I drink heavily once a week, how bad am i hurting my gains?

I drink heavily once a week, how bad am i hurting my gains?

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Same. Probably not much at all.

>I drink healthy
You're a retard

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le *snap*

fuck it bro, we will hurt our gains together


define "heavily"

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once a week is not going to do much especially if its a rest day the day after or dont have to hit any numbers the day after.

As long as you count the calories from alcohol and you don't show up drunk on the gym, not much.

When bulking, it doesn’t really matter.
If you’re cutting, you won’t make it, even if your nutrition is on point, alcohol was my last gain goblin preventing me to get sub 15% BF.
Alcohol+low carbs, low fat, high calories gave me gout, so i guess i’m getting rid of this gain goblin and will finally make it


I'm gaining more now as a booze abuser and as a compulsive smoker than when i was almost a fuckin's straight edge.

''Muh gainkillerz'' memes.

Depends what you drink and what your goals are. If you're bulking then all alcohol will negatively impact your gains because it inhibits protein synthesis by 20%, if cutting you can get away with whiskey or vodka because it has no carbs but be sure to fast for 24 hours the next day because the ethanol in the alcohol takes priority over the metabolisation of everything else because it's a poison and your body wants rid of it so everything you eat will be stored as fat as you burn ethanol for fuel

I get blackout drunk on 10-12 beers twice a week also drink 2-3 beers every day after work and I'm 280lbs bearmode...

>i drink like a hobo and i’m fat

Who would’ve guessed ?

Most adults don't have a single drink in the average week.

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I dont believe this for a second. My dad drinks the least out of anyone I have met and even he has a few beers a week.

Bias. I have on average 0 drinks a week as well.

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shocking i know, but most people spend time around people who are similar to themselves.

There are tons of people out there living sober lives (cept for the "not until I've had my coffee" meme)

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Ahh do you defy physics and bioligy... interesting we should do a study on you.

I drink every night because I like it and it helps get the calories up. I've made the most gains when I'm drinking most heavily. The only danger is lifting hungover, which is brutal.

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Oh no

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Do some research on fatty liver and stop killing threads with your niggatry life choices

I have ~3-4 drinks per day on average on weekdays, and another ~15 on the weekend.