Gymcel monastery

In the next 3 years I will receive more money than I could possibly spend in 100 lifetimes.

I've always loved the idea of a place for young men to go to learn and improve themselves, whether it be fitness, sports, finance, spiritual guidance or psychedelics.

Monastery specs

>25 acres of land
>barracks (20 bunkbeds to discourage faggotry)
>20 bathrooms
>2 lecture halls
>1 theatre hall (tv/movies are for cucks)
>1 dining hall (We eat together as a family)
>chicken coop
>no Internet on weekdays
>no thots allowed on the property
>2 saunas
>1 swimming pool
>15 power racks
>5,500 kgs total of pl8's
>1 tennis court
>1 soccer field
>1 rugby field

In order to maintain the property and keep the lights on we will Breed german shepherds to sell to outsiders

There will only be 40 places available and the selection process will be vigourous

You can leave any time but once you leave you may never return.

Is there anything else I should add to the list of things that the gymcel monastery needs Jow Forums?

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Condom vending machines outside/near the sauna section. I´m talking BIG variety, with flavors

No foggotry

Unironically would join.

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im t1 diabetic am I automatically out of selection

Why dont you have a farm?
The things you eat should be the fruits of your own labor.

>You can leave any time but once you leave you may never return.
This is some gay shit

Would unironically abandon my wife and kids to join a monastery of gains.

Good luck with that

>You can leave any time but once you leave you may never return.

This is a guaranteed method to weed out quality people. You'll attract homeless people, the mentally ill, and fanatics.

A power plant that runs off cardio twinks running around with propeller hats attached to cables
Manlet pit

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Would sign up 100%

OP not gonna lie this sounds so cringy and gay
>le ebin self improvement monastery
nice little fantasy faggy boy

The reason behind this rule is to create strong men with the tools I have given to them. There is no point to create capable men who do not applied themselves in the real world

>Every young bird must leave the nest

Maybe you are right. but I need a way for "tourists" to stay out

All g bro. I just wished I had someone to mentor me when I was younger. And I thought this might be the way to help others

> I need a way for "tourists" to stay out

have an interview process, probationary period or some kind of barrier to entry. People will have obligations outside your boy's club that they'll have to attend to; and shunning them for having to leave is going to destroy membership.

Honestly, you're better off just funding a local community center or after school program. A monastery or commune is a pipe dream usually pursued by cultists or ideological crazies.

Great pitch, but, I'm out.

This but unironically

>running a commune
>breeding dogs
It's like you're deliberately baiting the ATF.

Saddest post I've ever seen.

Updated rules

>everyone has to have two written references of consent to join

>if you enroll you must stay for 3 months. After your first 3 months you are given the choice to re-enroll again. If you decide to leave before your time is up you will be expelled indefinitely.

>if you are to be found out about to be a homosexual you will be expelled

>if you stay longer than 3 years you will lose the privilege to re enroll again and be asked to leave.

you need a mat area for grappling and heavy bags for boxing. lifting platforms as well

Won't be sad when all of my homies are making mad gains

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Should be called gymcel university

>Tfw OP expels himself

Could be cool as hell if done right, but I have doubts it will be. Needs a cohesive governing philosophy. What kinds of lectures would you have? What is your ultimate goal for the men that would come?

>discourage faggotry

Procedes to come up with the gayest thing i have ever heard. Maybe if you had not isolated yourself playing video games in your developmental years you would already have worthwhile values, good health and a viable social life instead of trying to come with retarded solutions to your lack of the above in your 20s.

Btw nothing wrong being a faggot. Rather be gay then buy into this delution

Btw.2 chicken coop for eggs but not next door to a dairy farm?

I should have called it a university instead of a monastery.

I know it might seem gay at the moment but I'm using you guys as a think tank

I think having a dairy farm could be useful but I'm concerned about the maintenance of the Cattle.

answer these please

Definitely needs a crew of thick latina concubines/maids to maintain the property, cook meals, and relieve our sexual urges. It would just be depressing to hear the sound of 15 men simultaneously fapping in the barracks

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What the fuck is the point of joining this Academy, if not to learn such crucial skills?
You need bunch of chads to show us the way, why the fuck would anyone who made it join some sausage fest and do some borderline cult shit
Us gymcell faggots with no friends would benefit greatly from such cult camp what ever the fuck

The goal of the Academy is to produce strong independent men. out of disillusioned but capable young men.

It will be a similar experience to joining the armed forces. your outside life will be temporarily put on hold while you think about what you need to do to accomplish your own goals.

You will be held to high standards. You will be pushed to confront your biggest fears and weaknesses to over come them.

