Would you go on a roadtrip around Europe with fellow robots?

Would you go on a roadtrip around Europe with fellow robots?
If yes, list 5 countries you'd like to see
I'm still here, and i'm still collecting cash and planning it out
I might even get a private bus, hang in there

We need
1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
4. Time

All races, nationalities, beliefs, mental issues accepted
No females allowed
Traps are alright cuz they're male

Attached: 6hdKKkI.jpg (634x900, 119K)

Never going to happen because nobody would be serious about this.

Except me

I would
I'm from a poor country tho, so organising it for free for everyone would be hard
I might collect enough to pay for the poorest robots tho

I'm in the U.S. but I'd go on a roadtrip throughout Europe with my robot brethren. I've already been to the UK, France, Portugal, Holland and Poland so my top destinations for a second trip would be:

1. Germany
2. Italy
3. Spain
4. Greece
5. Balkans

Time and money ain't an issue for me

You're poor. You can't afford a flight ticket & hotel rooms & food. And nobody is going to pay you.

You wouldn't go with randoms off r9k, you probably have tons of friends you'd invite to go with you and you'd form a clique while the rest of the lonely robots would be third wheeling it.

I'm OP, i have enough to pay for myself and 2/3 robots, just not a whole crowd
>flight ticket
Also i have no friends at all

You can't go on a roadtrip across countries user.

Make a Discord before the thread dies, OP. I'd legitimately do this. If we keep to shitholes like Russia and the Balkans, I'd probably be able to pay for several robots as well.

Why not?
>spend a week in a country
>move on
>spend another week in another country
>move on
Sure, it wouldn't be a luxury 5 star hotel experience, more like a nomadic lifestyle sort of thing, campfires, sleeping on a beach, fishing, this sorta thing
It's crazy, but what do we have to lose, really?
It's a matter of years man, i'm waiting with this till i reach 30 (26 now)
Just stay tuned and check r9k in 2022 (if a nuclear war doesn't start sooner)

>It's a matter of years man
So, never. Days, weeks, months, years will pass. Nobody will ever even remember this thread ever been made, you will probably find other shit to do with your life, and everything will be forgotten.

I have a literal conspiracy theory-tier chalkboard with notes about this in my room, i'm dead serious about this
I plan on killing myself after the trip aswell, i want to experience something fun for once
Symbol of the whole operation is a gas mask, i dunno why i picked it but they look cool and not many people post gas mask photos randomly
It's only a matter of patience, don't worry

If you don't want to do it now, why make the thread? Everybody is going to forget about it 3 minutes after thread dies.

Why are you killing yourself?
Why wait four years?
What does trip mean to you?
Are we all going to die at the end of it?

I wanted to make a poll about most desired destinations, already made one, i'm gonna do like 5 or 6 and sum up the results

When it happens, you'll hear about it, chill mate

Can I bring my camera and make a documentary of the trip? This sounds like some spooky ass shit.

>Why are you killing yourself?
Life is boring
>Why wait four years?
>What does trip mean to you?
Basically my last wish, come on, it'll be fun
>Are we all going to die at the end of it?
No, i just thought going with a bunch of robots woukd be better than going alone

Sure, it would be nice to have a souvenir like that

The most awkward trip ever. I would pay to see this, all the awkward silence, all the half yellow smiles, and the pain and suffering. You can't just meet strangers and bond, your trip would be extremely uncomfortable and sad, a complete failure. Making it with antisocial robots would only make things thousand times worse

>Are we all going to die at the end of it?
Pim pom! Bingo. From what OP said so far, he's throwing the bus off a cliff at the trip ending, the gran finale.

I realised some anons could find a suicidal person as a driver uncomfortable, thus i'd hire a driver

Yeah, like sleeping around you crazy cunt wouldn't be worrisome