You guys weren't fucking memeing. I don't FUCKING believe it. Here's a greentext for you

You guys weren't fucking memeing. I don't FUCKING believe it. Here's a greentext for you

>Be me
>Be a KHHV until 22
>Get a practice GF
>She is fat and lazy
>Lose my virginity to her
>Move into her parents basement with her after 2 months
>Wtf, why is her family okay with this?
>WTF? Her dad is actually renovating our apartment for us?
>Stay with her for 2 years, during which I also got a job as a landscaper
>She cheats on me with my close friend
>itsokay.jpg, I wanted a way out of the relationship anyway
>Fuck you, Chris
>Learned a lot about myself after all this time, became decent at sex, became more attractive
>I have more confidence now
>Continue landscaping
>Am now a foreman

Fast forward to earlier this year
>Managing a new crew this year
>New hire is a thot
>Seems pretty cool at first, this might not be so bad
>Build some rapport with her
>She starts talking more and more while we're in the truck
>She starts opening up about her life
>All she can fucking do is talk about her "abusive ex"
>Literally nonstop shit talking about her ex
>She tells me that she slutted around in the past and who cares?

This is where I start to realize she's literally an r9k meme. It continues to get better

>She tells me how she used men for sex
>She dated a stripper
>She dated a firefighter
>She openly tells me that she had sex with them because they had big dicks
>She says "that's what she said" to literally EVERYTHING I say
>She openly admits that she only wants big dicks

And as if all that wasn't bad enough, there's finally this one thing. And I swear to god I thought people like this were a meme. But they're real, brobots. THEY'RE FUCKING OUT THERE.

>She tells me she takes pleasure in emasculating men

That's right, to my face she fucking tells me that she likes to emasculate men

>She openly rejects men with vitriol if they're short and they hit on her in public


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Other urls found in this thread:


>She tells me that she purposely bumps shoulders with "old white men" just so she can hear them apologize to her afterward
>"Not minorities though"
>She has camgirl friends

She tells me that she does all of this, to... and I shit you not...


I thought these women were just a meme guys. Jesus fucking christ.

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How disheartening

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>Women are a biological meme

This is not news to any sane person

Yeah it wasn't really news to me either, I just thought that I wouldn't meet such a caricature in person. I also thought that people like that would be uglier

Anyway, the main purpose of this thread is to have a greentext for your enjoyment, I've been lurking for years and finally had something happen to me that allowed me to contribute some OC

plot twist: OP is orbiting her and buying her stuff after 2 weeks

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But did you smash ?

Nah, I have a gf. I mean, if I was single I'd definitely try. She's hot as fuck and to be honest pretty funny too, we've had some decent conversations aside from the anti-men bullshit she spouts

But yeah, nah

Your contribution is appreciated friend.

>no-no definiately not! haha no way, I totally would though, umm but I'm not

yeah, busted

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Would it be morally wrong to kill someone like this?

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Can we get some pics /b/rother

If anything I would consider it a service to humanity

Shit.. Yeah, you got me, friend. There's no use in hiding it anymore. I actually just bought her a bouquet of roses and big teddy bear today, I really hope I can go on a date with her soon :^)

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if OP was a big dicked chad he would have smashed and forgotten about her already lmao

He works with her you retard

he also said he has a gf

SEE, I KNEW IT. I KNEW these DMAN "woman" monsters out there dont like short guys. Just disgusting

Thanks, dude

Honestly, I would but I'm a little afraid of this getting back to me. Shit would be SUPER awkward

>He works with her
and apparently spends a lot of time talking to her, and remembers all the things she says and all her stories and comes online to post them. i'm sure he wasn't angry that she only likes big dicks. anyway, i'm just joking lmao i'm sure op totally could have smashed that thot

lol she sounds like more of man than you robots. Is that why you hate women like her? She's emasculating to you?

It kind of seems like she'd be DTF me, especially seeing as how she tells all of this bullshit to me.

I hate women like her because promiscuity is a plague upon our society, and her morals disgust me.

>Fake stories: The Thread

This is normechan,I believe this was more mysogyny part Jow Forums even /lit/ is more mysogyny,

>I hate women like her because promiscuity is a plague upon our society, and her morals disgust me.
Yeah I'd agree with you on that. I find promiscuity morally repugnant.

