>girlfriend takes note of how i always call her cute, but never beautiful
>this is intentional
>instead of replying with "of course you're beautiful" or some other nonsense, I give her my take on attractiveness.
pic included
How can i fix this?
Girlfriend takes note of how i always call her cute, but never beautiful
This is the reason why girls don't date incels.
Dude you fucked up so bad, you should have just said she is beautiful and cute at the same time. Instead you went full fucking autistic faggot and sent her your dumb pet theory
it's not, it's almost the perfect way to size up a girls most important characteristics.
>lmao that sounds so incel
You could have prevented this.
based. i love your autism op
Jesus you're so fucked, I'm sorry dude.
I agree with what you wrote, don't know how exactly most women would respond to it.
It is dumb you stupid longposter. Do you genuinely think she will understand or care about your explanation?
I'm sure there was a moment when you looked at that, thought "...maybe I shouldn't send that..." and then sent it anyway. Congrats.
That's pretty autistic, but I can definitely relate. It was pretty dumb for her to get mad that you say cute instead of beautiful, though. I feel like you should just apologize and start calling her beautiful.
I liked that you gave an explanation although you could have not used retarded words like breeding and opted for ones like sex. Girls, however, are much less understanding and patient and probably just want to be complimented to feel good about themselves or whatever so you likely fucked up OP. Although you at least went in depth and offered an interesting explanation on how you view things it may come across as objectifying, like you only see girls as different sexual levels that need to match your needs.
literally what the fuck is wrong with you? do you have any social awareness or any idea how to interact with people?
Never, ever justify yourself to a woman. Just be cheeky. Say something like
>you have a problem with it? how cute
I've done it because I believe in complete honest with women but you worded this autisticly and I hope you have the experience to deal with what you started
She has none of those characteristics
ahahahaha holy shit, this is peak autism. like, i understand what you're trying to explain and it makes sense, but you went about it in the worst way possible
You autistic fuck
>he still doesn't get the point
Yet another post to add to my ever growing cringe compilation.
Dont worry OP
She will be sucking you off for your effort in writing this well-thought reply.
You did it the right way,the anti-normie way.
If she doesnt appreciate your reply shes a thot who doesnt deserve you.
This is whats called a shit test. When you see it happen, realize that she is going to be upset no matter what you do or say. The only thing to do is show her that it doesnt matter to you, just dont be super obvious about it. It will show her that she cant get away with any passive aggressive horse shit.
is it weird that I find OPs intense autism oddly charming?
bro, you called her fugly in two paragraphs lmao
>you have a problem with it? how cute
Saving this in memory if I'm ever in the same situation as OP.
I always hate when girls ask me if they or pretty, or if my problem is their looks. Like wtf, most beautiful girl I've seen, kept sending me pics, I'd crack a joke or comment on something in the photo. Then she gets upset out of nowhere asking weird questions. Last time she sent 'my hair was sweaty 2day'. I just said 'pretty :^) sweat is good look 4u'. I think girls like flirting with autists because we respond so differently than neurotypicals. They aren't attracted, just in the mood for different kind of attention. Best not to get your hopes up tho, easy to get trapped in orbit.
yes but being weird is part and parcel of being a fag... so...
how did you get a gf in the first place?
You're going to have to make up for this autism. Buy her something that shows you think she's beautiful otherwise she'll be on chads dick within 48hrs (yes that quick)
Stop, your autism has gone too far pls stop
>Maybe if I supply pictures or examples it would help.
>Maybe if I supply pictures or examples it would help.
Do that, post results.
Good fucking God, are you retarded? I have a rule for myself, and it's "Don't overexplain yourself". This is a prime example. Here's how you should have explained it.
"You're beautiful and cute, but I prefer to call you cute because you're my cute little [whatever baby name you have idfk]"
Also, I don't know why it'd be such a big deal to say "I never really thought about that, beautiful" or something, and then to make an effort to call her beautiful on occasion. Like, why is this your hill to die on?
Heres the thing
you're right but you dont tell women this
Holy shit dude, this is the poker equivalent of laughing and smiling while you have a great hand.
>these kinds of people have girlfriends and committed relationships
>meanwhile I'm still single and will probably be forever
sometimes women take cute to mean 'childish' or 'little girlish' and they get either annoyed, insulted, or worst: creeped out. some women love the word and/or dont mind, but it can trigger some.
to many women cuteness is mostly babies, kittens, and puppies, NOT themselves.
if a woman signals she doesnt like a word, use it less often and/or use a different word. dont write her an essay about how cuteness is the vector she scores mostly highly in on your personal attractiveness matrix you devised to you judge women., THAT will turn ANY woman off.
I hear girls asking their friends if they look cute in certain outfits all the time. Is it different when it comes from a guy?
