See pretty girl

>see pretty girl
>think of asking her out
>remember I have a small dick

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>see girl that I feel might be into me
>remember I'm a non-chad average looking manlet

>see pretty girl
>instant urge to rape her
I can't be the only one right?

>see a cute girl
>think about asking her out
>"oh shit, this is it! I will go there in a little bit let me just think of the best way to aproa-
>shes gone
>"i-im sure i would have gotten her number if she stayed there for 1 more second"

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Has anyone ever approached a random chick on the street like that? This shot only works with payed whores in youtube videos.

>see pretty girl
>think of asking her out
>remember I hate myself
>feel guilty for the fact I even considered asking her out

Date ugly women. You're a Jow Forums user for fucks sake.

This works because somebody is filming, the camera is what makes it work. It is amazing the shit you can get away with if somebody is filming you.


I would only rape traps like pic related.
I'd never rape an actual woman though. Don't really see the point?

Sry frgt pic
It's name is sneaky

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sorry l'm not gay

OP that is the appropriate reaction.

Do you know how much is sucks to meet a cute guy, get to know him, start to like him, only to find out he has a tiny dick?

Fucking brutal desu makes you just want to lay down and die.

I miss when larpers took their time to put some effort into it

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>Do you know how much is sucks to meet a cute guy, get to know him, start to like him, only to find out he has a tiny dick?

I can imagine. Girls invest a lot of time into the pre sex phase of dating just feeling a guy out. After a few dates and genuinely coming to like the guy, you discover that sex will always be disappointing and you have to start all over again with a new guy.

That's why I'm telling every girl I meet that I have a small dick first and foremost.

yeah but you're a guy so no one cares

>number of posters unchanged
>replying to himself with the same reddit spacing

had a laugh

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What a fucking loser (in the most original manner)

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You are implying a lot of implications my friends.

Again good on you. Sex isn't the end all be all of a relationship but it certainly is important and its just better for everyone involved if we're honest with each other from the offset.

What is worse is when a guy has a real flirty side because that implicitly implies that sex will be decent, false representation really if he knows he's packing a 4 incher.

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>see pretty and funny girl
>thinking of becoming her friend
>remember that guys like me can't have female friends because they always assume I'm trying to creep on them

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>saggy tits
>clearly overweight
>likely other severe issues

It is adorable when you try.

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Story of my life user...
Only reason why I'm a robo

But I'm actually good looking and take care of myself. I don't want anything below average. I honestly rather be alone DESU...

I see the psyops are working.Thank you for removing yourself from the list of active competition!!!

Thats why you invite a hung Chad to fuck your qt gf, so she can get properly fucked by a nice big cock, while loving you and only you

Oh nooo a fat roastie with mournful tits and an epic pentagram necklace thinks me pee pee too smol what ever will I doooo

>see cute guy
>think about asking him out
>remember I'm ugly as shit but still try and talk to him
>no reaction

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>>"oh shit, this is it! I will go there in a little bit let me just think of the best way to aproa-
>>shes gone
>s-she's fast!

>Hey, it's not her speed, she must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!

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I know this feel all too well op...

I didn't ask for these feels

What counts as a tiny dick?

Please no memeing, please

I have a decent sized dick. Still don't approach girls because i am only 5'8". At least with a small dick they don't know until the deal is practically sealed. You might get dumped later on but that really a filter for you and you still get some practice time.

Enough to get through her extra 2 inches of FUPA fat.

Any dicks under 4 inches

>he thinks even ugly women will date r9k users
Oh sweetie its almost past your bedtime, better brush your teeth!

Those are some sad looking boobs.
I can see why women are insecure about tits now.