Tfw white nationalist

>tfw white nationalist
>tfw falling in love with a black gril
wat do

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Fire up that grill and burn some charcoal.

Move to Africa with your negress and bleach the entire continent.

Let love change you, user.

Racist oil drillers are the master race. You can hate niggers and still fuck their women.

But I cant betray my race...
What kind of massive hypocrite would I be to discourage our women from burning the coal when I myself am falling head over heels for a qt black gril

No one has ever shown me attention, affection or care like her...
We have many of the same interests and the way she looks at me...


Forget the neonazi wannabe shit and pound the chocolate, my dude.

You're not a white nationalist, you're just an edgy whiteboy who wanted to be part of something.

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You dont think every race deserves their own ethnostate?

Out globalized liberalized world is what is creating all this alienation and loneliness...everyone is atomized individual, theres no more authentic culture.
People are inherently tribal, this is why we must divide by race

Im having a little trouble understanding here. How did she get into your social circle in the first place? If this was a crush, Id say it makes sense, but you like her partly because she pays attention to you. How did you meet and how did this start?

>What kind of massive hypocrite would I be to discourage our women from burning the coal when I myself am falling head over heels for a qt black gril
I'm willing to bet you haven't and would never personally discourage anyone from burning the coal outside of anonymous internet posts. You're most likely just reciprocating shit you see on the internet.

You're (probably) an adult. Opinions change, this is just another one that you will have to embrace.

But what kind of monster would I be go bring yet another rootless 56% goblina into this world?

Let love change you.

But she has told me she likes me

Who cares, you're being blinded by Jow Forums memes.

Ive got your solution. Dont have kids. And for the other part about being a hypocrite, thats easy to get around. Women are stupid and dont deserve the same rights that men have. Men of all ethnicities have been conquering and pillaging other populations women with their seed for the longest time. The only thing that has changed is how covertly one does it.

>yess good goy! gas the whites, jewish wars now!
Maybe Ive let my feelings get the best of me, after all...ok, time for some composure and self-reflection. The volk matter more than my individual desires. Yes.

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Please send your pic and incriminate yourself forever online. Why would anyone do this?

sexual cucks get off on that kind of stuff

do kinky raceplay stuff, the forbidden fruit is the sweetest

What are you talking about? I'm talking about op not being an actual WN, not the shit you're talking about.

Are you American? Being a white nationalist in America is futile

This is the shit you say when you fall for Jow Forums memes.

if you want to please the jews impregnate her lol