How is your mental health on a scale of 1 batshit insane to 10 super solid healthy ?

How is your mental health on a scale of 1 batshit insane to 10 super solid healthy ?

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probably a 3.5 desu

gonna ask shrink to double my dose tomorrow
so I feel pretty good atm
about 8/10 I'd say

Insane, in a deep way since I obsess about people and care about them deeply, its creepy and one-sided on my end though. [ironically enough most of them were actually people I knew and at one point we had mutual friends lol]

Being fucked in the head is comfy

Whats 5?

5? Anxiety, depression, very hard to talk with people that I don't know. Would rate it lower but I can force myself to socialize if it's needed

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1.2 maybe, I even started hearing voices now

Then im probably a 5 or 6

probably 4/10 I'm slowly losing my capacity to be functional due to depression but you could only tell that after talking to me a few times

About 5 and dropping. Pretty much same as

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4 probably. I can imagine myself descending into the 0-2 zone over the next 5 years

Me too, especially at night.
What do you hear?
I hear people calling my name.

I'd say a 3.5 or 4, a 1 is very, very low for me though as I'm comparing my happiest ever to my saddest ever

5 and dropping I guess.

This started happening to me way back, what the fuck is this shit?
Read up on codependency and why it occurs, it changed my life and might've saved it the way I'm going now.

I don't know, but it keeps me up at night.
They just won't go away.

4 because 5 sounds pretty average.
i started to hear a voice in my head that it's actually ''good'' for me. it's like a drill instructor.
he is fine most of the time but when i feel like not going to the gym or not following my diet, he goes batshit insane and starts to yell at me.
what's wrong with my brain

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4? Give or take one depending on circumstances. At my best I'm pretty functional and motivated, and at my worst I completely shut down and become really self destructive. It fluctuates.


Emotionally I feel a bit better than usual, I'm learning to love myself and it's actually working. BUT the fog is clearing and I am seeing the world around me much clearer, my self confidence issues are a direct result of everybody around me projecting their self confidence issues onto me and I'm an incredibly easy target because my defense mechanism has always been to be vague enough that nothing holds any weight so it has no meaning to anybody but is still suggestive enough to question. Everybody does it, I've even attracted a cute little shadow but I'm an expert how ever the real reason I am like this is because I am a huge magnet to every bodies emotions and being around people too much drives me insane but it gets lonely.

I guess a 5 or 6

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Does he call you a numbnut a lot

Like a 4 or 5 since I started taking antipsychotics

I think my borderline personality disorder has peaked. I have really bad anxiety, my muscles are super tense, I feel super fucking mad for a good while before it dies down multiple times a day. I went to the doctor to get back on my zoloft and felt immediate relief when i took it but it might have just been in my head. As the days go on I should start to feel better but man it's never been this bad before. I can;t sit still or relax I'm always tense or on edge. So I'd say my mental health is at 5 or a 4.5 I'm not so batshit that I can't function but I am batshit enough to where it feels like I actually have to really try and control my mood and anxiety.

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These are called "thoughts" and everyone has them
Yeah that was entirely placebo, Zoloft doesn't work that way though your brain could have stabilized when it sensed the drug out of a Pavlovian response. You have a borderline personality disorder so moer than likely you aren't actually mentally ill and are just an edgy teen the doctors put a diagnosis to so that they would shut up and stop looking for a diagnosis. 99% of the time this is what "borderline" means, hence why only angry white teen women ever have it.

This is a thread for the mentally ill, go to /soc/ if you want to talk to angsty teens.

>Having "borderline"

Notice how nobody can actually say what it is? Yeah, its because its not real.

I'm very worried that I have a mental illness but Im also worried that im just falling for a meme and I just need to man up. Any advice anons? did you have to deal with your own suspicions. It's hard to know if youre sane when you dont talk to people. It provides a baseline and natural therapy

Low point was 2.5. Peaking at about 8 right now.

not that i remember user, why would he call me that?

Not sure how to put a number on it really.
I can still seem pretty normal in casual conversation.
I'm not hearing voices or anything - but I know I'll be killing myself within a year or two.
I guess I'm mostly sane, aware, etc. - just done with life.

What's your opinion on the self improvement meme which is currently best proposed by Jordan B Peterson. DO you think if you got yourself together suddenly youd want to live and life would be great and you could bear the burden

Can you really be a 1-2 (batshit) and be self-aware about it? Or do you mean the normie definition of batshit which basically means having no self control so you use that as your excuse.

