Hello, Jow Forums. I'm an anonymous poster just like you guys on Jow Forums. I have posted here before...

Hello, Jow Forums. I'm an anonymous poster just like you guys on Jow Forums. I have posted here before, but my frequent board is primarily on /mu/. Today, I have a little proposition for you robots. Many people have complained about the quality of this board degrading in the past few years, and I believe I know the problem... and a solution.
In this thread, I'll propose you the real dilemma for the bleak decline of this board.

Here it is:
>posting a low quality reaction image to compliment terrible posts, threads, and/or accentuate an emotion that never needed to be expanded on
>believing that reaction images contribute anything of significant merit to music discussion and aren't just dumping grounds for low quality content
Every insipid user who does this, including pic related, please throw yourself into a volcano on the moon. The only redeeming reaction images are brainlet pictures, which perfectly fit your underdeveloped mind.

Daily reminder that reaction images contribute nothing of substance to original storytelling discussion on this board and only serve as points of ridicule. If Jow Forums could ban meme images and only allow for ones that compliment the esoteric stories to be posted here, the quality of this board would significantly increase tenfold. Today, I have created a poll for the removal and immediate dismissal of reaction images on this board that aren't tangentially related to stories or greentexts. I will soon post this on each board in an attempt to get the word out further. I have already posted this on /mu/ and Jow Forums, and next I intend to post this on /v/. Tomorrow, if people are interested, I'll do so on /a/. Let's clean up this website, guys. We need to preserve this for the future of Jow Forums and save newcomers from our meaningless disaster.

Here's the Strawpoll link.

Spread the word! ;-)

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no one gives a fuck
neck urself

there's no massive debate about use of reaction images anywhere on this website, no one cares mate

I agree with No one gives an a fucking shit about your petty internet arguments over reaction images. Grow the fuck up you nonce.

Are you actually kidding me? You know what, replace /mu/ and all musical references to the context of Jow Forums.

"Argh, stop perpetuating the rigid, insipid traditionalist bullshit that has plagued this society for eons! Don't you even realize how terrible this website has envenomed your soul? No rational, sane person would even admit to enjoying insignificant reaction images in the slightest, due to their horribly irreverent nature, their inability to substantiate intellectual ideas, and their general annoyance in terms of banal imagery. You people misunderstood my point completely, and it just pains me to see this. This is an image board, yes, but that doesn't mean all boards should be susceptible to the same standards of others'. I never said to ban all images here, rather quite the opposite. Instead, we should immerse ourselves collectively into the essence of music, and fully orient ourselves towards the art medium as humanly possible. This is why /mu/ should only liberate images of album art, singles, music applications, /mu/core charts, and any other music paraphernalia in general for this board. This way, music discussion would improve more elegantly, and anons here would have much more insight to provide beyond the typical, sophomoric "memes." In an era predominated with saturated "self-depricating" humor, we need to articulate our reasoning for why we primarily enjoy music as a whole... hell, we need to evaluate our reasons for ever believing the principles we do. This will represent our first step into prosperity, bringing an end to the dark ages of despair that haunted this website for all millennia! Believe in me, anons! I will lead this cavern to new lights, to new heights, and to the realm of heaven.

Thank you all for reading this post."

Number one: (You)

Go elongate nifty barnacles from your liverous palsy.

Fucking shit thread and shit idea.
>yeah guyz let's just ban reaction images lol lets just become reddit lmao based

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I have two things I need to say.
1: HOW THE FUCK IS MY THREAD A "SHIT" THREAD ALREADY WHEN IT HAS BARELY EVEN STARTED YET? You can't just state a stupid, uninformed opinion like that when you haven't even posted a legitimate thread yet, and it still has the potential to be derailed or rise up right after. In order to dictate what a good or bad thread is, you have to let the thread finish (be archived), and then, reading every single posts and examining the course of the thread, how it has derailed or stayed on topic, and whether or not it's screenshot worthy, determine the quality of the thread then. You don't know entirely if it's a good thread in the beginning, when it could get even better or worse. It's just naive to assume that a thread is automatically good or bad upon birth.

