Finally obtain gf

>finally obtain gf
>before her all i did was work, lift, eat, and sleep
>now have to make time for her
>go out on dates with her all the time
>if i ignore her too long she'll start getting passive aggressive
>ignore her in the past because i like my loneliness sometimes
>she starts crying and saying I'm gonna dump her by ghosting her

How does Jow Forums deal with relationships?

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>How does Jow Forums deal with relationships?
I do it by reading Rollo Tomassi "The rational male", listening to Patrice O'neal and Phillip Bleige.

treat her mean to keep her keen

include her into your daily activities, cook together, go to gym together or whatever

She's one of those Polish alpha females. She clearly sees that tough guy act and I find it unnecessary to act that unless I need to. It's actually one of the reasons she said she likes me

My gf does the same, she made a rule that we have to see eachother at least 3 times a week, and cries when i try to cancel because i want to be alone.
She says if i really loved her i would want to be with her at all times

She apparently only does calisthenics and jog in the morning. She said she stopped going to the gym after she got a staph infection from one of the gyms

I mean you probably do love her as well but you also need time for yourself and not feel like you're playing an escort mission whenever you're around her.

I wonder why women nest so hard like this

Its better to miss someone than be utterly fucking sick of hanging out and getting snippy.

The funny part is by ghosting her you're keeping her more engaged in the relationship. When it becomes a routine it gets boring, but since you stop talking to her due to being use to being alone she now has to figure out WHY the guy that talked to her and is dating her is ignoring her...she'll have thoughts constantly that she did something wrong.

The moment she says not to ignore her and you talk to her every day is when she finally gets bored of you.

Because for women having a relationship is literally their hobby and life.

My exgf made me the center of her universe and with that came me being required in everything she did.

I have hobbies and shit I like to do by myself, but most women don't have hobbies beyond Netflix, light walking they call hiking, and eating food.

The coolest most interesting women I've ever met all were hardcore into some hobby and had a sense of self worth without a man.

That is rare.

Never met a woman like this. They always look like they're hardcore into a hobby but once you start looking into it you realize they're just putting up a show to be accepted into a group where they can socialize.

>It's actually one of the reasons she said she likes me
Women don't understand why they like anything. Listening to them is foolish. Use the breakup as a learning experience and don't give so many fucks next time.

based and redpilled

>feeling like you are playing an escort mission
this is so frustrating, we were watching a movie once and she just got up and left because i wasnt hugging her...
she recently started doing pole dancing classes so she might get more Jow Forums and find a hobby
i think there's hope

If I had a gf I'd take her on weekend trips because I have nothing to do on weekends and too much shit to do the rest of the week

Tfw no gf

>but most women don't have hobbies beyond Netflix, light walking they call hiking, and eating food.
Accurate as fuck. 99/100 women do nothing in their spare time but swipe on Tinder, religiously scroll through other people's walls on Facebook, check Instagram a thousand times a day, or take pictures of their coffee or pet cat to post on Instagram themselves. Finding a woman who actually does thing on her own is like finding a dollar on the ground right in front of a temple. It just doesn't happen.

Even when a girl does have a hobby it seems like they only engage in it for social media credit and attention. Find me a girl who knits or does any other craft and I'll show you a girl fishing for likes on social media.

>Finding a woman who actually does thing on her own is like finding a dollar on the ground right in front of a temple. It just doesn't happen.

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Patiently waiting for my marriage to collapse for these reasons. Women ar are literally the worst, they have no identity then steal yours and drag you down.

This this this but my wife cant stand missing me while I take a piss, she gets moody and emo as fuck and manipulative, cant be separated for an instant. I am going to kill us both if she doesnt let up.

sad but true and often when they do have solitary hobbies they're a result of mental issues like anxiety and depression (often in men too though).

She cant take a hint, when I do try to do something on my own, she invites herself. Oh. And asks "do you want me to come?" While making it incredibly obvious that NO is the wrong answer.


>pole dancing classes
Fuck're an idiot.

Exactoh what happened to me for 3 years with my ex. Every one of my hobbies became "our" hobbies.

And our hobbies she found ways to fuck with my head and ruin with her bipolar bullshit. I was devastated when we broke up but I'm honestly so much happier and I can actually do exactly what I want without some useless retard tagging along.

I have realized my ideal relationship is to have warm holes to put my dick in, and a lot of guy friends to actually spend time with.

