Every single action humans take is for the purpose of finding a mate and passing on their genes

>every single action humans take is for the purpose of finding a mate and passing on their genes
>this is literally ingrained and wired in all humans
>you have failed to do this
How does it feel being an objective failure?

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Human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evoIution.

Feels like I want to be an eva pilot and destroy all normies

Well it does suck a lot at times but at least I can find comfort in that when my time in this body is up it will all be over and nothing will matter anymore.

Until then, at least I can live a carefree life free of marriage, kids, stress, family gatherings, etc.

I'm married with children.

I wish I was retarded and could live in bliss like an animal

"thinking" sucks

I haven't failed until I die, because up until that point I could make enough money to afford a surrogate.
Meaning is a spook, but if we must, having kids is just about the only meaning anyone can have

*smokes nihilistically*

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>watching television is to gather information to pass on to my offspring
>eating chocolate must be a post-sex reward to thank myself for passing on my genes
>every joke I've ever told wasn't because I thought anything was funny, it was my pre-mating ritual to attract women
>I have no real interest in anything, it's an end game to impress and secure a high status mate
>every parent on earth is at their supreme contentedness level all the time, for they 'beat the game' by completing their one and only biological imperative

you faggots are obsessed with "muh mating" and "muh genes", it's so pathetic

Every single thing you said wqs true though.

It's only objective failure if the continuation of the human race is your only goal in life. Just because you are predisposed to try reproduce because of genes doesn't mean that if you don't you are a failure, the ability to have other goals rather than just survive makes us separate to animals.

Whatever you say, then. By 'you', I guess that refers to Jordan Peterson or Amazing Atheist, or whoever gives out the doctrine you fedoras repeat verbatim to sound deep and intelligent.

>this is literally ingrained and wired in all humans
What about asexuals?

When you watch television, you're indirectly socializing yourself and keeping up with modern entertainment and trends so you can show social worth to potential mates. When you eat chocolate, you're keeping yourself alive so you can have a chance with a mate. A sense of humor and telling jokes is again for socialization purposes and to increase your social worth. Whether you realize it or not, pretty much every action is indirectly or directly tied to finding a mate.

I love how all the arguing and flinging just happens around this straight man in the strange world.
God speed, married-user.


Well the chocolate thing is more a side-effect of the fact that it releases the same "feel good" hormones that were intended to be used to guide mating. Same with drugs.

>continuation of the human race is your only goal in life
It's not about my goal, that's the whole point. It's literally a universal goal among all humans and animals to pass on their genes. It doesn't matter what I want; by the objective standard that we all share, it's a failure.

Can't really call them human.

You've just made that up. There is no such thing as a 'goal' to life, you've just been predisposed by your genes to think that there is.
Ultimately if you want to think that's true then it doesn't make any different in the end because humans will go extinct no matter what, so it's a futile battle.

Yes, indirectly being the key word. Participating in a water cooler conversation about a TV show isn't the main reason you watch it unless you're extremely desperate for approval.
Chocolate is eaten because it tastes good, if it was solely about keeping yourself alive, everyone would eat plain food and chefs, cooks, bakers, etc. wouldn't exist.
Having a sense of humor is inherently enjoyable, even if it's used for socialization.

This notion of "I'm really a retarded primate with no frontal lobes who has no ulterior purpose for doing anything" is extremely myopic.

>because humans will go extinct no matter what, so it's a futile battle.
But that's the whole point. We try to mate as much and pass on our genes in hopes that we'll survive and somehow circumvent this inevitability. Look at the people trying to colonize Mars and shit.

If you have nieces or nephews you've already won. I've got 4 so I don't need to ever have sex.

Everything we do is to survive as long as possible. Pleasure, artistic value, and all that are just side effects. The main goal is still to survive and pass on genes.

This, i would rather be a household pet
>Basically a neet but isn't expected to work or anything, just look cute
>Have little worries other than wondering g where the owner goes when he goes out
>Gets ton of attention from humans