Fit anons, get level with me. How long till I make it? What will it take?
General stats: > age 30 > 186cm bigboye > 90 kg weight > roughly 25% bodyfat > body type: a bit better trained and defined than pic related
Recent Lifting stats (1RM estimates): > Bench Press: 64kg > Squat: 93kg > Deadlift: 102kg > Bent Over Row: 68kg
Eating Habits: > not addicted to sweets > Im OK with eating eggs, tuna and microwaved veggies day in day out > I binge-drink (and eat) 1-2 days a week. I'm working on reducing that. I used to get drunk more often.
Exercise Habits: > longterm joblessfag who plays dota 2 all day > no outdoor hobbies except the occasional skateboarding session > Told myself I'd go to gym 100 times this year. Went 52 times so far.
What I wanna improve: > Find weekend hobby, so I'm not tempted to binge on booze and food with wife out of sheer boredom every weekend. > Focus on improving lifting stats. (I haven't been doing this up till now. Been only focusing on propper form).
You sound so beta, do Starting Strength and if after you run out of newbie gains get an intermediate program. Just find a macros calculator and focus on getting your PROTEIN, the most important part.
It's gonna take a year or more.
Alexander Barnes
harsh criticism welcome as long as I can learn something from it. I'm no thinskinned pussy.
Jose Gonzalez
Read the sticky faggot
Isaac Bell
You will never make it if you don't have a purpose in life that compels you to walk straight. It's that simple.
Lincoln Morgan
what lifts should I realistically aim for during the Starting Strengthy program?
I have an app that says, an Intermediate lifter can do this:
Bench: 110kg Squat: 140kg Deadlift: 165kg
... it's 50kg more than what i can currently do.
Is such progress achievable in a year if i go to gym 3 times a week?
Kevin Rodriguez
i read it. it says your mom is a whore and you are a nigger.
Jeremiah Harris
Ez pz u can make it bro
Dylan Cook
>that 30 year old boomer at the gym that asks when he'll make it
Christian Rogers
that's kinda true, but having a purpose isn't a SUFFICIENT factor for 'making it'.
there are lots of buff 20-somethings with caveman mentality. They don't have any fucking purpose. they're too dumb to. What the do have is good HABITS, though.
And being the humblefag that I am, I'm prepared to learn from them
Levi Hall
Stop being a pussy ass bitch worrying about how long it will take you to get strong. Workout at least three times a week doing full body and push yourself to your limit. You can do it.
Christopher Allen
and what's wrong with that?
For the record: I started gymming at 26. That's 4 years of trial and error with regards to lifting programs, discipline and eating habits.
Sure I failed at many things and haven't made much visible progress. But I did reduce my alcohol consumption by a shitload and I'm still hacking away at my weak spots (habits-wise).
Christian Wilson
Most of the advice on Jow Forums is lousy, so I'll do you a favor and throw in my .02.
1. The major thing preventing you from "making it" is not having actually quantified long-term goals.
What does that mean, though? That's going to be different for everybody. Does that mean six-pack abs? Does that mean having nice shoulders? If you want to just get thin and focus on aesthetics, just stop drinking anything but water and quit eating junk food. Get 4 - 6 small meals a day and try to get around 1900 calories. The majority of your macros should be protein (like 160 Gs) and you should be avoiding processed sugar. Try to get vegetables with every meal and don't eat out unless it's infrequent.
I see you have no cardio listed. Jow Forums is swarming with retards, but cardio is mandatory - especially if you want to be thin. Most of the people here are lifting heavy weight because they want to get huge. But if your goal is purely aesthetic, you're not going to be focusing on performance, so you're actually going to be eating less.
And yeah, stop playing fucking video games and hiding in your house. Get a fucking job. Even if it's just working at a hotel (they're always hiring), you'll end up losing weight just from that stuff.
Angel Reyes
I can't take it anymore anons. I want to be thin. My fat face and fat body make me so angry! How did this happen? I was fat my whole life. Dieting 2 weeks now and no visible progress. I work out every day i train with weights but nothing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Grayson Foster
best post. Thank you for the writeup.
Yes, aesthetics and ~15% bodyfat are defintely a goal.
Yes, cardio hasn't been listed. You have a good eye.
Do you think 1 or 2 tennis sessions per week will be sufficient?
Is it important that the cardio work is contnuous (jogging, football) or are stop-and-go sports (tennis, basketball) OK too?
Nathan Jenkins
well actually it's more like 4 years of trial and error with both dieting and exercise.
Statistically I've also been to the gym every 3rd day this year.
I know that results take time.
If what you wrote is the only thing you got from my posts then it's highly probable you're a retard.
Robert Martinez
What do you think about the current meta? I don't mind people picking wisp in my mmr because they don't have the coordination to pull it off. Also I miss the old bounty runes.
>t. meepo and PL spammer
Asher Evans
im fucking 19 and i look like a carrot and i bench 72kg lmao. U wont make it
Isaac Williams
Exactly my thought process
Jace Sanders
18, 6’, and 1/2/2.5/3.5 This dude is fucked
William Wilson
If you two were so hard you’d stop jerking off over each other on Jow Forums and do something
Elijah Ward
t. Boomer Enjoy your low-t and receding hairline summerfag Go back to
Robert Cox
dude, it's gonna take around 2-5 years of consistent lifestyle changes to reach your goals. plus, you're not going to be able to just plug in the same cookie-cutter program to meet your goals either. You will need to start out on a beginner program, as you reach plateaus, you will need to switch to an intermediate program, varying focus on hypertrophy and strength. Diet will be a constant struggle and focus, and you should strive to totally and completely change the way you eat, focusing on lean proteins and lots of vegetables, and cutting out all the crap, soda, pastries, chips, etc. You will need to constantly log workouts, study technique, consider if it's time to change programs. Good luck, OP.