By having a gf that is not a beta insecure loser


I would actually love it to have a clingy retard gf you know. My last one was a bit too cold. Nothing wrong in my view if they want to be around you 24/7. Sounds like you guys got a bit of autism.

Have some advice from an older user. People rarely change from who they are on a base level.

It's like asking for a raise. You could get a 50 cent raise, or find a new job that pays 5 dollars more an hour.

Investing in one person and hoping they can change is not worth it 95% of the time.

I need alone time and guy time. I've had the clingy gf and was miserable in 2 months.

From what I've seen men don't really want women who have their own hobbies either. Most of the men I date get pissy when I tell them I don't want to hang out some weekend because I'm going to do my own shit. They get jealous and don't believe I'm really doing what I say I am. Think I'm going to cheat on them, despite never initiating a relationship in my life. Too antisocial for that shit.

The idea of sharing hobbies is very appealing to me, but everyone should be OK with their own space.

this girl is a 10/10 but I bet she aged like shit


im 21, we've been together for a year
i would rather regret not ending it earlier than regret ending it
so i dont really know that to do

You think that but in reality it's awful.

Everything she feels now becomes a result of you. If she's happy it's because of you. If she isn't it's because of you. If she doesn't get what she wants she will pull some bullshit to frustrate you and force you to engage in her shit fest.

You will always be the bad guy. Nothing will ever be her fault. It might be okay for months or even years, but she is fundamentally broken inside and unable to deal with life.

It's fine to fuck and casually date these women, but never put yourself in a compromising situation and be ready for things to end badly and abruptly.

So then go jogging with her.

Not the same guy, just pitching in that I think being hopeful about your girlfriend who just picked up pole dancing classes, of all things, is blatantly retarded.
See above.
Your girl is a hoor in training.

I can't know tour situation, but always ask yourself. If you knew everything about her that you do now on the first date. Would you still choose to be with her?

This is a pretty good way of recentering on what is important to you and not letting your feelings for her or fear of being alone cloud your judgement.

>start getting more serious with girl
>always mires body says it's so sexy that I lift and look good etc.
>wants me to drink with her every night
>say that I will not change my priorities around like that maybe once per week max
>says I'm crazy and self centered for this and don't know how to relax
>stop hanging out with her

I knew it couldn't go far, her only hobby was drinking, and lmao chilling DUDE
Are all women's Hobby's really that fucking lacking?
Also now she begs for sex every night basically after I haven't been back to her in a week

I'd say shees pretty saucy
Probably at least 40

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Not OP but I just had to make some tough decisions and reading this helped to put things in perspective. I made the right decision leaving her. It hurts and I feel alone but it was the right choice.

I would also say that a lot of men's hobbies don't go beyond video games and browsing reddit. So your viewpoint is valid as well.

I think 90% of people are just okay being boring and are literal NPCs

I need to find myself a high-est confident woman who knows what she wants, has a varied and fulfilling social life, and interests that she pursues.

People are the worst.

>If you knew everything about her that you do now on the first date. Would you still choose to be with her?

Probably not, when we met she seemed the complete oposite of what she is

i dont really care if it hurts, i just dont want to lose sleep 10 years from now thinking i made the wrong choice

This girl is good for nothing but sex. Always use condoms cause this birch is crazy.

String her along for easy sex and dump her as soon as she asks for a commitment.

My last relationship was like this and I had to call it off. It hurt, but I wasn't me during the relationship.

Currently what makes me happiest is being alone. I'm 27, have done school, done the office job, done the 50k a year thing, done 4 different 2-year relationships with the last being the hardest.

I was her hobby and entertainment, if I wanted to put my headphones on and game for a bit, she was like a sim standing waiting idle for instructions. It was awful.

Moving in with her was the biggest blessing/mistake. We had our own spaces prior so I never saw this (and things were better) but once we moved in, I instantly saw the problem and knew I needed out.

It's been a year, and I'm being incredibly careful with choosing a mate moving forward. If they aren't driven and doing their own thing, I don't even bother.

I absolutely love being completely alone and listening to music while autistically planning investment strategies with a glass of whiskey. My girl hated it until she realised that's where all the play money comes from. Now she just shows up with food and watches TV quietly until I come out of my office. Your choices are either A) fill your alone time with a money maker and convince her you need to he alone to make money to send on her or B) find a new chick.

