Tell us one interesting fact about yourself user

>tell us one interesting fact about yourself user

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i have never seen a vagene

I love being white. Guess thats not original eh?

In middle school I led a group of kids in an organized assault against a handful of bullies.

I can shoot a beer can from 100 meters

I bought a manniquin to put in my room because i sleep better when i feel like I'm being watched

I am chad.

Fucking based

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When I was in 11th grade we had to draw a picture to remind us of each element on the periodic table
so I drew a banana with a klansmen hood on for potassium (K)
I got sent to ISS for a week and I almost got the shit kicked out of me for it

My goal is a world where money and gender don't exist. I want to father my kids so they don't know what gender they are. I want to raise my kids without them knowing about gender.

>interesting fact
I got nothing, I'm boring as hell.
Guess the only thing is I perform better on my job when slightly tipsy/hangover because then I can actually talk to people over the phone.

we've gotten as far as we have due to normative gender roles
the world would be a worse place if you did this

Yeaaaaahhhhhhh, snap.

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At least don't force your boy to take estrogen just because he playes with dolls or someshit.

In my youth, I used to compete and do better than a Top 50 in the world tennis player

This shit made me laugh so hard because it sounds like child abuse

Poverty exists because there is money. If money didn't exist everything could be free and nobody would be poor.

Gender causes people misery. If we all said there was no gender we would all be happy. Gender holds us back and so does money. Transgender people wouldn't be sad about gender because it wouldn't exist.

I have been around royalty, actors, musicians, and even worked with the latter (roadie/stageprep). Despite this I am still a pretty boring person.

If money didn't exist and everything was free, why should people work at all? Why should anybody do anything if they don't get something for spending most of their life in the fields tending to those crops?
Move innawoods and work for your own shit, you fucking freeloader.

I've been lurking for over a year now and I'm posting just to let you know that you're fucking retarded and have no understanding of the world

Have a nice day

hurr dururr sphlhshhlslhlhlhlh
nice bait made me reply

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Yikes. Originally, yikes.

I will make Mosley great again.

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They trade those crops for the towns people giving them services and giving them things. From each his own abilities. To each his own needs. There would be a building with a system that assigned people according to their abilities and likes and availability. It would be extremely hard to get fired.

How is it abuse for children not to know their gender? If they're homeschooled nobody will tell them their gender. They will never know.

From where do they always pull out these literally who moderators?

I've played a lot of video games and have good taste in music

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So you basically just want trading back, instead of money? How would that do anything?
If you can do nothing that other people want you're even more screwed than you are today.

They said the same thing about Karl Marx but they were wrong. We need a stateless moneyless society.

FYI I'll even tell my kids doctors to never mention their gender to them.

Big if true
>Scolopendra polymorpha, the common desert centipede, tiger centipede, banded desert centipede, or Sonoran Desert centipede, is indigenous to the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico, north to the Pacific coast.

I have 3.75$ to my name not including the horrendous amount of debt I've accrued!

The building algorithm would assign you the job even if other people didn't want you to have it. Most unemployed people would be assigned to those jobs. Also in Marxist society your needs can be met even if you do nothing. To each according to his abilities.

Long ass tldr incoming sorry for wall

I am a literally autistic virgin yet I have had girls fall head over heels in love with me. One of them tried to kill herself because I didnt want to marry her. Not even kissless, have received a few nudes, and I could have lost it long ago if I was interested in any who offered it. I relate to incels a lot and I feel I am one myself, and every time I see some dude coming to r9k to offer advice while using achievements like mine as an example of their supposed success, it fucking sickens me. Just because I kissed a girl does not mean I am any sort of chad or god amongst men, and I wish others could realize this about themselves and step off their high horse. I am no chad and they arent either. I no longer aspire to be a chad because I know I have a lot to offer as myself, and I really wish robots with even fewer experiences than Ive had could discover the same about themselves. You all deserve a happy ending, there is nothing wrong with you, and anyone who says otherwise is a poser. Fuck advicechads, fuck stacies, long live robots. That is all.

I was molested as a little boy and now I act like a little girl but sexually I'm straight.

I'm asexual

I already dated twice and still a virgin

>intresting fact


I am an extremely religious person, yet somehow I found myself watching anime and going on Jow Forums. Don't know how that happened.

>video games
nigga they said something interesting

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Me and a friend got second place in the high school talent show in sophomore year. It got me invited to a party, and I got to make out with a redhead and touch her boobies.
I thought I would've gotten first, but it was stolen from me by a gymnast-football-baseball Chad who did an admittedly impressive gymnastics routine.
Ah well, the world's still turning.

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I am not sexually attracted to humans, I masturbate to complex mathematical formulae.

Pretty good.

Have performed first aid on myself multiple times including stitching up one thumb and a toe, at age 11 and 14 respectively. Left arm is mostly double jointed. My ears move whenever I'm trying to hear something. I sleep on the floor. Incredibly thick dark hair like a dog's fur. Nickname is black dog (I'm white, well mediterranean) Have returned many random women home safely, and have even gotten thanks by most of them, even kisses on the cheek. Have chased down a thief and tackled him down. 100m sprint in 11 seconds with no proper training. Have been told I look like Alain Delon a couple of times. I also hold pencils and pens like picrel and can draw and write pretty well.

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I am the most uninteresting person you'll ever meet

Absolutely based. Why the fuck are you even on this board?

I feel detached almost all of the time despite the fact I yearn for more. I'm driven by acts of heroism and a messiah complex. Since I'm not held back by emotions and I was born into good circumstances the least I can do is help people. I'm somewhat attracted to broken girls and vulnerable girls. I always try to help them. Most times in vain.

Sorry for the blog posts.

that's all cool as fuck

Until this country gets over its obsession with nudity, that will never happen. People are too shy to be naked even in front of their own sex in locker rooms nowadays--changing their underwear under a towel, WTF? I remember when all the showers were just one big room, no stalls or curtains, and nobody thought twice about being naked in front of their friends or anybody else the same sex.

The reason this is relevant to this topic is it teaches people as kids that their genitals are shameful and must be hidden from everybody; as long as that is the case, gender and gender roles will continue. Look at the African countries where people wear little to no clothing; many of those societies have much more equitable gender roles.

What would the incentive be for the super-rich to go along with this (which includes most of the politicians who make the laws)?

You're talking about pure communism which never succeeds outside of small hippie farms.

Which bathroom are you going to tell your kids to use, and how will you explain to girls how some kids can pee standing up and they can't?

What a waste of quads :(

dafting sulpuce

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Thank you. Most of my actions seem predetermined so I don't know if I should take credit.

Alright then emotionally detached Chad

I work with leather and have made my own collar and leash

fucking istps god lord

I have killed several people

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I fucked a

I have never touched a girl before in any way at all.