>tfw no damaged metal/goth waifu to let me lick her armpits
why bother..
Tfw no damaged metal/goth waifu to let me lick her armpits
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I feel you mang. I want a goth mommy desu
I actually think I would hate her stupid satanist guts
This, those stupid spikes and the pentagram ruin it, metal is shit-tier.
I'd settle for a normie 6/10 qt
truth be told I wouldn't say no, but I also wouldn't be living up to my potential or dream.
That would be to imply you even have the potential to live up to said dream user.
just let me live on my cloud ok..
I once sucked a goth girls toes, she was kinda chub but that still counts rite?
Metal doesn't suck, metal kicks you right in the dick.
>shaved armpits
fucking fags give me hairy armpit girl now
How old is this video it looks like something out of Highlander End Game or the Cell. The last time I heard of Meshuggah my social life was like 1 friend on myspace.
>Nuclear Blast Records
>Published on 15 May 2008
Just turned 10.
Well at least they outlived myspace by quit a lot. Not really as old as I thought it was though. Use to be impossible to find them online without file sharing years ago. I'm surprised they even have any content online now.
>>tfw no damaged metal/goth waifu
It's literally just a roastie with a fetish outifit and a pentagram so she can be edgy and make her daddy mad. I bet she doesn't even know what goth is.
Stop worshipping roasties.
You disgust me
As do you
Yeah but she looks pretty cute. At this point this what we have- fake bitches with no culture and no real interests. Everyone is obsessed with novelties within genres they do not understand because they just want attention and are too stupid or vapid to garner real interest in anything they do. Still, it would be pretty fun to rp myself as a glorious angel purifying her satanic pussy
I banged and dated a 44 year old milf off tinder who was way into black metal. She was crazy and an alcoholic pill-user though. She got tired of me and cucked me for some fag in a shitty band.
Pretty sure she was just a major slut and just using me to get her alcohol when she was too fucked up to get it herself and get another DUI and go to jail again.
Well I could do that with mine if I wanted but why would you want to do that?
You're wasting a valuable opportunity. That's weak.
>septum piercing
It just keeps coming.
>spoopy when you see it pic detected
>ywn be a pretty rail thin girl
>ywn get a nice, caring gf
>swn take you out to all her favorite restaurants in town
>swn order you the biggest items on the menu
>ywn continuously eat whatever she brings you to be polite
>your stomach will never start to bulge after the first restaurant
>swn pressure you into continuing to eat
>swn rub your stiff tummy as you put bite after bite of food in your mouth >ywn have your pants buttons pop >ywn slowly waddle your way back home with her >ywn groan and burp the whole way home >swn massage your massive, stretched, stiff tummy while telling you what a good girl you were
>swn tell you what you'll be eating tomorrow
Why should I continue on?
I just impregnated her instead.
I'd pick her any day of the week. Maybe not as attractive but less mental illness=easier life
If by "it" you mean me, yes.
still better than spray tan and yoga pants.
What is this obsession with goth girls once again even about. 90% of them are fake as fuck
>What is this obsession with goth girls
It's basically just the fantasy of a girl who isn't yet another average Stacy and has some kind of non-conformist personality, a cool visual style going on and perhaps some unique and cool interests to share. I personally want someone to watch horror movies and listen to Nosferatu with me.
"Fantasy" being the key word here - in reality, "goth girls" are just regular sluts who thought dressing edgy would piss off their parents and make them "not like the other girls".
>"Fantasy" being the key word here - in reality, "goth girls" are just regular sluts who thought dressing edgy would piss off their parents and make them "not like the other girls".
Oddly enough you got every thing else wrong but that part right. Good job though chad should pat you on the head by shoving you down on his cock as far as possible before you bite it until you puke all over the place.
>t. roastie who thinks she's different because she dresses in black
WELL, PROVE ME WRONG THEN. Seriously, I want to be proved wrong.
How chub are we talking? Post a picture of a woman of comparable size
>be me
>roomate breaks up with crazy hippy gf
>she still has a bunch of her clothes at our place
>we get drunk and he vents about how crazy she is
>tells me he gives zero fucks about her anymore
>tells me to go nuts and fuck around with her dirty clothes if I want before she comes back to get them
>he goes to bed
>I suffocate myself in her pit-stained tops and jerk off
>break the sound barrier with the speed and force of my nut
Well shouldn't a roastie not touching your cock be enough?
>crazy hippy gf
What does that have to do with goths faggot
Bc the renewed feminazi hippies are practically the nu-goth for this millennial era in a lot of ways, combining hippy/alternative fashion but capping it off with black clothes and unshaven bodies.
I assumed this thread was for all armpit enthusiasts as well. If you just want to talk about goths, I'll leave.
>Why should I continue on?
You shouldn't, disgusting fetishist
Don't be so discouraged, chum. Armpit enthusiasm is welcome, limiting it to just goths leaves little to nothing given there isn't much out there.
those are the worst,fucking attention whores
I wonder if she'd be willing to step on my balls
>That picture you posted there
nu-goth? wtf are you talking about, you like retards that have stretched ears and tattoos, try a state that's really big on abortion if you're into that.
It's all the pits, mate.
This strikes me as somewhat depraved yet lewd. I'd spill my seed over that.
You one of those anti abortion fags eh?
I want gothgril toes in mouth
I meant "how", freudian slip I guess