Why do girls lift their legs like this in pictures? Is it in their DNA?

Why do girls lift their legs like this in pictures? Is it in their DNA?

Attached: bikini girls.jpg (1080x1080, 198K)

Been wondering the same thing myself, it's so weird

Its called a pose. When you get your picture taken you don't just look at the camera like a freak standing still, it makes you look really really awkward. You would know this if you weren't a virgin autist lol

It gives the illusion of being more curvy
It's modeling 1 o 1 dork

so emphasize the curvature of the thigh/ass region
god bless these women

>Is it in their DNA?
yes user it is showing their reproductive potential. All life is biology, even people.

Thats why niggers cant read

Makes there butt look bigger and you can see there "curves"
Same reason why men stick out there chest.

They're trying to show off their non-existing arses to compensate for their ugly mugs which they're trying to cover by all posing together. Neither strategy is working so far I must say.

2D masterrace, 3D can go suck a cock.

Attached: 2eefae42ad495557dcdc6a5dadc6137a45bfb897_00.jpg (442x512, 26K)

To make legs and ass seem curvier
Also "posing" (i.e. not standing straight with your arms down) makes you look less awkward

>3D can go suck a cock
And that's exactly what they're doing, meanwhile you're being the incel in a Taiwanese fishing forum

Kek, the irony of your statement is the assumption that I'm involuntarily celibate. I'm celibate by choice user, please do your research before shitposting.

Why should I risk contracting mind-altering diseases for some mindless hedonism if my waifu's waiting for me in the afterlife?

Attached: 1446113700949.png (930x780, 14K)

Ah, so you're the volcel masterrace, glad to see an user of quality, enjoy your day.

It's a truly joyous occasion to see anons beginning to adopt the mentality. Godspeed to you too fellow user, have a good one.

Attached: smug_34.jpg (1300x1659, 434K)

It hides the size of you lower abdomen a bit, it is a ln optical slimming technique

a lot of anons have mentioned looking curvier but is also makes their legs look longer. girls and many dudes that are normies know angles/poses they look best in and you can see them upload selfies or pics in just one facial expression sometimes and there are also universal poses that just make human bodies look more aesthetically pleasing

Truly a man of intellect

its a genetic marketing technique used to make them appear better looking and shows off their goods

basically they decided it makes them look better

>doing the thot pose

Attached: drake-hotline-bling-jacket-moncler.png (451x451, 328K)

>t. normalfag
get out chad leave us alone

It's to enhance their curves and flex their calves faggot



>autism safe space protector

its not even that lmao its just cringe when people try soo hard to seem like they're normal on this board. its like wtf r u trying to prove

So this is why I never look photogenic.

It's basic rostie hive mind behavior. One does it subconsciously and the rest follow suit desu

To present their feet to the Chad Foot Fetishist

Why do they do the other stupid poses like the finger gun with a cringy facial expression. Or like the one where theres two girls and one has one forearm horizontal towards the other girl with palm up and another weird forced face

Attached: pose.jpg (300x470, 19K)

The on to the right of the flag, third on the left, fourth coming from right, is the best one.

They think it makes them look skinnier.

It doesn't.

it's legitimately creepy behavior
they should be shot on sight
maybe let 3 live traumatically with only non-immediately threatening wounds

didn't work for 4 now did it

here is another image to consider

Attached: fut.png (296x329, 211K)