Who /highcarb/ diet here?
>feel in a good mood all the time
>improves sleep quality
>increases testosterone
>no brain fog
>energy to demolish your workouts
>can eat delicious food
Who /highcarb/ diet here?
>feel in a good mood all the time
>improves sleep quality
>increases testosterone
>no brain fog
>energy to demolish your workouts
>can eat delicious food
I most likely been eating to little carbs for a long time. Really messes with your gains.
Left to right in 5 months on keto/0 carb
Not eating carbs doesnt mess with gains unless youre a s*yboy diabetic
Normies are retarded when they hate on carbs.
Cutting becomes 10 times easier when you eat moderate protein and a ton of carbs
Seriously, don't fall for the DUDE EAT A TON OF PROTEIN WHEN YOU CUT meme
Your body isn't stupid, you won't lose any muscle if you continue to train. During a cut
carbs are way more important to keep the stress level at bay and they will also help you
lift heavier so you don't lose any strength.
>keep stress level at bay
I have never ever experienced "stress" in my life. While being on a keto 0carb diet for 2 years
Just a reminder that vegetables contain carbs.