3.5, probably. I shout and talk to myself often, and I have moments of alternating between extreme anger and despair.

>Notice how nobody can actually say what it is? Yeah, its because its not real.
see also
>what is a robot

do any of you guys purposely look for threads like this hoping your going to find some secret way out of our shit lives or that your gonna have a epihany after reading it and things will get better after that....

but its never there in the threads, we are still alone with our problems and no cares to be in our lives( understandable)... I know nothing is gonna change and I got no reason to keep going on... I dont know why I even keep trying. No friends, no girlfriend ever, shit life, terrible health.

that meme is spreading because to address the real underlying issues is to address the real underlying issues in modern society and culture and civilization and doing that is the opposite of profitable so instead we can just victimblame and try to convince everyone that everything really is that easy because that means that if you haven't done it, it's your fault, you're a piece of shit, fuck you.
more of division, more of infighting, less of endangering profit schemes.

I'm too far gone - I've been physically ill for over a decade.
Wasn't self inflicted or lifestyle based - just one of those random "you're ill forever now" things.
In the last few years I pretty much cracked - tried to get help but that just made things worse.
I don't think there's anything I can do at this point to be happy/functional.
For a long time, I held out hope for the whole technological singularity/robot body idea, but honestly I've given up on that - I'm just too tired.
Life with long term illness/pain is tough as hell.

Yeh you pretty much summed up the modern human condition

3-4 probably. I am very ill and have been hospitalized because of it but with medication I can function in society.

>tried to get help but that just made things worse
can you explain this pls
t. retard that needs help but is worried trying to get help will make things worse

4-6 most of the time
3 late at night
1 if I'm either extra paranoid or having a manic episode

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I think self-improvement is definitely possible but you're going to have to force yourself to make a big step and get out of your comfort zone. I dropped out of school at 13 and was basically a hermit until I was 20 and my uncle/cousin offered me a job 200 miles away. I took it because fuck it and changing my environment and living with normies that care about me made me do a huge 180 in my life. I suddenly no longer felt like letting time tick away by sitting in my room on my PC all day. Uncle/Cousin pretty much dragged me along with them everywhere they went and I was forced to socialize with their peers. Eventually I started acting more like my cousin and was pretty much a normie with money. I think it also helped that I was 21 and could buy beer legally (cousin was pretty much a Chad and all his associates were 17-19).
Of course, I ended up losing that job at 23 because I came out dirty for cocaine. I couldn't find a new job on my own so I ended up overstaying and randomly took a bus back home. Back home I reverted to my old ways and those years I spent like a normie were like they never happened. Like if I was dreaming. I went from a anti-social socially retarded neet to somewhat of a normie back to neet retard.
I'm 29 now and on neetbux for various shit like schizo, depression, anxiety, etc. Say what you want but excluding yourself from any human contact will eventually take a toll on your mental health. A lot of us try to escape reality by sitting on our PCs and shit posting all day, which is fine, but it will catch up to you. If you're ever offered an opportunity to join some kind of a group, like say your psychiatrist/therapist suggests something, I would take it no matter what bullshit excuse you think of in your head. Just do it. Might even meet a qt3.14.

Probably a 1.5-2
>Diagnosed autism
>only friends are from discord (2)
Not even sad about it any more. 6 months without voluntary human interaction and it stops bothering you

Saw a shrink (on the NHS in the UK, big mistake)
He couldn't even speak English properly, we couldn't understand each other.
He was an asshole - no help at all, and worst of all a few months later I saw what he'd written about me.
Completely inaccurate - he didn't even get dates and other factual things right. He said I'd said stuff that I never did, etc.
So now, as well as the problems I had before, I have the problem of getting this shit off my record - much easier said than done.
Suffering in silence was so much more preferable to this.
I've since dealt with a lot of NHS related shit.
Talking to a brick wall would have been more helpful - at least it wouldn't have fucked things up for me even more.

whats ur illness?

sorry user.
i make it a point to always try to keep a record of everything i say and do but thats not always possible or legal.

Prefer not to go into too much detail.
A lot of pain related to it - and some pretty serious meds to cope, but I'm off the meds right now because of complications last year.

What was said that's so bad that you want it off your record? Who cares about your record unless you're trying to get neetbux and that bullshit affects it. That lil mix up is why you tell people to not seek help? You're fucking retarded.

I had something similar happen to me. My shitty psychiatrist took me off clonazepam (benzo) abruptly despite me being on it for years. I ended up in the hospital from withdrawals (panic attacks, etc) and I found out that these faggots put down I was having an opiate withdrawal like a fucking junkie. Shit pissed me off.

