Men will say literally anything to get pussy. I'm fucking done. I deserve better. And no Im not a roastie...

Men will say literally anything to get pussy. I'm fucking done. I deserve better. And no Im not a roastie, I am a pathetic virgin.

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Terrible bait, OP. You can do better.

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Are you at all religious?

>babbys first baitpost

Women will say anything to get the cock they've selected. It works both ways.

the sophisticated user
the desperate retard

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Not for me, nigger, I'm just trying to discern what her fucking problem is. It might just be that she's a fucking heretic. Religious or no, I don't try to get girlfriends and Siamese Sudoku boards.

t. brooke
originally g

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No, I'm not. Why do you ask? I would be embarrassed to be religious.

Because the caliber of guys you're going after are probably not religious either, and I've found that the type of person who isn't religious is more likely to be the type of person who has watched porn their entire life, leading to a culture of "muh pussy" and thinking that it's the be all and end all of everything. Because after all, if God doesn't exist, what's the point in not rotting your brain out by watching porn, which has been found to rewire your brain to view women as merely objects for your sexual gratification.

>actually believing this shit

C'mon, son. You'd only believe this shit if it was your dick doing the thinking and it was your first day on the internet.

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It's the internet, I've learned it's more enjoyable when I don't try to discern whether or not something is true. Sometimes it's fun to indulge the larp. And then when it becomes blatantly false, you fucking stab them.

I don't understand why you'd think this is a troll post. There are all kinds of crazies on the internet who say shit just like this when down, except they are male.

You are really, really not intelligent.

>trying that hard to have an original post when you really have nothing original to say

We-freaking-ew ladle

He is sort of religious, but not really. He has slept around, lies, is old, rednecked, and is a fat ass. I didnt want to believe it, but all he probably sees me as is a prize to show off to his friends. He doesn't remember shit about me and is unresponsive to my interests/ some of the things I say. I'm only with him because I have literally no one else who shows interest in me besides him.

the absolute state of summer

I'll have you know I'm 3, okay faggot?

I don't know man, why don't you just stop talking to him? Grow a pair of balls like the man you are and stop whining.

Op might genuinely be an actual female.

>no contextual cues
>no structure
>post hoc ergo propter hoc

It's quite rare to see such a vapid original post.

>>>/crystalcafe/ might be more your speed.

>calling me a retard isn't original
We know man, we know.

I've tried but I keep going back to him because I have no one else to talk to that just accepts me for who I am.

I want to let you know I'm a girl too and I fucking relate. Men will tell you they are literally in love with you just to get their wick wet. I genuinely wonder if they are capable of love. No joke I wonder that very often.

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He doesn't even think Rick and Morty is the best show ever :(

All those romance anime, chick flicks, manga, romantic comedies, romance novels, poems, paintings, musical scores that you enjoy?

Yup, men created virtually everything.
> I genuinely wonder if they are capable of love.
Men taught you the very meaning of love and its expression. Fellate a shotgun.

This thread is excruciating even for Jow Forums

>im not a roastie
>fucks on the first date and expects him to be her husband
listen up roastie just fucking wait a good 6 months at least b4 sex you had no excuse roastie

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Shut up and deal with it. There is no such thing as "too excrutiating for r9k." The more raw and cringier, the better.

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How's puberty treating you?

I think it might still be happening. At least, that's what I'm hoping. Can my boobs still grow past 20?

How low must your value be when that is the only kind of person that is attracted to you? Have you considered contacting the people on this board?

Only if you keep taking your estradiol, tranny.

Nobody deserves better

>don't like a girl
>she consequently likes me
>like a girl
>she consequently dislikes me, and tries to get as much attention out of me as possible while trying to ghost me as much as possible

I want all women to die

>I want all women to die
you're a fucking faggot