does milk have estrogenic effects? like can is feminize u and shit?
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pin dick?
yeah dude stop eating anything it all has it
what’s this name of this cock sorceress
Milk is best bulking food in universe. It has IGF-1, which literally build new cells.
>tiny satan
how much should i drink a day, ive been training a while and have hit 2/3/4/5 but never tried bulking with milk
Not the guy you're replying to but I do like 2L a day to ensure I stay at like a 500 surplus every day. That gets you a solid 1200kcal and doesn't make more than half your diet all milk.
ye im already at 250lbs but foods pretty expensive so itd be a nice alternative plus if that stuff about IGF-1 is true sounds prety good
It's really good as an alternative but always make sure you're lifting heavy and often when using milk so heavily in your diet (Sure I don't need to tell you this though lol). I'll probably try and ease off it slightly once I finish bulking.
Can milk actually make your tits bigger or help you gain weight?
it filled with hormones
that's a braphog
Milk used for drinking has minimal hormones and what little there is gets filtered in the liver and never makes it into the system.
Milk is the manliest foods to eat. You are literally eating a food from a milker
Yeah, new cancer cells.
sounds good 2 me
She's disgusting but I would fuck her so hard
she got a phat butt
A gallon
is this a braphog or a slampig?
i reckon slampigs have shitty faces but hers is pretty cute so i say braphog
don't drink milk, one meal a day master race, cereal and milk is completely unneeded calories with no protein
well i weigh over 250lbs so that isnt really realistic and im just maintaining atm
what? How is one meal a day not realistic fatty, drink a ton of water and only eat once a day.
im maintaining at this weight, i wouldnt be able to eat enough in one meal to maintain at 250
I'll give you my anecdotal evidence.
>Bulking with milk always gave me better results than bulking without it even if I consumed the same amount of calories
>Cutting without milk allowed me to get thinner skin than cutting with milk, even though fat loss and caloric intake was the same
you should be losing weight at that weight though, no excuses people much heavier than you manage one meal a day
why would i want to get small?
Holy fuck.. I'm sorry boys, but I would.
No, it's Jewish propaganda.
you are clearly a fatty at that weight I don't care if you think you are a heavy lifter or something, you probably look disgusting
I'm not lean but this is where I want to be to get big
yeah exactly massive beer belly there, you will benefit way more from cutting with high protein than anything else
lol no thanks
haha post body
is your goal to look like a 50 year old farmer or something
kill yourself you fucking twink
sounds better than whatever u have in mind
I know that feel
if you fall under the morbidly obese BMI even if you want to tell yourself its cos of lifting you still need to fucking loose weight.
im going for that 50 yearold farmer look though
How many books are you sitting on right now frodo?
even at 6ft 10 you would be obese at that weight fatty
>using bmi
opinion discarded
Nofap makes me want to annihilate braphogs and slampigs with my penis
>not using bmi
as bad as the tumblr land whales who break scales who offend them
Nope you'll be bmi over weight assuming you're above 6"2. Not that bmi is a good measure for a lifter.
>pam poovey
Why are you still talking? I asked you to post your body so we can see who the fuck is advising other people to become twinks. Until you post your body, stop fucking talking. Because we all know you are a little fuckboy that looks down at his feet in the presence of men, you go to the gym in order to pretend to be something that you aren't, and your conditioning is probably still shit even though you do OMAD and god knows what else, hence why you don't post your body. Because at the end of the day, you are a beta fucking twink.
>Netherlands and norway have some of the tallest people in the world
>They both consume a tonne of dairy
Got get you some of them baby cow growth hormones
Why don't you post yours first? I don't have to prove shit.
I think you're gay, bud.
>top is usual look
>bottom is cut for weightclass
go ahead buddy
Oh fuck.. I love braphogs so much.
Twink status: Patrolled
Look at op again, then look at this image you posted.
Bitch is fat.
alex looks like pic related there, not sure why he insists on growing pedo hair and a pube beard instead
Ok rippletoe
Took the words right out of my mouth.
I jerk off like 3 times a day and I still want to annihilate braphogs and slampigs without remorse.
Get on nofap, buddy. It's good for you.
lads help me
I'm at a point where I unironically can't get a boner unless the girl is a braphog, slampig, or titcow/sow.
>lads help me
Are you gay?
>tfw no arab milk truck gf
You've been visited by the Kefir Tanker of Allah.
Reply itt with:
>Kaffir Milk is Haram
Or you will be cursed with gynecomastia.
Sounds like you're high test, bro
>>Kaffir Milk is Haram
These are the type of girls you would never want to be seen public with, but would fuck the living shit out of without regrets.
>Kaffir Milk is Haram
Sowing seeds work best with them.
you got that right
kaffir milk is haram
Jow Forums girls for the streets, milk truck for under the sheets.
I'd be seen with them. I don't give a fuck what people think.
There was an old,old pamphlet explain this. How youthful, skinny girls were for the public eye, but strong, thick women for childbearing.
>Jow Forums girls for the streets, milk truck for under the sheets.
>mfw this entire thread
S o w
N o
not having a mama bear mode gf is slowly killing me senpai
kefir is bull's milk
Even though fucking these girls is hot as fuck, we can't forget that they're a few bad weeks away from becoming fat fucks.
>as big as you'd go
I don't have a limit
I would say she is right on the line
>Kaffir Milk is Haram
what the fuck is up with that face?
>I don't have a limit
Absolute mad man