>Hey big bro - in honor of America, I joined the Marines. I ship out for basic at 0400 tomorrow. Want to remind me of what I'm fighting for before I leave?
Hey big bro - in honor of America, I joined the Marines. I ship out for basic at 0400 tomorrow...
Probably stop taking fucking heroin before you go, you mentally ill looking bitch. Also, how the fuck did you pass the fucking physical tests? With those arms you could barely lift a fucking plate, let alone do a pull up. You are screwed, and will probably drop out as you haven't done enough training.
Fighting for the jews.
How many of these do you have to post?
You're cancer.
She looks healthy, if anything a bit flabby
Holy shit!
You better be ready hand to hand mortal combat!
*delivers right hook across her face then kick her in the ribs*
Dumb slut.
She will end up becoming an ISIS bride because of Arab cock lust
you're fighting for literally nothing
you're fighting for shitty bragging rights to keep betas away who think they have a chance
there is nothing to believe in, when you return home everyone will just think you're a loser anyway unless you make a lot of money.
Killing hajis is not nothing
If you return gl not being homeless
Why does that happen?
t. Brainlet
What fucking military wears that camo?
The US Marines, Army, and I think Air Force used to, but that stopped after the Marines came up with MARPAT, partially out of practicality, partially to differentiate from the other branches, and partially because many enemy militaries were using the exact same camo. Fun fact, to prevent this, MARPAT has the USMC logo in the pattern, the Army, Navy, and Air Force cammies have similar functions. Anyways, after that, the Army decided "Well, fuck this, we're gonna get our own camo too" and created their own, the Air Force created their tiger stripes, and to follow the pattern, the Navy ditched their weird-ass post office looking uniforms and switched to blue camo. But now they're switching to basically marine camo, except it has the USN logo on it, and the dark brown is replaced with light green.
Also, you don't ship out at 0400, I'm shipping out for the Navy in less than a month, you ship out on a day, and you leave to go to MEPs at like 1300, and you stay at the hotel overnight like everyone else going to MEPs, regardless of whether they're shipping out or getting enlisted, and then you leave on the bus to go to MEPs and then the air port at 0500. Don't be a blatant nigger, please.
Also also, she's not even physically fit enough for the fucking air force, let alone the Marines.
killing militants the US government created in the first place to impose feminist values on muslims who hate us for no real reason is not honorable it's just so chad can kill people
that's if you even get to kill people enjoy peace time military and suicide watch
Because military life is nothing like civilian life and adjusting is difficult as shit especially if end up mentally/physically injured (which is pretty likely if you're not a super POG)
Come out after 4 years get all hopped up about not having to deal with military bullshit and realoze after a month of partying you're an alcoholic with no applicable job knowledge that will help you in the civilian sector
I leave for the crayon force in one month lol
No one ships to boot camp at 0400. You ship around 1200-1600, arrive at the airport near the boot camp, and then wait at the USO for the buses to come and take you to boot camp after nightfall. You usually leave the USO between 2000-2200. The USMC wants recruit to arrive at night and they make you put your head between your knees for the last 15-20 minutes of the drive so that you are disoriented when you arrive.
>drive from USO to MCRD is about 2-7 minutes, but drive around in circles to confuse you
>drill instructors shake bus before the receiving drill instructor steps on
lmao that shit was gay
You're killing random people purely to make billionaires richer congrats idiot
Femanon here. Any chance you need a qt.14 in your life.
>tfw no pajeet-killing, camo-wearing, Trump-supporting, school-failing, casually topless sister
youre fighting for kikes
smelly, evil kikes
imagine if this board like just posted classy looking non slutty girls and not naked sluts. like we could just boycott the sluts, they wouldn't be relevant anymore, we wouldn't be angry, we wouldn't think every girl is a slut
why do we post sluts just to complain? why not post a girl with a nice hairstyle in a sun dress?
>The USMC wants recruit to arrive at night and they make you put your head between your knees for the last 15-20 minutes of the drive so that you are disoriented when you arrive.
>>drive from USO to MCRD is about 2-7 minutes, but drive around in circles to confuse you
>>drill instructors shake bus before the receiving drill instructor steps on
just lmao. i have no words for this idiocy.
since when?
>>why not post a girl with a nice hairstyle in a sun dress?
>implying she hasn't been through literal miles of cock
Since 2001
go forth and protect the freedoms of this
Jesus what the fuck is that body sis? Hahahahaha
Come to me when you actually take care of yourself
well they need to break the brain before they can rebuild it to think the way they want
haha turn middle eastern countries into shit and create civil wars so they come in europe and run it xDD
i understand this but fucking hell m8, it's kinda like a summer camp for downy 12 year olds except the sticks are actually guns.
oh, wait.
I joined the army when I was 18, basic training was literally summer camp with guns. Tard kids and all. not even joking.
what? I said dont post that girl post a non slutty girl.
>post a non slutty girl
and therein lies the issue that i was referring to user.
have you figured this out yet?
Good fucking luck, senpai. Make sure you differentiate between Crayola and Roseart, I've heard DI's are quite picky about that sort of thing.
pajeets are indians
There is no literally difference between Indians and afghans and Arabs they are all anti poo in the loo
lol I forgot. I meant one that looks non slutty.
Thanks user sama I'll do my best to serve the jews
If a woman is posing for the attention of men she is a slut. Why are you struggling with this concept, brainlet?
i think he's just okay with the fantasy, i think he just wants to look at pics of women that he can convince himself aren't sluts.
spoilers for him:
they are.
nigga I was agreeing you I was just saying it'd be nice if you post girls who look non slutty instead of naked sluts damn
Hey go fuck yourself
I leave august 20th PI, funny seeing another user in my situation, when's your date?
shit im trying to move to a new city and im gonna have to live in and out of slum motels probably with no ac and shit but I figure if you guys can do that boot camp shit I can do this. I actually get motivated by that shit army life looks hard as hell. hope it goes well
Israel and its people.
do it man, its an easy life for a robot, no job interviews, free housing, uniform so you never have to pick clothes, free food at chow hall