It is not the job of the OP, or me, to make the thread automatically good. I merely serve as the questioner, or the proposer of the prompt you must write about. It is up to the spectators, YOU, to make this thread good. So far, you've contributed nothing to it, other than saying that it's a bad thread. Moronic.

And 2: you're pathetic. This website only perpetuates the same, repetitive content and rewards people who being novel perspectives nothing but empty threads. Have you ever stopped to consider why censorship is regularly administered in sites outside of Jow Forums? It's not because of political correctness, nor to promote some sort of political agenda, and it isn't (just) because moderators enforce random bans via corruption and power. It's because without it, content on the Internet would be absolute fucking garbage. Look at this disgusting hovel for example. For every one genuinely creative, interesting and original post, there are either hundreds, maybe thousands, of posts that are either low quality bait, moronic copypastas, or just pure, unadulterated stupidity that would make any intellectual cringe. In what way is that unique? Making another derivative meme of something else so that idiots could twist, misinterpret and destroy any sort of meaning the original post ever had? And the thing is, it's not even the political posts that dilute the cesspool. There are actually quite a few posts I enjoy that one would consider politically incorrect or offensive, and that don't adhere to my ideals. However, when garbage like the Sam Hyde pictures, the Eminem vs. Trump posts, dumb frog-posting and "nu-male/basedboy" memes get reposted at infinitum, I have to consider why I ever went to such a terrible website in the first place. Other websites avoid this because it's more of a challenge to see who can make the most quality content without it being absolute garbage or reveling in its edginess. And because of that, it's much more worthwhile than "le Brainlet/Numale Wojak" memes over a stupid caption. But I digress.

And by the way, I don't even have a Reddit account at all. I mainly use Newgrounds and DeviantArt, along with posting on YouTube. So don't reply with your predictable drivel.

Didn't even read any of this, but I already know it's going into my cringe compilation.

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do you actually expect me to read this?
go back to your board, faggot

This level of bait is shit tier. Go back to r*ddit and read r/ greentext if you want funny 4chin board stories

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kill yourself
no one cares

Regardless of how good it is, there should be a place online where you can do whatever you want. This site doesn't need to meet your standards
Also based Petya

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Wasn't even baiting. I never once visited Reddit in my entire life. Most of the funny posts I've seen were from Jow Forums screenshots like pic related. I honestly couldn't care less for Reddit at all. Anyway, come off it. You and I both know this site revels in its crass, edgy behavior with everything it does. Bullying others not out of drama or even hatred, but pure "why the hell not" mentalities, being inconsiderate towards other peoples ideas and feelings as if they don't matter, and essentially scrutinizing every hopeful, optimistic sentiment is only the dust on the coffee table. Seriously, the memes, the "Anonymous" pranks, Encyclopedia Dramatica's ironic disdain for everything meaningful to same humans... it's all seeped in cynicism. This place is ultimately the black hole where common decency and kindness, and emotions in general die, only to be converted into dark energy for the spacecraft of the meaningless. Need I cite the amount of suicide/homicide threads here, or the "pranks," or /x/'s general creepiness? The only thing Jow Forums cares about is making everyone else suffer to feel good about yourself. Banning reaction images will be the first step.

For you own sake, fuck off.
You just can't see how stupid you are in reality.
Get back to listening pretentious music and so on.

god youre such a sperg.
get off the internet. and go outside bro

See, this precisely encapsulates my entire message! You could have written a relatively decent explanation that counter-addresses my points, leading us to have an interesting argument that would have been insightful. But no, since you resorted to childish behavior by posting that insipid image, you've aggravated my soul to the point where it's beyond irreparable.

Seriously, imagine being such a pitiful, irrational human that you have to resort to making compilations of things you don't like.
>Oo-oh no! I'm trapped inside some basement dweller's meme folder! Oh, the humanity! Please have mercy on my soul! The only worse punishment is if you send me to the Pr0n folder! Nooo!!
Fucking pathetic, dude. At least attempt to be insightful, you insignificant corpse.

>This place is ultimately the black hole where common decency and kindness, and emotions in general die
>The only thing Jow Forums cares about is making everyone else suffer
>Banning reaction images will be the first step.
How new are you?

