This could be the best thing that ever happened to women.
12:25 for the action
This could be the best thing that ever happened to women.
12:25 for the action
who cares about fucken gooks theyre ugly as dirt.
why was everyone laughing? wtf is going on
In their culture the guy kidnaps the girl and she has to marry him. The people knew that it meant the girl was about to get married.
>slavchinks exist
Well that's new to me.
factoid: honeymoons refer to the time it takes to knock up the wife you just kidnapped before her family tries to steal her back. It would be a pretty decent system were it not for the rule of law.
lmao this fuck them all they can get fucked
>all those butthurt roasties in comments
Thank you OP, this will make me laugh for a long time.
Wonder if there is any rules to this or is it just who gets there first and any autistic retard can try to get miss mongolia.
I thought this was ancient news, considering that most of the USSR was in Asia
ahhaha that's amazing
Those roasties are suffering from racism.
They have no grounds to criticize this, because they are eurocentric and should check their privilege
I thought it was isolated pockets of Chinese weirdos. Did not realize there were entire nations of these weirdos.
How is that a decent system? Chad would just have to knock on a couple of doors and have like 3 wives.
Just actually watched the time stamp you posted... She loves it wtf? Her whole family loved it. This is evidently a good thing over there.
Lol the white hipster reporter is so fucking out of place and awkward
just think you're some boring ass farm girl from some shitty rural village and then a group of Chids wisk away in their magical car all the while manhandling you, it's probably the only eventful thing in her life since the pig took a shit on her hand.
yes it a rather old slav tradition that is rarely practiced these days.
generally when someone steals a bride, the girl and the man are already quite close. considering that this is now only done in godforsaken villages where everybody knows each other this applies even more. bride kidnapping is like a test for the man, whether he is worthy to be her man etc.
if he fails the kidnapping he will be viewed as "impotent".
We slavs have some pretty weird traditions, huh?
She is happy and she has a great life ahead of her, safe from degeneracy.
It shows how much we (especially the women) could learn from these people.
wtf i love kyrgyzstan now
as opposed to chad fucking his way through all the girls anyway?
>young girlfriend/ bride named Nazgul
Considering there is camera crews present its possible this was not total surprise to anyone there, and is most likely something they do for fun when people get married rather than being actual kidnapping.
FYI "Naz" (pronounced like "nawz") means gentle in Persian. Gul (pronounced like "goal") means flower.
Therefore Nazgul means "gentle flower" in persian, fyi
Wish I could kidnap a girl and force her to be my wife.
Being a burger ain't all its cracked up to be...