I think you answered your own problem here. Imagine in 10 years if you're still with her and you're fucking miserable that you wasted your prime on sub-prime pussy

she has problems with delaying gratification, correct it with bondage and masochism

Damn you sound alpha as fuck. You passed the fuck out of that shit test

> wondering why women nest
Buddy... normal women want to settle and have kids. If she’s not “nesting” I got some bad news for you... she’s not interested in settling with 1 guy.

It's her way of bringing you back. Do it knowing this and expect her not to change. Women exist to test men, all we can do is try to take it like a game and tease them for it. If they get pissy make a joke about how serious they are taking it.

Apologize when ya fuck up. Walk away and keep your mouth shut when they are in their irrational states. Detach and do your own thing until she asks to do something with you. Always respond ecstatically and happy (with a kiss as well) when YOU decide to return.

I will be honest, I have been lacking in being happy when my gf turns around after doing above. I get pissed off that I even have to deal with the shit aspects of womanhood. In effect, she has a self-guilt trip on her own womanhood. But, as a woman, she will only use these emotions to justify being more annoying and irrational. Remember positivity, love and warmth when you decide to be near her, and calm lighthearted teasing in the face of her irrationality and bitterness is what passes her tests. They crave security and are Obsessive maniacs testing their safety nets.

My family is full of them. It’s taken many years to realize that they are unusual.

Things that you really want in life, you make time for. I’ve never really had an issue splitting time between my pretty busy job, lifting regularly, and finding time for my girl. It helps a lot if you go for someone with some depth that has their own life outside of being your gf.

Considering that you’re just randomly ignoring your girl and don’t see a problem, I’m making the assumption that you’re an ass and that this is more of a you problem. If it is somehow just her being too clingy though, I’d say drop it and find someone more compatible.

Umm... in America that would be true.
In Eastern Europe (user said she was polish), that's actually a sport, not a whore thing.

I tried ignoring her but that didnt make her text/hang out with me any more than before.

Fucking drop her ass. She's obviously okay without you so move on and find someone bettee

I’ll take two please.

I started out mad, but then I got the joke. Good on you m8

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>those tits
There is something about those C-cup MILF tidders that still have a teardrop shape that get me fucking GOING.

Sure smells musky in here.

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girlfriends are a meme. this anger and resentment that you're both starting to feel toward each other is inevitable and won't go away. find God and then find a wife.

You'l get one user.

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Same here. Fucking glorious.

I was in the same boat as you and basically just put in the time with her and started fasting during the work week to make up for the lousy food choices that she made on the weekends. I lift at home after work and run when I wake up. I was heavily debating doing a test cycle to make real progress but she was against it.

I have to tell you though, making it is awesome. We just broke up a couple hours ago and I don't even feel affected by it and haven't even reactivated Tinder yet or anything, just going about my day as usual. I guess that this is the way it's supposed to be. You're supposed to make your life good and they just add to it. You still have a good life when they're gone. Test cycle, here I come!

>inb4 "cope"

Same, finally got a gf last year and the first months? Amazing, best months of my life. Now? I feel like I have to take care of a child, it's a burden really, but I don't want to hurt her so I just pretend

100% this

I use to be exactly like you and now I just tell girls up front at the start of a relationship that this isn't a serious relationship. I mainly do it with FWB, most of the time I just go to a party or a bar or something and do a one night stand OR I head to the strip club and do a private "dance"

But she said she loves me :’(

that's not a relationship that's just fucking whores

So many similar feels in here, guess I'll share.

Got a gf I thought was going to be what I wanted, short and pretty and smart, my type basically. She turned out to be crazy and a headache. Emotionally immature so I had to play parent a lot, started setting microexpectations about everything and make me wary of her. Realized I was only still in it thanks to the sex and fleeting moments of comfy companionship but it wasn't a good tradeoff for my sanity so we broke up.

Now idk what I want. I always gravitate towards relationships with girls and have a hard time being a player or manipulator so it's hard to get the sex and companionship I want without getting too close or being guilty if I'm misleading someone.

>literally found just out my ex dumped me because I didn't hug her enough or hold her hand

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>gf doesn't put out for 4 days
>begin to doubt relationship and get progressively angrier
>jerk off for 5 hours and consider cheating
>she rough fucks 5 times and deep throats me on the fifth day
>suddenly happy again

I know a girl who knits and doesn't post shit about it online, but she's married with 2 kids

Exactly. Isn't it wonderful?
no worries no stress no headache you just pleasure your penis whenever you want and continue to eat sleep and lift. While simultaneously focusing more and giving more time to your career.