Thanks user.
That makes a lot of sense - honestly keeping records like that could save you a lot of trouble.
I'd also recommend getting things people tell you in writing - more and more I'm finding that people will tell you stuff that you later find out not to be true, by which time it's your word against theirs.

>getting things people tell you in writing
same user here, i try to do this as often as possible. it usually causes more problems than it solves because people dont like having to commit to stuff like that. it works out tho cause its an easy early detection system for bullshit. if you're putting that much resistance toward writing that sentence down for me, it's probably a bullshit sentence.

probs about a 4?

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> wrote answer
> this thread made me uncomfortable
> deleted answer before posting
> rating my sanity is bad for my sanity
> opting out

i need to stop coming here and focus on my delicate but budding attempt at normie life

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well stop failing step 1 is getting off of this dumpster fire of a website

2 at the moment, due to circumstance. Usually a 5 though.

a 3 or 4


Maybe a 4. I can act normie enough, but if I'm outside and around strangers for over an hour I lose my spaghetti

2/10 sharp kneez

Like maybe a 3 or 4 right now, my dude. I keep quiet, but I'll spontaneously cry if it's been too long and quietly talk to myself every hour of every day to simulate some kind of social interaction since my posts usually just get ignored here if I'm not baiting for (You)'s. I think therapy is pathetic and really I just want some friends or a partner to tell me I'm loved, I'd gladly return the favor. I had it once, but she was just faking it in the hopes I'd be her beta provider one day, lying to my face every day.

I talk to myself too. Usually while walking around. I find it helps with brainstorming and stuff.

4.5 or around there

2 i don't give a fuck about anything anymore
Society sucks
Most of people suck
I can't see real women like i did when i was a kid, now i can only like/love 2D waifus. Seriusly i even enjoy jerking off more to 2d than 3d (3d women are only for fucking, nothing more)
I can't get real friends, all i can get is fricking normies who give me free drugs and alcohol but i don't like that shit
If my mom kicks me out of home i will do something in the streets and believe me brothers you will remember me forever.
My manifesto will be donwloaded by all my fellow outcast autists.
I don't care, all i'm gonna do after that is open my brain with a bullet.

Don't fucking lie you faggot.
Either you're a self-diagnosed attention whore or you've got a normalfag-tier mental illness like "asocial disorder".

Obsessive-Compulsive with severe psychosis, don't want to fall for the chemical Jew so I'm resisting for now. It's fucking hell and I want to die on an hourly basis. I can't imagine how bad it must be for anons with schizophrenia or DID.
Fuck off attentionwhore REEEEEEEEE

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Same here user; OCD with Bipolar and no meds.


constantly lose my shit and scream at people. Everything frustrates me now. Even lost my shit at my manager once.

A solid 2

I don't want to take pills because my self-awarness is the last thing I've got. I've been managing to control all visible symptoms after about 7 years of dealing with it, by year 2 I've effectively learned to dissolve a compulsion/ritual when I can sense it coming. So at least I've got that going for me.

Pills seriously fuck you up, NEVER take pills unless it's for hallucinations/seizures. Anti-depression/anxiety pills are a fucking kike trick to dumb you down.

this kek

>depression is fun

thats called being edgy and looking at tumblr posts you absolute nigger

I'm like a sneeze away from disrobing and running around the streets like an animal, headbutting parked cars and defecating where I please

I literally went off on a guy giving him the finger like 40 times during my shift today and then called a guy with a limp a cripple and said i could tell he had neurological damage from the accident LuL

2. I didn't sleep yesterday due to angrily obsessing over how my mother believes I'm retarded so I just finished abusing my prescription meds to sleep.

Sometimes it feels like an 8.

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0, I've ascended.

3, maybe a 4? could be a 5 or 6 if im doing drugs. my zodiac sign is cancer so i start out with a huge natural disadvantage

I wish I disappeared completely.

>don't want to fall for the chemical Jew
I'd rate myself a fragile 5. It's either 10/10 super happy and perfect or sad af. I also talk alone almost 24/7 when I'm alone. Who really cares.

>Believing in zodiac signs
Definitely a 1 for this guy. What a fucking MORON
I cannot express my hatred for zodiac sign people. Blame it on literally ANYTHING else than fucking stars when you were born.

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Itoshiki Sensei from Zetsubou Sensei is currently the banner and I just remembered that he's probably the most easy example of how bad my depression has gotten.