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i got 127

Attached: 1523502802350s.jpg (125x114, 2K)

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my dumbass can't even hold the attention span to do this long ass test

its not that long.only a few questions each section of the test.

got 114

got 126.

Although I feel the vocab questions are more just how well you know english as opposed to IQ. The raven's matrices were pretty difficult though.

I couldn't do some of the shape questions and i couldn't remember a few of the recalls

got 125
not too bad

Wait my recall score was unusually low. What format did they want you to type the numbers in? The sample question didn't work right for me.

I entered the numbers separated by spaces -- was this what they wanted?

under 80, noted

I replied to a few shapes randomly and really didn't give a fuck about the recalls past the first few.

Attached: IQ.png (791x627, 31K)

Ok I looked at the example JS and it seems they wanted you to type it in without spaces. That's pretty retarded desu who enters a sequence of numbers without using a space or comma as a delimiter?

i took the giqtest about 2 years ago. while the structure of the giqtest is very similar to the real life mensa test, though much shorter, it has been highly inaccurate for me in comparison. the other two online tests i took ages ago were more realistic, though i can't find them anymore sadly (the swedish one has been deleted from the website and i can't find the german one either).
irl i got an iq of 121. i was really nervous about the test and barely slept the night before. also, this was only two weeks after i stopped doing drugs, according to my psychologist it takes a few months until the cognitive functions are restored after a long time of drug use. but i highly doubt that i would be above 130 (mensa level) under any circumstances, so i really don't agree with the giqtest results.

Attached: online iq tests.png (1904x1000, 670K)

>that moment when you realize that social skills and creativity are way more important than IQ for being successful

Attached: .jpg (250x218, 7K)

>think your a genious
>get only 125 IQ

Attached: 1478618471091.jpg (244x206, 9K)

wtf is this.

cant find a pattern no matter how hard i try.

Attached: matrix15.png (640x640, 101K)

It's 2 I think. Not sure why it just feels right.

if i had to guess, i'd say the triangle. the other shapes are already represented in some similar form. the triangle seems to be unique.

>that moment when you realize that social skills and creativity are way more important than IQ for being successful

Creativity means jack shit in most careers. Corporations don't need creativity. They need people who follow directions and don't rock the boat. If you're creative in your job, you might make the company a bit more money but you'll also make a lot of enemies in the office.

>social skills

It's a certain kind of social skills. Secretaries have good social skills but they don't make a lot of money.

The most important thing for being successful is a willingness to con and swindle people out of their money. To be able to find people's weaknesses and exploit them.


My last boss was making 250k in usd at age 28 but was a born liar. He had the personality of a used car salesman. He was terrible at math and had a marketing degree from a low-tier school. I wouldn't hire that guy to manage a restroom but this retard somehow convinced the CEO of the company that he should be the head of the IT department. Working for that shitbox idiot was one of the most eye opening experiences in my life.

I got a 136 on this test but got bored half way through so started missing some of the questions on the recall section.

Am I a brainlet?
Origami origami, give me no baniami

Attached: Screenshot_20180705-151629.png (720x1280, 149K)

Literally says you're a bright normie.

Too bad you're retarded compared to me at 121. i'm superior.