Why does sexual reproduction exist when it is less efficient than asexual reproduction?

Why does sexual reproduction exist when it is less efficient than asexual reproduction?

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Because organisms that produced sexually were much less likely to go extinct.

To diversify the gene pool.

It's not actually. A fish can drop hundreds of eggs, just one fish, then the male can go and ejaculate over them all.

It got fucked up because of us being competitive. The fish breed so much because they were being devoured. A shark, in contrast to something like salmon, only have one fish at a time as offspring.

The emergence of new traits compensates for the lack of efficiency.

because there are other advantages with it other than the efficiency of the reproduction itself that are far more important. you know evolution yadda yadda yadda...

Genetic diversity. Asexual organisms can be almost totally wiped out by a single strain of pathogen.
This isn't so much of a problem in bacteria since the reproduce so rapidly, but in any larger organism it will be totally devastating.

As others have stated, the increased shuffling of genes to introduce new traits (and even allow for accidental duplication / splitting / recominbation / etc. of chromosomes) allowed for higher life to emerge.

Otherwise there'd be no reason, or possibility (maybe), to become much more than single cellular bois or colonies of those.

Viruses seem to be doing alright.

Because if humans could reproduce asexually, losers on Jow Forums could have children, significantly holding back the species.

vaginas tricked us into evolving thats why

but the overwhelming majority of sexually producing species have gone extinct

The same is true of all species, ya' dingus.

Viruses aren't even alive and are very simple things in comparison to RNA and DNA life forms. They depend on them also, why they're not alive. They need life to mooch off of.

A virus reproduces using us also, so this comment is pretty retarded to add to

You depend on living things and mooch off them for nutrients. Therefore you are not alive.

Sexual reproduction mixes up the genes, allowing for new phenotypes and more biodiversity (thus making natural selection have more of an effect on a population).
If sexual reproduction had never existed, multicellular life probably would never have been developed.

Asexual takes way too much energy.

There are fish and reptiles and reproduce asexually.

It's a disadvantage because they are all cones and can't change very quickly to adapt to environmental changes as a species. Meanwhile sexual reproduction creates a lot of desirable variation in offspring.

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Gene recombination and independent assortment in gametes increases biodiversity which increases resistance to disease and environmental adaptability, reduces the chance that one mutation will get everyone killed, and helps speed up natural selection.

because it culls the weak genes faster

Because asexual reproduction requires a cell line to re-evolve every useful mutation sequentially, even if one of nearby cells has already evolved it - there is no way [*] to recombine mutations from several cells

Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, accelerates reproduction by combining good genes from the population, at a cost of effort for animal to find a partner

On the other hand there is horizontal gene transfer in bacteria via plasmids, so bacteria are not strictly mutated clones of each other

And there is parthenogenesis in some animals, allowing them to reproduce asexually

>less efficient
>human population

Asexual reproduction produces clones, which means that if some sort of disease or other problem comes along that can kill one of the organism, since the others are all identical, they die too. Sexual reproduction produces variations and differences everytime which means that if something comes along that can kill one member of the species, the rest arent necessarily susceptible to it.

We hare their bomb dumb ass. More than a fine line. We are the earth to them.