
how do I slow down the natural againg of my skin?
I wanna look fantastic at 40 with less wrinkles.

How do I make my face look as best as possible?

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Fast and no fap

You don't look fantastic now, what do you thing is going to happen at 40? A miracle?

Attached: grinch.png (732x696, 429K)

I have a babyface and I wanna keep it wrinklefree.
Whats your problem fag.

ah, yes, I am the fag

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Drink lots of water, don't smoke cigarettes/weed. Wear lotion on your skin when you go out to prevent from ultra violet rays. don't eat cacndies they stretch your skin.

Wrinkles in the face are called by bone density reduction that comes with aging, especially around the eye sockets.
There is less bone for the same amount of skin to envelop so it gets wrinkly.

You can do some exercises to increase bone density in your whole body.
There's a receptor in the ball of the feet that checks for pressure and signals the brain to up bone production. You can do barefeet jumps a couple feet off the ground and try to land so that you feel the shockwave spread through your body.
Also eat food with Vitamin K and get sun.

All this was from a Japanese show on anti-aging, glad to pass it on.
Source here:

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Attached: 1804117_030.gif (640x360, 197K)

Interesting stuff,
The jumps are a good idea for a new Jow Forums meme