Who do you want to be? that 30 year old who has a wife and many kids to take care of, all that nagging and whining and headaches.

OR that 30 year old Jow Forums chad who has spent most of their 20s building their career and focusing on being fit and making lots of money, on a yacht in the Bahamas partying with 30 bitches

For me it's drafting your chick in the first round and picking a chick who will stay with you as you grow your value rather than waiting for when you are already done. You know a girl who is willing to bet on you before you have shit rather than after you're done (aka whores)

literal nightmare stuff it is man

>think that the woman is probably shitty or something dumb
>that you are gret and good
>apparently you are the shit one and a huge fuckboy who does not care about love anymore
>start to remember all the little conversations and interactions where she wanted comfort and love from me and I just didnt really care and scoffed it off

this realization is also potentially tearing me up, reason why I am not able to sleep well at all for the last couple of days. Being offered exactly what you wished for...but in such a subtle form...outside of my own cognition...christ...

Ok, so you won't be so autistic next time. You got practice.

I feel like I know your gf.

I actually enjoy spending time with her, if you don't enjoy the time spent together then it's not healthy

I think I messed it up so badly that all the failures have caused such a huge amount of resentment in her that she now purposefully tries to make ME feel bad. Basically if I try to approach her she does her best to ignore me this time around. All the times she pulled enough courage to talk to me, to bother try to tell me about her life...try to impress is killing my soul man. As a side effect I am pretty sure that I am in full blown love about her now tho. Keep thinking about tactics, outcomes, directions to take, philosophies to have...nothing quite sticks. Counseled family. Talked to people around her a little bit...still nothing. Feels like nothing and nobody can help me now to deal with this problem. Really wish there was...

>being this old
Never realized the reason why so many guys like this run of the mill bitch. Besides her being your first boner and muh nostalgia she isn’t anything special.

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It's amazing in retrospect how when you're young and have no outside reference, every unusual thing about your family seems completely normal. Growing up, it never occurred to me my parents sleeping in separate bedrooms at opposite ends of the house was a bad sign.

bpd or something. Get out. NOW

what if she thinks that you are special? Would it be a good thing to ruin what little wonder and hope she has in life as has happened to many of us?

....wait for it

Do they just blow you or actually have sex with you at VIP?

It's not a bad thing to want to be in a committed relationship, user. You just need to be looking for a woman who has the emotional maturity to be a partner, not a child.

Is her name Agnes?

He sounds more like her next meal ticket. Beta bucks yo


Stop caring about other people. Selflessness is for faggots and women. Imagine being 90 years old and thinking about all the time you wasted trying to make other worthless people happy.

To live a good life you have to be somewhat sociopathic until you find something that actually matters to you.

You'll never find that thing if you never are uncomfortable. Living is suffering. Choose your suffering and make it worth it.

Unironically the former

Just do what I did. Be manipulated and used enough that all humanity leaves you and all that's left is a predator.

You need to have the mentality that you are number 1. You need to be able to confidently say that nothing matters more than you.

If you were put in a room and had a button that would kill someone else to save yourself. You should be able to push that button without guilt.

Holy shit based Japanese. Guess they started to recover from the nukes and anime

Becoming a bitter shell of a man doesn't seem like an optimal life strategy, user. Gotta let go of that hurt.

The rational male. You blue pilled fuck

I had to face this reality because I could not sleep at all anymore man. Somehow huge amounts of guilt overwhelmed me somehow and now I cannot deal with it. It crept up on my somewhere in the back of my head and I dont know how to restore myself to the old uncaring even affected new encounters with women somewhat. Cant even fap properly even.

I promise you that right now I am happier than ever being a selfish cunt.

Game theory dictates that in a situation where one party is selfish and one is not. The one who is not will be taken advantage of.

Only in supreme selfishness can you make an even trade between 2 parties. This is the basics of capitalism. The thing that made the western world a superpower.

Don't be a socialist basedboy. The only thing that gets you is feminist cunts who destroy your masculinity and put you through the ringer as a result of their inbred misandry.

That's literally all I've ever known.
To do things for other people and make them happier is how I define if I'm doing the right thing or not. Or I might be deluded into thinking that and use that as an excuse for most things.
If I don't have that I'm basically nothing.

What do I do?

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meh honestly I'd prefer a family over whores

Very good