Justify Your Life

Why should you be alive?

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Should is such a dumb word. I can be alive, and therefore I am.

I shouldn't be alive, user.

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All meaningless. The only thing that matters is will or won't, yes or no.

Dead. Next.

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I'm still very much alive.

Wrong. Dead again, punk.

>Lie 24/7 to my parents
>Lie 24/7 to my girlfriend
>Lie 24/7 to both of them in front of their faces

I don't think I can, user. I'm nice to people and I've helped a lot of people, but that's it.

To take care of my daughter. I don't think my mom or grandparents could handle if I died either

Permitted to live.

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My carbon-dioxide from breathing helps plants grow. I may be a neet loser, but at least I have a garden.

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I shouldnt be, but I guess I can be used as a bad example if anything

Because my cat, dog and radishes all depend on me.

Because I want to be and have the power to acquire the necessary resources.

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I'm becoming a normal
please let me live
give me a chance

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Life recorded through a series of in-depth personal interviews that are broadcast over PBS with an additional miniseries on HBO with the actor of your choosing, then dead.
Permitted to live if radishes are posted with timestamp along with begging.

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I have four dogs and I need to take care of my Grandmother...
She and my Father would be forlorn-but maybe my Father woul recover.
My mother would be in shock,but she literary said that I am not her problem and has it as a major dogma in her life.
Also I have some proposals on reforming the Darian Calendar and in the creation of a Arianist-christian agrarian Utopia and as my life job I am the keeper of my Grandmothers farmstead.

Permitted to live, though your life is very strange.

Yes it is,but at least I do not need to work friend.

I spent 64k on an education and I owe the government as much in student loans. Once I pay it off I'll be a valuable, educated member of society who is a net positive.

Why should any life exists? What do humans do for the universe? Nothing. Life has no purpose or meaning. Just exist and do the things that you enjoy and do it till you inevitably die.

goddamn, son you've got low standards

Is it an American College?

No other college would leave you with that much debt

I am sorry for your debt friend, JNRI be on you.

I study neuroscience and want to continue doing research at a university after I graduate.

Hopefully I'll be able to take some bites out of the Unknown and help uncover some of the brain's mysteries.

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my kitties

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Dead, next up on the chopping block.

Ty my friend. I have a bit of hope because it's a master's degree in a hard science. One would think that I could derive more than $64k of earnings from it.

Is it also related to research?
How do scientists take money from researches without patronizers exactly?

Only I have the power to ascend and fight the demons that are coming any day now, this pathetic existence is a ruse, I am the true savior of humanity and the keeper of Xenu's ballsack

Molecular biology can be related to research.

Monetization is a complicated question. A lot of primary research is funded by the government. When you find out about the molecules that are responsible for CRISPR, that was government funded research. However, at this point, you can start a small business trying to sell CRISPR biotechnology. You could sell everything to make a glow-in-the-dark gerbil kit from a DIY laboratory. In this new era, you could probably create a laboratory that streams on Twitch, puts highlights on YouTube, and has a patreon to just do the research without creating a tangible product. Their research topics would be a $500/mo patreon perk!

Say you want to make medicine, though. The process isn't necessarily funded by the government. A company can get angel investors who want to see the medicine get to market. Billions of dollars go into clinical trials that doesn't originate from the government. A biomedical company can take an article from an experiment that was funded by government research and go through the process of clinical trials to make a product that gets patented and they can sell it. There's 10,000 jobs along the way there including the people who administer tests to patients, the people who find patients, the people who do further experiments, the people who regulate clinical trials, the people in charge of biosafety, etc.

In addition to this, you could also be a professor at a private college (public college would be government money in a roundabout way) who gets paid to teach the next generation of researchers. You can be doing research into questions without an obvious application (think electricity before it was in every household). You could be an editor, peer review-er, and publicist for a journal of research.

These are ways to go about getting research money without all of it stemming from government handouts. Ultimately, a lot of this starts with patrons, but the same could be said for any educated field.

There is no should or should not, only is or is not. I am alive, therefore I am supposed to according to the laws of physics. You cannot kill me at the moment, so i will continue to be so for the time being.

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Dead, then burned, then ashes spread into 666 piles to be fed to specific species of lichen which will be turned into substrate for psilocybin cubensis mushrooms that I will consume to gain your powers. Faggot.

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i have to be alive because i am the chosen one
solipsism is real
if i cease to exist, this reality would cease to exist

Well for your sake I hope you can't catch aids from lichen

Interesting,you can live for yourself in the "experiment market",even without governemment funded institutions...
I will myself research on home-made research companies friend.
GOD bless you.

my parents would be further shocked if i died

Because there is nothing else to do, you faggot

There's no reason to exist. You can't even prove you exist. Go ahead and try if you like.

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What if i'm actually the only real person and everything else is just supported by my being here?

Everyone close to me would think I killed myself, would blame themselves for not doing more as good people do, sending them into a similar depressed spiral, ruining their lives, and snowballing the problem further and further.

Because im an American, damnit. Im worth at least 3 Africans just based on that information alone

Nobody should be, existence itself is an affront to the void.

My job is keeping others alive and people have spent lots of money training me for it

I am a mother of 2 and I am responsible for raising what I've brought into the world.