What qualities do you possess that make a girl want to hang around you?
What qualities do you possess that make a girl want to hang around you?
Nothing, nothing at all.
None as far as I can tell
I have a penis. Girls love penis.
>Nothing at all
>Anons get made fun of for posting legitimate qualities they might have
>Anons get pissy because girls
There, summed up your garbage thread for you.
literally nothing.where did I go wrong
A disingenuous smile, lens flare and a wasps nest on a stick.
I can somehow start conversations and know what normies like and do
im a stupid retarded clown, girls like the funny guys who make the funny jokes
Idunno, I'm a good listener? My best friend says I'm funny and another friend says I'm interesting and fun to talk to and they're both female. I guess the main thing is I dont hit on girls all the time.
Hmmm they also usually like to bully me...they both say I'd be an amazing submissive to a domme girl cause I have a lot of qualities they could exploit
None of the important ones: HEIGHT, FACE, MONEY. So yeah, none.
>I'm a good listener
ayyyy lmao
my body looks kind of like this (i'm black though) and i'm on the way to my first million
It's the only quality I can think of on my own, thanks for ignoring the rest of my post
an 8 in cock,6 feet in height and a 5/10 face but i legit have no friends lmao
its for the better
>Hmmm they also usually like to bully me
ill suck her clit for 80 hours straight
none, i do however atract 8/10 qts with autism
Now what?
I'm pretty tall and think i look ok but that's not enough
kys? i dunno how to quench your pretentiousness
My "independence". I'm actually just a super autist that relies only on myself to get things done.
How am I pretentious?
I just fucked an ugly girl it was my first time
I make fun of girls a lot and they like it
>decent face
>not a fatass
I get approached by women pretty frequently but I always fuck it up because I sperg out
I'm a huge asshole.
Ive spent the past 4 years building up these qualities.
>I dress well
>I'm well groomed
>I have a circle of friends (3 close friends, 10 less close friends)
>I go on vacations with friends at least once a year
>I have my own interests (my car, boxing)
>I drive a luxury car
>I don't live with my mother
>I have a shit job but I'm looking for another one
>I've learned how to be funny
>I'm way more outgoing than I used to be
>with the use of kratom, I've gotten rid of a lot of my social anxiety
>I have plans almost every weekend
>Hmmm they also usually like to bully me...they both say I'd be an amazing submissive to a domme girl cause I have a lot of qualities they could exploit
was believable until this shit, LARPer
I'm a good emotional tampon.
Just b urself :^)
>Nice (not the stereotypical "nice guy" nice.. actually nice)
>give good advice
>sometimes funny
>only mildly autistic
>usually have a positive attitude, even when I'm sad
>good at listening, remembering little details about her
Idk. Got my first actual friend that's a girl this past year, she says she loves me and all that. We hang out at least weekly, usually call about once or twice a week. So I'm doing decent for robot standards, r-right?
I'm an ugly overweight guy btw.. no Chad here.
If I had any qualities like that I'd have girls hanging out with me
Did you put in effort to hang out with any girls? Chat up a coworker, have lunch with them, find out their hobbies/interests, eventually ask to hang out. Girls are mostly scared of taking the initiative... take that risk, let them kindly say no, don't take it personal. Ask again in a couple weeks, if it's another no wait for them to ask you/reschedule otherwise drop it.
Wasnt LARPing, I'm pretty lucky to have them in my life, I know that. They dont bully by like beating me up or some shit, just teasing and stuff. I like my friends
We're all very open about kink stuff which is why they've mentioned the domme thing
Apparently girls like my voice and playing with my hair, but aside from that the combination of bland personality and ugly appearance keeps em away from me.
no they do not at all
>what qualities
I would never lie to her
You're an emotional tampon to them. Get away, you can't be friends with women.
I've never understood this phrase, "emotional tampon". I assume it refers to emotional support, which is something friends do for friends. What makes it any different from a male friendship?
Women lie all the fucking time. You're getting played.