Got a date in an hour. First time ever. Any tips?
Got a date in an hour. First time ever. Any tips?
Let her do most of the talking
Ask questions
Don't profess your autism racism by wearing your maga hat
don't post here ever again
I will list these in order of important to least important
>Dress well, brush teeth, deodorant, comb hair
>If you're picking her up, get out of the car to greet her (alternatively, if you're meeting her there, let her arrive first)
>Open the conversation with a few questions, but be prepared to weave the rest of the conversations out of them. Awkward guys tend to turn dates into a fucking interview, so use her answers as lead-ins for your personal stories, natural topic shifts, or to get her opinions. Always act extremely interested in her while downplaying yourself
>No kissing, no hugging, no touching. A hug goodbye if the date went well is a really good sign, but don't be down about it if it doesn't happen.
That's about all I have, soldier. Where's the venue? What're the plans?
Cancel the date, go home and wank to some hentai instead.
>Where's the venue? What're the plans?
Coffee shop and then farmer's market.
>looking for dating advices on Jow Forums
Because fuck logic
I've already skimmed through Reddit for the real advice. Now I'm just fishing for advice relevant to an autist.
take betablockers or benzo to help with anxiety
Tip at the coffee shop. DO NOT talk about personal demons like depression or someone died in your life. Girls are bitches. They will turn you down fast. Keep it to yourself. They dont care about your issues.
Along with that, if she ever speaks about an ex or a dude she is fucking, redirect whatever it is by saying something like, "Cool. So ever been to Florida?" That faggot doesnt matter currently. Only you.
At the farmers market, go for hand holding. If ahe doesn't want to, drop it and try again later. Try to make excuses like brushing your hand against hers and saying, "this is annoying. Let me see your hand" while giving a cheeky smile.
Keep a nice posture, speak clear, and overall have fun