Why don't we live in a society where fighting is allowed and physical strength and power is actually respected?
Why don't we live in a society where fighting is allowed and physical strength and power is actually respected?
money and resources determine how physical force is applied, you can't see the big picture if you think this doesn't apply to every human society ever
because you would a slight step above women and children under 12 and I'd be a God
Congrats on starting T.dumbest convo of all time. Keep going and she where you end up.
>when you realize that WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY
You'd still be bottom of the pile, posting on Jow Forums
because we wanted to get past the bronze age
If you join a BJJ gym, then you can go pretty hard trying to submit another human being any/every day of the week. In fact, in my gym we have 4 days a week where you are encouraged to push yourself to a competition pace (~90-95% of full force) for an hour.
You'd be respected for martial prowess there.
I don't mean at a gym I mean in every day life. I want to be allowed to kick someone's ass for cutting in front of me at McDonalds, or calling me names at work, with no consequences other than people will look up to you and appreciate you and you gain in power.
It's because that's what society is. It's called the social contract. Read about it. But I know you won't.
There will still be a contract it's just that if you're an asshole I'll beat you up and I'm the hero.
We do. It's legal to fight someone, as long as you both agree. Women are attracted to men who can beat up other men and men respect them. If you go to some parts of the country and live around certain cultures (Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, Southern whites, Southeast Asian Americans), fighting is a completely acceptable way to solve a problem. You just grew up in a quiet nice suburb where people handle all of their issues in courtrooms so your ignorant to this side of society.
>Read about it. But I know you won't.
>be white man born in south africa
>idiot grandpa moved here and had childs with other emigrated whites from europe
>i have to endure those fucking charcoalskins and their chimp behavior
>koko the nigger is outside my house trying to steal my dog
>i tell him as politely as i can if he can please stop
>he tells me to fuck off and that im selfish
>mfw, i dont know what the fuck i did wrong there
>he looks mad
>he tells me that we will solve it fighting
>next day
>he came with two machetes taped together in each hand
>also has a band of niggers with farm implements behind him; probably all of them are his family
>tell him to drop his machetes, if we will solve this with the bare hands
>he doesnt
>run into house behind my 50 inch thick metal door
>they are trying to enter and turn me into ground beef
great way to solve a dispute
Don't Boers have entire armories in their houses? Or are you not a Boer? You should also probably gtfo of there btw.
Because nothing would get done, and all the tards using tard streangth would rule supreme
because we've evolved past the stone age
fighting is degenerate and a dumb way to solve problems 99% of the time
call me a basedboy go on
Actual physical means of producing a better life have become disconnected from one's personal abilities and power
OOga booga me punch hard me Alpha mal...
*bang* *bang*
sorry monkey, that was like thousands years ago
Limp wristed little waifs like you will be the first to die when society collapses
Allowing fights would be fine so long as it was applied justly and not merely to allow people a means to gaining unwarranted power.
>Someone was mean to me
is not a good enough reason to beat them up
>calling someone limp wristed online makes you tough and strong
I'm not even him but jfl
buy an fal niggers cant shoot