I haven't been on here for a long while

I haven't been on here for a long while.

Is this roastie still around? And what about that sunny girl? Anybody know their instas?

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Who the fuck cares, she looks like a man. Why do people on this god forsaken board worship ugly, boring, fake, drug addict girls like this, yet hate girls like brooke with a passion? Not even an orbiter, brooke is still shallow and retarded, but holy fuck. Stop talking about these ugly fucking girls, they're trash.

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She was dating a 30 year old and these types delete their social media constantly and just look through the archives lazy faggot.

Odds are you'll end up talking to a fake one though, on a discord trying to find her. Not that I ever tried talking to her myself.

>wants a conservative christfaggot cuck girlfriend that never used Jow Forums in her life

What will you talk about? You want a gf that is nothing more than a baby machine that makes you a sandwich, you're devoid of taste and spirit.

How old is she now?

Eighteen. She is of now recently.

I don't care about these bitches at all and I'm glad your feelings about these degenerate orbiters match with me so much. Love you for that no homo.

It's just I haven't been on r9k in a LONG, LONG while. Last I was regularly here was the summer of '17. Back then there was loads of drama about these Ciara and Sunny bitches.

I'm just trying to catch up on what I missed since then. I really like being intimate with the lores of the boards I frequent. It's a comfy familiarity I form with anons.

Also, since I've been out of the loop, who's Brooke?

he never said he expected any of that. it's pretty reasonable to not find an ugly drug addict attractive

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I don't want to talk to her. I'm not even American so I couldn't care less about orbiting these e-whores. There's nothing I hate more than them on this site. They've singlehandedly ruined this boards experience for me in the past. As I said above, I'm just trying to catch up on what's been going on at r9k.

Ask Michael Sosa the pedofile, he still lusts after ciara and 14 years old girls like sunny


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>What will you talk about? You want a gf that is nothing more than a baby machine that makes you a sandwich, you're devoid of taste and spirit.
Yeah, never said any of that. I'm quite satisfied with the single lifestyle, to be honest.

>who is brooke
The latest e-whore that half the board orbits. Typical instagram whore, although not as bad as the drug addicts. pic related

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>single handedly ruined it
>being this jealous over women getting attention on a oriental contaminated landfill site



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Reminder that Ham Salad is also pedofile, currently running his own pedo ring and is undoubtedly Michael's grooming pal

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It's not about jealousy since I'm anonymous and not looking for attention anyway. It's just the fact that I don't come here to watch retards fawn over random bitches or to orbit those bitches myself.

I come here expecting solace amongst like minded people with similar thoughts.

May I know her insta? I stalk these bitches to keep tabs

>whaaa whaaa why isnt everyone else as pathetic as me and base my entire life and self worth around whether I have muh gf or not
I can just tell you're 17 at most.

I don't know her Instagram account, sorry. I dont think she gives it out

>ten racebait threads up at once
>the every now and again female worship of e celebs that shitpost here is what ruins it for him

I'm so sorry pol gave you the nigger fetish user.

I'm twenty-nine famalamicom.

And you're jealous that no one worships you, it's blatantly and inherently what your issue with these type of threads is all about, your envious of underage femanons that shitpost here. You wish you were the little girl and can't handle it, and thus have cognitive dissonance and lash out at them over your personal issues of being wanted by literally no one on Earth. Your type is so dead inside that you can't look at some beautiful and interesting female and fawn and ponder over, too bitter to allow yourself to admire someone, because it reminds you that there is nothing admirable, beautiful, interesting, about you.

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Nobody orbits Brooke but Brooke.

Brooke is way uglier than any of the girls this board orbits, she looks like a fat mutt alien.

>And you're jealous that no one worships you, it's blatantly and inherently what your issue with these type of threads is all about, your envious of underage femanons that shitpost here. You wish you were the little girl and can't handle it, and thus have cognitive dissonance and lash out at them over your personal issues of being wanted by literally no one on Earth. Your type is so dead inside that you can't look at some beautiful and interesting female and fawn and ponder over, too bitter to allow yourself to admire someone, because it reminds you that there is nothing admirable, beautiful, interesting, about you.
Yeah, this is definitely going into my cringe compilation.

lol sorta true

Drug addicted target employees are uglier.

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I can't pin racebait threads to one person or a particular group of people to blame them. All I can speculate is that they're probably really hellbent trolls or actual Jewish propagandists. Either way, they just add fuel to the fire in the long run.

I'm waiting for shit to hit the fan so I can have some excitement in my life and watch everything normies hold so dear burn. Good thing about war is that grief, rage, agony and despair won't be feelings that I experience alone :^)

No having to look at Snapchat dog face filters, no shitty dudebro/Stacy selfies with random quotes and no immodest whores walking around the mall when they're all suffering, dying, getting raped or fleeing.

>Inb4 edgelord

Nah, personality and vices aside, Ciara is a million times cuter than Brooke. If you think otherwise you have literal nigger taste.

Satan is cringe himself today

>add to the fire
So when are we changing the name of Jow Forums to bait?

Faggots man. If you want to vent and pretend something bad will happen, why not actually be the type to handle world war three and cause bad things to happen sisssy? You'd do what your instincts are telling you, attack your problem, and you'd be building yourself up to survive an actual happening, and cause it too if you're not alone.

Instead you shit the place up with flame wars, of which used to get faggots banned.

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So was the whole cat thing real?

Ciara is too old. I'm currently looking for a new roastie to orbit that is underaged.


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She got bullied on here to often so she quit, she's still on instagram but I don't know what her current account name is. I wouldn't bother orbiting her, she is a pretty shitty person

I don't wanna orbit her bro

Then why do you want her insta?

No particular reason just seeing if she's still active in this community

Her Instagram is buirp but good luck getting her to accept. She may reply to your message but there's been no new YouTube videos or public Instagram posts. I'm sure she still lurks but she really isn't giving us new content. Sucks.

She added me after I talked to her briefly. Maybe stop being so socially inept