Alright anons I have been thinking and now I think I am ready to kill myself...

Alright anons I have been thinking and now I think I am ready to kill myself. Since I live in a shithole where I cant easily get a gun (laws are tough and I dont have friends in the criminal underground) I will use the cops as proxies. I will drench myself in gasoline and call the cops to report a "suspicious person". Once they arrive I will set myself on fire and charge them with a knife in my hand. What is my probability of success??? Should I do something else to increase my chance of success?

>eastern European
>cops arent used to using their service pistols much

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Doesn't sound like a good idea for me.

Btw, where are you from exactly?

does it really matter?


Setting yourself on fire is extremely painful. Probably one of the worst ways to go. If you do decide to go through with your plan, don't do that.

I am counting on the fact that they will shoot me before I start feeling serious pain. And also the fact that the pain wont make me bitch out from charging them with that knife...

you won't have the willpower to charge with the knife when you're on fire. you will either take minutes to hours to die or get shipped to a hospital with your whole body disfigured forever

and what if I take lots of clothes? Before the flames start burning my skin I should have a few seconds to do that, right?

fire is very fucking painful.

it's like one of the most painful things that can happen to you

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dunno but it sounds like a bad idea that has too many ways to go wrong

Which country? Would be the best think to happen in the history of Lithuania if you are from here.

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why not just LDAR and wait until you die naturally?

nah but my crush is from there...She is from Vilnius. Maybe I will go there and do it infront of her eyes?

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I want something quick but not like jumping under the train quick

because without at least a gun and a bunch of rope the probabilities of failure with subsequent extreme pain and humiliation is too high

Everybody would be talking about it for weeks. Really impactful desu

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because that doesn't turn the brain off, the whole point of suicide is to terminate your self-awareness

I know :/ I wish our cops would be trigger happy maniacs like the US would make this problem much easier to solve

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maybe meditate to learn to control your thoughts then. or look into killing yourself with noble gases

>control your thoughts
That's not how it works dumbass

sounds like that's your only option.

makes sure you're running towards the cops brandishing a very large knife or machete already before you light it otherwise they'll just try to put you out

also livestream it you giant pussy

but even just hanging yourself sounds like a more foolproof way to die than attacking the cops with a knife after setting yourself on fire. you would raise a lot of eyebrows with the later though if that's your thing

yeah and thats another reason I want to go like this. the impact on friends, society, teachers, cops etc. Perhaps once in my life I would be recognized and not ignored.

>inb4 attention whore

what do you mean? it kinda works for me

Setting yourself on fire seems a bit unnecessary. Just make it clear to them that you will kill them if they don't kill you. Don't make that exact statement though. They might start thinking of ways to disarm you and have you sent to a loony bin. Plotting it is up to you, but don't be stupid. You could end up rotting in a concrete box for the rest of your life.

Also, why not just use helium?

yeah, maybe I would sceam REEEEEE at the scared cops

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Like other anons said fire might be too painful. Try with water instead. Cover your head in a fishbowl, make it airtight and fill it with water. Then you can charge the cops and shit. Make sure the glass is very clear so you can see them tho.

You don't know eastern cops. They would try to disarm him or taze him. Only Usa cops shoot on sight

I said it before, I dont want to die quietly in some apartment and have somebody find my body. I wish to display my deed and pain. I want to show society how much it hurt me and it made me do.

That's only because you are a normie shithead and most likely let people control your thoughts your whole life

Yeah but I guess that if I did quickly they wouldnt have the time to think about tazing me or disarming me.

Setting yourself on fire will help a lot. Way harder to disarm a living torch

yeah they will probably try to disarm him (probably successfully since I bet OP is a weak soiboy) before shutting just to avoid a shitstorm for them on the media. on some countries even defending yourself with a weapon against a knife would be illegal even for the cops.

ok newfriend

>ok newfriend
Nice reply faggot

>hurr soiboi maymay

Holy shit, at this point I think you should be the one killing himself, you failed abortion...

The key point is that he would be on fire. I don't know if cops are trained to disarm hot bois

was responding to the faggot who said to make it clear he was trying to kill them

maybe and yes am failed normie but I enjoy my NEET life enough not to do it nevertheless

and that's because I managed to sort out my psyche through meditation and mindfulness and solve enough of my psychological problems to hang on until I die of natural causes

I gained some perspective and realized just having enough food and protections from the environment to avoid dying of starvation or disease is a privilege from a historical perspective and I was dead for trillions of years and will be for trillions of years in the future, so I might as well enjoy my short 70 yo window of awareness into this thing we call reality

cant u say u have a gun and bombs then cops have to come with guns

what about building a bomb, strapping it to your head and blowing it up? can't say I see that method mentioned much

thats not really how it works around here to be honest...

Kari cie zostawila czy wyjebali cie z januszexu?

Im eastern european too and based on ur description i think we are both from the same country, i might be able to help ya.

Just save up the money to make an exit bag, OP. It is a much more efficient, graceful and painless way to go. For your sake, please.

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hmmmm. I doubt we are from same country, but I guess there is possibility...Cr?

cant u try to find a tall bridge

>he lives in the comfiest eastern euro country
>wants to off himself
Josip co ty odpierdalasz

Oh shit, Ro here i know our countries are very similar tho, i have 2 friends from Croatia.
Godspeed user, i wont be able to help you.

what if it starts leaking in the middle of the asphyxiation? couldn't that make him retarded?

Its not really about the country my dude but personal suffering. I mentioned that part of europe mainly because of lack of easy to get guns and cop mentality. As for the country - its not bad but it sure as hell aint comfy.

Well kek, you prob became suicidal from visiting your friend at Vilnius.

sounds like you're going to end up with first degree burns and in a lot of pain.
I'm also from EE, dude. Let me give you a simpler less painful method, one that you can probably afford - Google "exit bag".

I have never been there. But true - the pics of Lithuania make me even more depressed than I usually am.

Yeah it's a depression country. I will end it too in the future, can't do it atm as my parents are still alive. Mother would off herself 100% if I did it now.

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damn bro. I get it. I know I am lost, maybe you will have the strenght to keep going and if not - well I will try to save a spot for you in heaven/hell/purgatory. Goodluck m8

>As for the country - its not bad but it sure as hell aint comfy.

Dude i was in Croatia once and slept on a beach for 2 days, if i'd sleep outside fir 2 days in Pooland i'd get pissed on, stabbed and robbed

Yeah, good luck to you too user

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The chances of his mask leaking are lower than him wallowing in fire only to have some bystander beat the flames out with some wet tarp

That would be a based way to go, however you underestimate what's like being on fire is and law enforcement itself.
1st, you will be fucking on fire. Try holding a lit match under your hand for more than 2 seconds, you won't suppress pain like that on your entire body.
2nd, the fire burns oxygen, thus even if you can manage the pain to start running with a knife, you won't be able since your lungs are on fire.
3rd, the police won't put you out of your misery, they will try to put out the fire, once it's out you'll be taken to a hospital then a mental institution, disfigured and forever on suicide watch and pain

OP, I don't know if hell exists, but just jump down from a tall mountain head landing first or something. Because if you do what you described you're going to experience hell in life.

what can I say when you're right you're right