You will be expected to overcome your weaknesses within a specified deadline

You will live in constant competition with your peers to get the best out of yourself and others

You need to set an ultimate aim, a "last test" to pass or something. Maybe they start a business, maybe they create a thesis, maybe they pick a goal body and then achieve it. Maybe they choose their own goal

It seems unstructured and basically the creation of a genuine, well-intentioned guy who doesn't actually know that 98% of guys aren't homo. You need structure and a "This is the Point - this is the aim of this", clearly

you need metrics for "strong, independent" - things they can achieve or do that they weren't able to before. Otherwise you're just trying to create more of yourself, and you're not all that great it seems man

What type of weaknesses confronting? No romanticism, set concrete things and goals. What the fuck are you saying with confronting biggest fears? What does that tangibly mean?

>no football field
>no baseball
>no mma cage
>no boxing ring

Jesus man, why do you hate Americans?

Kitchen you fag. One of the most important things a man can do, to establish Independence, is to cook.

Basketball court m8

Also, you’re basically talking about starting a cult

>underrated accuracy

Some fag would sue you and steal everything from you instantly. Incels don't have legal rights.

You won't do shit your laarping neet.

no ones going to train at your rape gym you larping faggot

Cool, or I could just join the army and get paid to participate in the same cringefest you're offering free.

>Tries to create a new branch of monasteries not that unlike the century old European ones or the Japanese shinto shrines

>get's called a cult

This is why white people have no culture, pagan? Larping, new holiday? Larping

Meanwhile us blacks have kwanza and everyone celebrates it happily, white people really can't into culture, at least no white Americans y'all are as dull as cardboard, you get played by everyone lmao fucking mayo dummasses.

You would find out what the potential student wants out of the academy during the filtering process then create a plan for him. If the person hates public speaking we would make him speak in public. If he fears conflict we would make him do a combat sport. If he wants to create a Business we would give him the time and the tools to learn to start one within a deadline. we will make him Network with other members of the group with similar ambitions

Someone's salty that there not invited to the gymcel university

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See this? This is a kibbutz, a camp started by early zionists in Israel inspired by the spartans, this is how the return and eventual "conquest" of Israel started.

Yet you Lilly sissy whites can't even start a profitable organisational effort like the zionist movement, instead you march with tiky torches, you gentiles are so thick in the head.

goyishe kupp!
goyishe kupp!
goyishe kupp!


Attached: kibbutz.jpg (800x600, 154K)

All religions are technically cults

make them black and we have a deal

Oh this is perfect, this is just perfect.

I'm Hey gentile, look at me, the video I'm going to send you is the perfect representation of the dialogue we would have if I was going to waste my time with this headed gentiles like you.

You're Joe rogan.

goyishe kupp!
goyishe kupp!
goyishe kupp!

Who said op was white? ;)

Explains the incentive to create culture.

White Americans have no culture, in the music blacks created everything from jazz to rock to hip hop to the blues to electronic music in Chicago, whites then copy.

In the technology the jews and asians did 80% of the work, from Ai to computer science to finance, New York and silicon valley are jewish inventions, they don't even have a film industry

White Americans exist just to pay taxes for the blacks to come up with culture and for the jews and asians to make more money.

Here's a representation of what their etnhoestate would look like.


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>watching a 40 minute video just because someone on Jow Forums told me to

Let me clarify. I realize that the word “cult” has a certain negative connotation attached to it. That’s why I attached the word “technically”. A cult is, by dictionary definition, a group/system focused on a particular figure(s), object(s), or set of religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs.

An example, no one considers Christianity to be a cult. It’s the most populous religion in the world. Yet even according to the Bible, its origins are unmistakably cultish. One dude going around saying radical things, going against the set traditions of the time, and gathering followers that literally gave their lives to his cause

By the way, I’m serious about not sitting through that video, so if I’m making the same points as Joe Rogan lmk

fuck you asians are better

This is pretty amazing, I have no idea if it's /reddit/ pretending to be Jow Forums or just a regular retard from /t_d. Marvelous bait, at least 8/10.

Ding ding ding, we have a bingo. Now fuck off, weakling.

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>implying we're not all crazies and cultists
>implying I don't do blood sacrifices to the pl8 gods

I mean, not my blood, obviously, it has gains in it.

you mad "white"no


Sounds good. I'm in

Monkmode life looks comfy.
I'd suggest making it less like a gym/sports center, and more like a monastery.

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this is a great idea OP it reminds me of ancient greek gymnasiums

dont waste your money on something that's cool but ultimately unprofitable

I would join, definitely.
Problem is, I'm weak as fuck and wouldn't pass the selection process.

I'm interested.
However It's going to be one huge wank fest when the internet is on in the weekend.
Also I will be the captain of the Soccer team. Deal with it faggots.