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>some guy posts meme
>respond with angry paragraph
sort yourself out mate

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Ironically, I'm at a barbeque with my family. I just post these whenever I'm in the bathroom.

>The only redeeming reaction images are brainlet pictures,
Literally the worst reaction images, literally made by redditors on /v/. Opinion discarded

>I just post these whenever I'm in the bathroom.
That's even more pathetic. lmao

>spergout, the post

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No. Discord and anything remotely related to it just needs to be banned.

>you only call things bait so that you can't get called out, by other people doing the exact same thing, for believing it if it is bait

womp womp
Try not being such an aspie

This is a fucking normie trying to bait us.
Seriously, How stupid are you?

>dont into greentext
How new are you?

Threads need to get banned by mods if the board quality was ever attempted to be improved. Mods are fags though so not gonna happen.

>Ban all trap/r9gay threads
>Ban all discord threads
>Ban all vorcaroo threads
>Ban all britfeel threads
>Ban all letter threads
>Ban mtbi/zodiac threads
>Ban all gay porn threads

Just by instabanning these threads would improve board quality atleast 50%. Normalfags would be more inclined to get the fuck out.

>Ironically, I'm at a barbeque with my family. I just post these whenever I'm in the bathroom.

How can somebody be so pathetic and such a normie at the same time

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everything in this reply has to happen.

>banning r9gay and britfeel
>fags and bongs no longer have containment threads and swarm the board

Started lurking last week

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Fags can go to >inb4 "b-but only trannies!!!"
Then make more threads for homos you cock lusting faggots, and bongs can go fuck themselves

If they started posting off topic, then they would get shat on and go back to their discord hugbox.

So basically banning recurring threads/ thread archetypes?

the only way to fix 4chans edginess is to kill the people responsible for it, which is most people here. I'd applaud you if you were to do the Jow Forums genocide we're all waiting for, but lets be realistic

They need to auto-ban homosexuals, trannies, and cuckolds first. That would make the board about 800% better right off the bat.

So basically banning reoccurring threads/ thread archetypes?

>volcano on the moon


>being this much of an unimaginative Pleb
Why do tripfags exist?

Not even a little. If any meme is pure cancer, it's the Boomer garbage. It essentially follows the same principle of reaction images, seeing as it's a thinly veiled meme essentially exposing the idiots who post it as underaged summerfags. The only exception I will allow is Brainlet Wojak posting, as music taste, opinions, and comprehension of music theory in general corresponds to intelligence... or lack thereof. There is no correlation to age and music taste.

it is time to get rid of unrelated reaction images

do your part

Attached: for fucks sake stop.png (1003x560, 187K)

Hello, dumb poster. I have a reminder and proposition for you too.
Reminder that /qa/ is for meta discussion.
I propose that you take this meta discussion to where meta discussion goes.
Also please stop wasting our oxygen.

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>implying I didn't already attempt to post this on /qa/
Stop being retarded. That shitty traffic won't change a damn thing about the entirety of this website, seeing that it's one of the lowest frequent boards on Jow Forums. Posting this on the actual boards incites more people, encourages more discussion for how we can improve, and helps me to discover how the lore of this esoteric website came to be. So don't report this thread, otherwise I will retaliate. I have a right to practice free speech and protest, and I'm just abiding by my First Amendment.

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well thanks for also admitting to spamming your meta thread outside of the board for those kinds of things.

>don't report this thread, otherwise I will retaliate

what if it's already been reported? what will your retaliation be?

I don't use reaction images and think they are pointless but there are some that are inherently entertaining that only make sense when used as a reaction. They're mostly drowned out by generic shit though

Also there's nothing unique about reaction images on Jow Forums you see the same kind of stupid shit on tumblr with gifs

Generals are and always have been cancerous. They fragment a board and sifle it's creatvity. Generals were never a thing until reddit became really big and the userbase started overlaping, the parallels between the way people use general's and subreddits are obvious to me. They are forgien bodies which should be purged.

Slow don't why can't you express your viewpoint s. using small sentences.
When you are writing so much. You just come off as a whiny bitch instead of a person with something valueble to offer.

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Fuck off with your "good" ideas

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