What's stopping you from achieving this?
What's stopping you from achieving this?
The lack of a cute trap gf(male) :(
i am 3d
Well, I'm not a fucking queer, for one.
Finding the trap in the first place. And secondarily having her(him) willing to play dom sometimes
>What's stopping you from achieving this?
living in a 3d world :(
Just take the pink pill user! Your loneliness will be cured!
Just gotta search online most of us are just hiding until the right time to emerge.
also dubs to you too...
The best part is you can cum inside without getting the ''girl'' preggo
My fragile heterosexuality
A cute trap gf is probably the only thing that could save me from inevitable suicide
The fact I'm straight
Fun fact! The majority of traps thought they were straight for at least some period of time in their lives before transitioning ;)
Just keep your eyes peeled! I'm here for all the sad anons.
Take the lead pill, user! Teeheeheehee~~
I'm ugly, unlikable, unlovable, and autistic.
Yeah well they watched too much porn
repressing yourself until you inevitably end up a 60~ something y/o unpassable hun isn't much better
Deep seated fear of intimacy
I could've had it but being gay is wrong so I turned him down.
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
>Whoops your gay now :^)
I didn't mean to reply to you user sorry, keep fighting the good fight .
>wtf time to mutilate my body
Today you will be reminded, as you will again in the future should you forget
fate apocrypha is so shit, it doesn't deserve the attention astolfo brings it
my best friend is working to become a trap. i have to work out harder so i can make him my girlfriend eventually.
I want the boy to be another girl
I hate to turn this into an /a/ thread but u right
3 holes are better than 2 desu
Nice dubs back at ya.
Online seems to be the only place really that there is a chance, not that I get enough real life experience to begin with. I will try to keep my hopes up, thanks user.
>posting an objectively false statement
Is this how you get your kicks?
But I'm not repressing anything sweatie
Just because you're gay doesn't mean everyone else is
Nothin, my girlfriend is 5 foot and 100 pounds, short hair just like girl in photo. I live this every time we fuck
dude that girl(not) in that pic is fucking insane, she's clearly some hyper sex addict that literally eat breathes and shits in a constant state of orgasm. pure fiction
Yeah lol this wtf
the fact that, despite having autism, i'm not retarded enough to take the pink pill.
this sounds very kinky please elaborate
No problem!
>like girl in photo
>girl in photo
Oh.... oh no...
Astolfo is precious don't you dare
I dont know if she(male) still loves me. She sends me so many mixed signals and insults followed by a out of the blue I love you then goes completely silent on me. I dont know what she wants.
Also all traps turn into horrid abominations within their 30's then kill themselves and I want biological children.
just because you have autism doesnt mean youre retarded, its just some blanket term some faggot said applied to you. and no, i am not remotely autistic
why the fuck do so many faggots on this board talk, think, and act like a 12 year old chink?
because they think that life is an anime.
Nigga just lemme like my traps and shitpost in peace.
he used to say he just wanted an anime body. now he shamelessly says he wants to become a trap. he's looked cute as hell the couple times i've seen him dress in maid outfits. i've been working out since like march but i need to make a lot more progress before i feel like it'd be like the OP pic. i'm not fat, but i have no muscle. aside from working out and eating better, he's been doing numerous things from trap guides that lower test/increase estrogen
>be masc
>girls like me but I don't get pleasure in females anymore
>learn about crossplay
>begin crossplaying and eventually I date dudes who want me to present as girl
>only close friend distances himself from me because he hates it
tfw I'm happy you're staying with your friend and not ghosting him, good shit user
Achieving being Astolfo there? Because I want that and always have.
The issue is I'm 26 and decided far too late to lose weight so when I finally lose another 30 to 50lbs on top of the 100lbs I've lost so far I'll be 27 and I have far too many masculine traits like relentless body and facial hair growth to every truly pull off a cute look ever again.
sorry about your friend user.. it's nice though that you've been able to find dudes who accept it. idk i've been careful and very vaguely telling him i can tell he's making progress, that he has potential for being a trap.. i don't want to make him feel weird and my most valued friendship
your body hair will slow down a lot if you get your levels right. unfortunately you'll either need electro/laser or whatever for the facial hair, otherwise shaving or epilating daily/several times daily.
It's alright, I mean maybe I should start contactfagging on /soc/ or something just to make new friends.
i don't know /soc/ too well but i guess you could do that on there or on here. can i ask since you dress up like my friend does, how you would want someone to react? i mean, would you feel weird if a friend complimented you or thought you were cute??
I wouldn't find it weird, as long as the response isn't "ew mentally ill faggot kill urself and just be a basedboy" then I'm cool
I'm not going to mak any decisions on how I'll handle my body/face hair (namely if I'll do laser etc.) until Im at a good weight.
I might get to it and see that my face is just straight up unsalvagable so who knows. At the very least I can be a skinny little guy even if I can't be feminine cute.
Remember to take your HRT to be really cute and get all the cock
I just looked up the original character of Astolfo before the japs got to him
he was some sort of magical knight who rode a horse that was actually just a literal fire tornado and blasted bitches with his magic lance and horn
he also flew to the moon on the biblical chariot of fire
rip in peace
Cute traps don't want to date guys, they want to date real girls. Also traps have a nasty attitude when you're alone with them.
What fucking world do you live in that traps like girls?
>traps have a nasty attitude when you're alone with them
Holy shit, this so much. She was such a bitch when we were talking one to one.
>tfw pale long haired bf
fuck off jewish hapa tranny
Because I went well beyond this.
I have natural C-cup breasts and pass as female and left my home town so nobody who knew me before can act like "HURR YOU LOOK TEH SAME" because complete strangers can't tell I was born male and I left with my fiance who is now my husband.
Although I did start my hormones right after I turned 16, before being a tranny was made madestream a few years ago...
I'm not a faggot original Gorgonzola
You can though, but the unborn mess that follows isn't a treat
I'm not that cute
I wish I was
men being gross irl. If they were actually cute like 2D cute bois I would not have a problem.
The only exception I would make is pic related. I would be okay sucking her cock after she sucks mine.
My self esteem is so low I constantly tell myself I'm too shitty of a person to try for a relationship cause I'll just bring them down.
I'm too right-wing.
I know exactly what you mean fammo
holy shit this! 2 of my cousins friends had shown interest in me, and I thought they were really pretty and was attracted to them. But I did not want to make any moves or pursue them because I am afraid of bringing them down because I am filled with so much self loathing. One of them even contacted me a day later and told me she liked me and I ghosted her. I would just be a burden to her.
I look too manly and I'm generally ill
I have the same relationship with mine
I tamed her a bit, I hope
>What's stopping you from achieving this?
The real world.
My age, unfortunately, otherwise I'd be all over tinder.