Where will it be bro I'm so ready

only if they sign multiyear work contracts that give them housing and food, as well as armed protection from the white men living in the compound

>not calling it the gladiator school, where after the 3 years is up, everyone fights with swords and the last one standing is awarded the gladiator school diploma

Would join

nigger do you know why men in monasteries are either vegetarians or have a very low meat diet, combined with constant meditation\prayer?
No, you don't you larping fantasier. Ho live in an actual monastery for a year and then you'll get it.

t. actual nigger


It's added to the list

There will always be a place for those who are willing to get it

Give it some time brother. These are early days.
I won't be doing this for the money

a gothic monastery would cost a lot more to construct then a modern Building

Kibbutzim were pretty good until the 2nd generation started banging hippie Swedish volunteers and smoking weed and it all went to shit.



I've thought about it but building a gladiatorial arena in International waters seems a bit much

" the 2nd generation started banging hippie Swedish volunteers and smoking weed and it all went to shit."

What, how do I not know about this, link me literature.

>and it shall be called
>"Guy Heaven"

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Your pathetic fantasies remind me of the r9k meme colonies. Every single one of them crashed and burned because they had no idea how hard it is to make something like that work.

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Nig it's a learning institution not a commune

Haha who's that guy?

Really? Post one thread or story really want to study it.

Weakness cannot produce strength.
A strong mind has no reason to hang around such an institute, there;s nothing that could be gained there but power over weaker men, and only a faggot would want that.

>tons of fucking football fields
>not a single workshop

>more money than I could possibly spend in 100 lifetimes.
the average US person spends ~3 million dollars over their lifetime. 300 millions is a fair bit of money, which means however tough your screening process is, people WILL try to scam you in some way
be careful
seems like a lot
bathrooms in homes don't scale linearly with the amount of people living there, and your monastery is basically a home+workplace
say, a family of 4 might have 2 bathrooms to be comfortable, but a family of 12 would rarely ever need more than 3
your 40 guys will be fine with 5-6
of course, if it's 25 acres of land, people are bound to be scattered about during their day, so some bathroom redundancy is expected
fields would be a better idea, have your guys take turns working them
>>chicken coop
while you're at it, a few cows for milk, and maybe raise a few other animals too.
>>no Internet on weekdays
and why is it allowed on weekends?
power racks
,500 kgs total of pl8's
those numbers are oddly specific
think about oly platforms and bumpers too though
tennis court
soccer field
rugby field
that's straight up dumb, tennis is played at most 4 at a time, you should have more than one court
>In order to maintain the property and keep the lights on we will Breed german shepherds to sell to outsiders
you have $300 million, unless you waste it all away you should have more than enough left for a hundred years' upkeep, and breeding dogs won't make you any money compared to what you (should) have left
if anything, if you want to contribute to the local community, sell vegetables from your fields and meat/milk on local markets

in the extremely unlikely chance you're not LARPing, keep us posted. and keep in mind /diy/ is by far one of the best boards on Jow Forums and can have some good advice for you when it comes to making things

It’s going to turn into a den of gay orgies.


That shits like the black version of Renaissance Fairs or American paganism: a clumsy and embarrassing attempt at reconnecting with a history and a culture that can no longer legitimately be called yours. "We wuz kangs and shiet" - no you weren't, you were slaves. And that fucking sucks. That's why you have to create your own legacy, not spend your energy digging through history to find ambiguous bits of evidence to support a modern SJW agenda. White Americans suffer from this crisis of identity too; your history is for the most part too shit and too short to be sentimental about.


And yet we celebrate it, this is why you have no culture, you're to afraid of anything whiteboi


> no females
> faggotry discouraged
for those interested in cults watch this

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So why would anyone ever go to college, or a gym, or a martial arts class, or anywhere else where they are considered bottom of the hierarchy? To improve, you thundercunt. Or in the case of the professors/coaches, because they have a passion for touching the next generation, no homo. It's not a novel concept.

Please god yes, I would sign up in a heartbeat

Op, make it a full on association so we wont have a blank resume for XXyears when we can't re-enroll. That way you help gymcels physicaly and societaly
Plus you can still open a gymshop to help those unfortunate who can't meet your expectations to join

That wasn't a coherent answer. I'm not American.

How was that not coherent, also assuming you're European, what culture has Europe produced in the 21 century?

OP what you described is about half of the experience of going through a non-medical drug rehab.
>lived in a religious commune out in the boonies for 8 months
>Daily work schedule, place supported itself by breeding german sheps, and certain people leaving to work jobs and pool their money for the common fund
>daily bible study, religious study
>sports and gym for free time, as well as lots of books
Rehab was one of the best times of my life. For the most part, you sound like you want to run some sort of rehab except instead of drugs its virginity.


meme becomes reality
If real, sounds really fucking cool OP
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