why did you not try finasteride or something? i've seen forums of people going on treatments and they work very well even if you're already pretty gone. the earlier the better. ashton Kutcher admitted to using finasteride since age 25 and he's 40 and still going good
well not now...hes got a hair transplant but he used to have a really v shaped hairline