Can I get a quick estimate bros? I'm trying to calculate how many more weeks of cutting i should do
Body fat percentage
Other urls found in this thread:
>calculating meme concepts by estimations of a bunch of underaged retards
Gg that photo literally convinced me to shave. I'm estimated 18% btw, that seem accurate?
I don't care for the sake of being able to say "I'm so and so bf". I have a goal bf (arbitrary) and I'm trying to calculate time under deficit to achieve it
I was gonna say 15 with deviation of 3
and "shave you filthy animal"
but you seems to have it all figured out so yea
good thread, bye
Lol thanks user, appreciate it
I'm surprised you're guessing so low. If you see in the second pic, I've got a lot of fat around my midsection/lower abs. In flat light i literally look like a blob
Estimate me too please?
10-12 i would say. Train your core more
generic retards have no clue and always ALWAYS guess too low
also it is VERY impossible to narrow down to 2% just by eye, especially by pictures, shitty ones I might add
fuck you, shave, 15+
This is now BF ESTIMATION GENERAL thread
But i train core a lot desu :(
For real tho, I do a ton of core. Front lever, back lever, l-sit, ab rollouts, leg raises, planche work, L-sit pull-ups+ring muscle ups, etc. I think I'm just still kinda fat. My arms are misleadingly lean. Hopefully at 10% I look good
15%~ IMO maybe a bit less
Where the fuck are your nips?
>that faggot who leans back in every photo to hide his potruding gut and posts in every single thread
how about you fuck off you skinnyfat dyel?
You're being laughed at because user understood you correctly, not incorrectly.
try taking an even shittier quality photo OP, you fucking mongoloid
Yo yo niggas
Bf estimate
do a caliper test, you fucking idiot. it's really not hard.
186 lbs.
4 months in. Been bulking. Wondering how much longer I should continue this before I cut. Don't feel I've built enough muscle/mass. What's my BF% and what do you think my plan should be? Thanks anons.
18% give or take a few
What am I at? I think 12-14%, but I'm still cutting
>abs when flexing
retard alert
I think you mean "ab"
All I see is a tummy
I'd wager 15 but I'm a dumbass
Abs when flexing is generally 20+%...
He’s not far off wrong.
t. fatty
No, abs when flexing is 15%.
Jesus Christ, where do some of you people get your information from? If you're judging your own body fat, you probably subtract 5% and then add 5% to anyone else. Do an actual test or go fuck yourself.
What the fuck are you, where are your nips and belly button?
Space aliens can be fit too, man
bf estimate?
trying to cut that last bit of fat
oh and im getting the gyno taken care of
im not big by anymeans but the redpill is that you can't be big as a natty without being fat lol
Bruh stop cutting you look like you came out of auschwitz
yeah but completetlt unflexed i have fat on my sides
this is one i took completely unflexed
forgot pic
Do you like getting your gyno sucked on?
Abs clearly visible, no extreme definition puts you at 13-14% body fat, more than likely at 13% because your mid rift has some definition.
You also are showing visible vascular definition in your arms, but it's not extreme.
I'm settling in at 13%.
which is too low for someone with as little muscle as you got. eat something and start working out.
unless you are a twink
gyno get ye gone
would you say the same for i dont like having fucking love handles unflexed
manlet alert
5'9 170 here; estimate 12%?
nice mirror Doris
Thanks user. But did you see:
Believe me, I'd love to be 13% but I don't think I'm there yet. I should take a pic in worse lighting, I really do look soft as hell
Looks like 13-14 to me. No ab veins and bottom abs are still hidden.
13-15%. Getting some nice definition though. Maybe take a pic where you're not bending over, but I can see you've still got fat around your lower abs + obliques. At 12% it should be a little leaner there imo
Bro, it's time to stop. You're so far from love handle territory that youre bordering on mental illness.
You do you but it's honestly time to slow bulk, you've got the frame to become beastly so get to it.
Actually I take it back, maybe closer to 12% (for first user). But for real u need to bulk
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