>I hear girls asking their friends if they look cute in certain outfits all the time. Is it different when it comes from a guy?
as i said, its only SOME girls. many girls use the word themselves all day long.
there is no universal rule of thumb here, its a word, some girls would prefer a guy refer to them with a different word, its not set in stone.
Wow. You are definitely getting dumped for this one my man.
the ugly cunt shouldn't have asked a question she didn't want the answer to
Oh man, I really hope you're baiting. The last thing a girl looking for validation wants is to hear some autistic, egotistic rambling about your creepily well thought out powerlevels for girls. I know because I've done similar shit. Just take her out somewhere fun and she'll probably forget about it, but you've reached for autistic heights I've only barely glimpsed, so no promises.
I'll disagree with those posting here and say if you play this off as a joke it would be hilarious and work well.
Don't know why this fucking Shrek meme always kills me
I hope you fucking get broken up with rofl. Loser you 10000000% deserve what's coming.
Why would you date her if you didn't think she was all of those things: Pretty, hot, beautiful, and cute. OH I KNOW! Because men just want practice and are incapable of feeling real emotions. She's gonna figure this out the moment she reads that. If she has any self respect she will leave you. If she has no self respect she will stay and let you use her until you become pic related.
>This guy somehow got a gf and here I am a 27 yo KV
Funny how things workout...
>all these normalniggers giving relationship advice bc they actually have dating experience
pls leave my board.
>pls leave my board.
no u
Holy fucking shit this. SOme absolute abusive retarded child gets a gf and I have no one. Holy shit life is suffering.
jesus fucking christ op i keked so god damn hard, you fucking incel. i agree though, op
I hope this is a troll. If a guy sent that shit to me I'd laugh my ass off. How can you have a gf and still be so fucking autistic? You must have a large donger or be very qt
Unless your gf is a fucking moron she'll understand what you're saying and agree and it'll be fine.
You are on the right track, really there is nothing wrong with what you are saying but you over complicated it. See with girls they're not that disagreeable but the more fuel you give them the more they'll exploit it, generally you want to be articulate enough that you sound like you know what you are talking about and simple enough for them to process quickly.
Keep it simple.
>physical appearance analysis theory
i sincerely hope this is bait
>Women: I love intelligent men ;)
>*Actual intellgent discussion.*
>*Ovaries dry up* :(
Start using appropriate boards faggot.
LMAO, your relationship is over because of this. There is no going back from a message like that. She'll never take it seriously if you call her beautiful ever again. You fucked up bad. Get ready for a break up. Pretty funny message though.
holy shit, keking hhard @ this business-email-tier autism
Bear in mind this is probably a LARP
> Thanks for taking the initiative to write this, Hope.
holy shit I had the exact same way of categorising shit like hot/cute/beautiful, does this make me as autistic as you as well?
Me too, the difference is I would never sperg out like that because I know girls don't think of cute the same way guys think of cute.
Any girl that actually takes issue with your response is retarded and not worth the time.
Almost all the advice in this thread is retarded.
>Hurr durr be dishonest with the person you're meant to spend the rest of your life with and trust
I've been with my wife since 2014 and I can't remember a single instance in which she took offense to something as innocuous as the OP's writing. Don't get me wrong - he sucks at writing, but it's ultimately innocuous.
i had a similar incident when my gf at the time would ask me if she was cuter than my ex. i wouldnt answer but I had an actual reason that being that I don't want talk down on someone I've dated and she was just being insecure. anyways that didn't go very well even though I was right,
this isnt real there is no way anyone could be that austistic
>toasty roastie detected
Leave this place, you are not welcome here.
How is this abusive?
>tfw women want to be lied to and when theyre not coddled and lied to they want to cry and end the relationship
u guys must be unfathomably pathetic
every guy knows the difference between hot, beautiful and cute. but only total spergs would ever tell a woman about that. if you like them, call them all three and you're set.
How does this retard get a girlfriend but I can't? Even i'm not this much of a fucking moron.
I wouldn't say pathetic. Just very lonely
>falling for the incel meme
Good fucking job you retard failed normie loser. Get absolutely fucked.
I've never seen someone fuck up this bad.
Normally I hate to side with roastie scum, and I never have until now, but this bitch is right. I'd feel pretty hurt if a girl said something like that to me.
Play it off as a giant shit test you put on her. Make it seem like the fact that she reacted at all is something that amused you and you are just playing on a higher level.
Then continue never calling her beautiful, but tease her with the fact that she even asked the question.
If he plays it off as an incredibly discerning taste in women, he's fine.
Act like right now what he wants is "cute," but that may change. She'll ramp up her game.
she should dump you
uhhhhh yea...... that's gonna be a yikes for me..