I sort of admire her attitude towards men though. It would be fun to challenge it and put her in her place, which is probably what she wants.

If it was fake op probably would try to say he ended up fucking her and showing her her place or some stupid like that

he literally just told us about some girl he met, leads me to believe its prob real

also you should get that bitch fire op

I kind of did challenge her. When she told me that she likes to emasculate men, I said "But I'm a guy, though!" to which she replied "It's different with you"

That response and the way she is always telling me about herself and telling me jokes is what leads me to believe she'd be DTF. I'm not about to cheat on my wholesome GF with this turbothot though

Don't cheat on your gf, but she probably would be dtf cuz obviously she sees you as more of a man than the ones she has fun ridiculing.

>I'm not about to cheat on my wholesome GF with this turbothot though

She want destroy your relationship having sex or told you gf she is the new gf.

>shitty people exist
>they're representative of half the entire human population

Mental gymnastics abound, anonoritos. I know plenty of women who are wholesome, but granted, it helps that I'm extremely religious and thus attract an extremely religious demographic as my friends. That being said, I have my own THOT story.

>be me
>fat 16 yo
>get a job at subway
>get a crush on this attractive chick, who is a typical THOT
>she catches wind of this
>on a side note, I start losing weight
>tries to get me to get her things
>I agree initially, but my ChadDad tells me not to get her things, even though I agreed to get her this one thing
>like a month later
>at this point I've lost like 20 pounds since my heaviest, probably more
>tell her I'm tired of her being jealous whenever a girl so much as looks in my direction
>tell her I'm not attracted to her anymore, and fucking leave the building
>she instantly starts going after my genitals
>despite my being extremely religious
>always refuse, much to her frustration
>like five months later
>tell her that I'm applying somewhere, this is after we both quit the previous job
>she tells me that I can't because she's applying there
>I tell her to go fuck herself, and that I'm done talking to her forever
>block her

It was a really good feel, lads. YWN friendzone and then subsequently ghost a THOT who has done the same to many men on countless occasions.

Also, I found out at some point that she was sexing guys while telling me she loved me. Glad I didn't fall for her tricks.

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>>Fuck you, Chris
I didndu nutin

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She doesn't sound like she's BPD. It just sounds like she despises weak men. She would probably let OP destroy his own relationship if he wanted to, but she doesn't sound like she's manipulating him.

>OP user you are so strong men for so ugly gf, I am hot girl, you really love hot girls like hot guys I fuck

A lot different hearing it in person isn't it mate, I remember the first time I heard shit like this come out of a womans mouth. I couldn't believe my own ears. But then I heard it again and again and again and saw it again and again and again and now I know that every misogynist thing r9k has ever said is the gospel truth and only newfags and normies believe otherwise. Be happy she opened up to you, you must have the gift of the silver tongue to make a slut tell you her secrets.

Good job, lad. You sound like a good man, I wish you luck in your future endeavors and God bless

You betrayed me, bro. After all of those years we had together :(

Yeah, sounds about right. Truth be told, she's not entirely bad. Like I said, she's attractive, funny, and pretty cool (plays vidya, drinks beer, decent conversation, etc.)

But her attitude towards men who were shit on by the genetic lottery really rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sure it's because she has been hurt by men in the past, and I told her as much. However, that doesn't excuse her mistreatment of men

It may not seem like it at first but you'd have done humanity a solid

You should fuck her anyway, but only if you have a big dick of course. Sounds like she doesn't want any dicklets

I'm honestly not sure why she opened up so much. I don't consider myself very attractive and I didn't really say much to her, I just kind of nod along with what she says (mostly because I'm more focused on work than what she has to say)

Ah, yeah. No luck there, my dick is perfectly average. I'm kind of tempted to try, but I love my GF and don't want to hurt her.

Yeah same with me, I can get dopey whores to open up like a book and tell me all their stupid shit. It's the silent listening non-judgemental attitude that makes them spill their guts

Naw im good
but have fun with that hot mess, little guy

Beta uprising when? im tired of these fucking whores having sex with everyone but us