Why you haven't gone to gym today, user?
>BP 120kg
>SQ 160kg
>DL 220kg
I could literally kill most of y'all faggots with one hand
Why you haven't gone to gym today, user?
>BP 120kg
>SQ 160kg
>DL 220kg
I could literally kill most of y'all faggots with one hand
I'm not gay.
I can bench press 800 pounds
is this /fraud/?
no source talk boys
I have three guns, I don't need to.
So he takes the BBC?
>squat lower than DL
Post legs
*Unzips gun*
owo whats this?
It's another "pussy first worlder goes to the gym for a while and fancies himself a fighter" thread.
So original.
You lose at life by virtue of using KG to post your lifts. On the real tho, are lifts are near and we'd probabaly be gym bros, but i need a day off today. Ive been going pretty hard and my body can feel it this morning.
I too am confused by this. Either that dude take bbc in the ass or he has no idea what that tat means.
Injured, also you're fucking weak. My friend who weighs 140 lifts the same as you.
I workout at home
How are you this big with such shit lifts, I've got half a plate on all your lifts and I am a skinnyfat sack of shit.
He's a manlet
>be aggressive on a Haitian Beyblade modding forum
>unknowingly reveal you've got shit aesthetics and shit lifts
In box/kickbox barely lift anymore I was like you thinking I was tough with big lifts
I'd be surprised if you even managed to land a hit on me not saying I'm amazing but the difference between a fighter and a non fighter is huge
>spades tattoo
OP confirmed BBC slut
But I have actually been to the gym. I'm only a noob so my lifts are nowhere near yours. Here's what I did.
>Squat 5x5 60kg
>Calf raise 5x10
>Deadlift 1x5 90kg
>Leg extension 3x10 40kg
>Leg curl 3x10 40kg
>Abductors 3x10 60kg
>Adductors 3x10 60kg
>Leg press 3x10 90kg
All in all my legs are pretty tired but in a good way. I downed a shake right after and in 10 minutes I'll be eating brown pasta, veggies, and chicken breast.
It's rest day
I'm squatting 225kg for a triple.and benching 140kg for a triple tomorrow though.
>BP 105kg
>SQ 145kg
>DL 180kg
I could probably kill you with both my hands ?
I'm currently home from college and I can't be bothered to renew my membership at my local gym so I do a lot of cardio, calisthenics, and train with my shitty dumbells at home, and the machines at the fire station. I unironically couldn't give any less of a fuck about your bullshit powermeme numbers.
nice queen of spades tattoo man
So what you're saying is you're a weak manlet twink bitch with a shit bench.
i've been, 14 days straight
Nah, 100 kilos is pretty decent for a twink who only weighs 160 lbs. Enjoy never being aesthetic, bearbro.
>BP 190kg
>SQ 260kg
>DL 270kg
Try it, faggot.
Wrong board bro
>he only has 3 guns
I went to my warehouse this morning at 5am to lift.
I could literally kill you with a blunt roncola.
>imagining some wannabe tough dude accidentally getting a tat that indicates you're a slut for black dudes
my fuckin sides
>three guns
but your a manlet
obvious LARP
nobody that jacked has lifts that low
I am studying for my maths final tomorrow, taking a break now but can't go to the gym since it takes like 3 hours getting there, training and coming back home. I can't afford to spend that much time in the gym today.
>BP 130kg
>SQ 115kg
>DL 180kg
i am just 10 kg behind you faggot.
Mirin squat to bench ratio
looking for a friend in a troll thread
pathetic soiboi
Really good DL but bad bench press. Guess I'm a curl bro
I did too much coke last night and didn't sleep properly so I would rather bench tomorrow and have a great session than bench today and have a shitty one.
those are pretty shitty lifts for that body actually, squat is somewhat alright
Yep, that's what I assumed too.
his squat is the weakest lift what the fuck are you talking about
120kg bench is proportionally stronger than that squat and 220 deadlift is too
but it's also a LARP, a guy that size would smoke 120kg for reps on bench
why haven't you gone to the laser tattoo removal clinic today, user?
Oh next is 225 dead lift, I'm pretty confident. I slept for 10 hours last night and thanks for reading my blog post. Sleep is essential
>roiding for this
How come you can do so much? I've pulled off 220lbs deadlift for 2 reps, but my max squat so far has only been 140lbs. It's like I can't squat for fucking shit but everything else is alright.
op fucking mogged
Good luck bro you'll smash it
I used to squat low bar until I had a hip issue, probably from either bad form or being a truck unloader at the time.
I'm 6'3". I now squat high bar, slightly above shoulder blades. I have my heels under my shoulders and toes pointed out ~15°? Core tight. The thing that SERIOUSLY changed it for me was bending knees out first, then hips a little later.
Guess I should have asked what is going wrong with your squats first.
Hide your girlfriend if you're in the same room as me though (if you even have one)
I also started on SL with the bar and have deloaded a few times to correct form, took me about 1.5 years to get here.
One big difference is I've never really tried to see how heavy I can squat. The 220lb deadlift was me seeing if I could just do reps at that weight, and I only do 1x5 on them anyway. Squats are always 5x5 so I never really wanted to crank the weight up, but I can't see me magically jumping to that kind of weight. The only real "issue" I have with squats is my left leg buckling inwards when I rise, but it doesn't feel like it affects my strength.
Thank you and bless you, Mr. Gains.
>more guns than years masterrace
Ha. Dumb faggot.
The buckling is definitely something you'll need to figure out. Squeezing glutes might help but it's something you might have to consciously do (keep knees alighned with footsie) until it's habit. Seems like you might know what's wrong so keep researching and experimenting cause I ain't a trainer or anything.
>bragging about sub 2/3/4/5 numbers
>tfw your lifts in kilos are all higher than mine in pounds
OTOH, I'm not a tatted up faggot, so that takes the sting out of it a bit
>2 stripe blue belt
I'd heel hook the shit outta you OP
You know that tattoo means you fuck black guys, right?
>tfw girl cousin of mine married a dude with one of those biohazard symbol tattoos
>sub 3pl8 bench
Kys dyel weakling
Home gym master race
Based on what?