Mental disorder test thread

post your mental disorder test results, here's mine

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Other urls found in this thread:

Giving the fucking link then

Link? I've not taken this in years.

can't even recall when i did this but i think it's still correct.

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here it is, user

From when I last took it. Should I just kys mine selve?

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Guess my diagnosis.

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i diagnose you with big gay

and you are correct

help me please

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This test does not include all of the diagnostic criteria for the disorders it lists. It's instantly invalid. Without questions concerning ideas of reference, a 100% result on "schizotypal" still means nothing. Why don't you use your time wisely and read about the actual disorders instead of doing some facebook quiz on the topic?

That seems pretty accurate.

Attached: Personality_Disorder_Test_-_Personality_TestResults_-_2018-07-04_20.39.26.png (775x610, 120K)

i went from avoidant very high to just high in 6 months so that's progress i guess

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Didn't expect to score so high on paranoid

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i probably fucked up on mine desu, sad times anons

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Not very helpful

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I don't know what any of this means. ORIGINALLY ORIGINAL, fucking robot

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dab on em mental illnesses

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>look how DEMENTED i am!!!!

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Got npthing less than "Moderate" on every one.

I hope y'all realize that this test is designed to make everybody feel fucked up, probably because it wants you to buy stuff from them or pay for some kind of membership.

Not much construct validity here.

If you want a personality test, look up the five factor personality test, it's the only one that is supported by the psychometric community.

If you want to know if you fit the diagnostic criteria of a mental disorder, download the DSM-V and look up the relevant disorder.

It's even worse than i thought, god help me.

Attached: 8e1b672ba40e661795336a0e9f360923.png (473x363, 26K)

Mentally ill reporting in

Attached: lOVBX0p.png (882x680, 81K)

Very High: Schizoid
High: Paranoid, Schizotypal, Narcissistic
Moderate: Histrionic, Avoidant, Antisocial
Low: Dependent, Borderline, Obsessive Compulsive

Guess I'm pretty fucked up

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well its a lot better then i was expecting it to be.

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I think im in the clear

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Doing pretty good

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Well, I answered honestly. I am a little surprised at the borderline/histrionic, some of that may be due to my aspergers.

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I was expecting this to be worse than what I got

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I am doing pretty good on the antisocial scale, I suppose.

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I've already been diagnosed with BPD so yup

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Op is not larping

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the fuk this even mean?

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Sounds about right. Commento originale.

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alright then oregano

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Well, im not special like you guys

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I refuse to believe this test if anyone on the board gets a low in Schizoid

I'm kinda fucked up guys

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if you poke your dick with a thumb tack while spinning around 8 timesand screaming "The goyim will never know!!" you gain the ability to become special.

This test is retarded, but fun nonetheless.

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Not really surprised desu

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Do I win?
My professional diagnoses are PTSD and psychotic depression. I've suspected borderline but my family and friends just brush it off. Fuckers.

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not a fag like you guys.

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>just answer every question with "no"
nice try, faggot

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fuck everything my dudes

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this text is for an original image.

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I'm only diagnosed with ADHD and depression..

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ESTP here, I feel like this test is sorta rigged to give the impression of some sort of "disorder"

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not too bad, lol at the high schizoid

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I don't belive 95% of these. I do believe though that most of you have dependency issues. It's that you desperately want to be in a relationship of anykind. Majority of people here are just lonely. I need a board for true Schizoids.

I got low on everything except:
- Antisocial = Moderate
- Narcissistic = High
Pretty close

ISTP here. generally fucked in the head. all if any relationships ive had have gone down the shitter because of me, and i now have no friends. atleast i can be a robot, right guys? thats cool, right?

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original ofc

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Is it time to end it lads

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Diagnosed with adhd and avpd. I thought there would have been more fucked up shit with me, but I guess I do have something wrong. Wish I stayed on therapy.

yok cunnies

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seven coons

I took this one a while ago. how fucked am I robots? what does this mean?

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I have probIems

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mine are pretty mellow

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My results oh dear

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I'm paranoid

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Woweee Zoweee

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this quiz is stupid

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I'm a self-centered, perfectionist asshole.

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cut my life into pieces
wat do

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hmmmm :think:

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Officially diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder

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how to painlessly kms?

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Unironically oregano

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unfortunate results

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This is bull shit. I know what those disorders are and I'm nowhere near as mentally deviated as any of those.
Wasted my time.

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>very high
needy bitch

Am I okay you guys? I mean, am I really okay?

Attached: personality disorder.png (589x450, 30K)

DisorderResultParanoidModerateSchizoidLowSchizotypalModerateAntisocialModerateBorderlineModerateHistrionicModerateNarcissisticHighAvoidantHighDependentModerateObsessive-CompulsiveLowPersonality Disorder Test --
-- $linkText2 --

I am actually a schitzo so it was accurate

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r8 pls


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uhm... I wanna die an hero now

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yep, in an onion way

Attached: awdawd.png (519x411, 51K)

you can still be a robot if you want to be an extrovert but literally can't because of how you are

rather be a needy bitch than a sociopath recluse you fucking faggot

Not bad


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oh man why do I feel so bad about this even though I know it's pseudo psychiatry. I answered as honestly as I could. I don't even know anymore, how will I ever be able to live a decent life like this?

mega oof but im not surprised lol

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Mine here

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hole fugg

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The fk I thought I was a normie

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Moderate not bad user you a cool. Dude

Aw heck UnU

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I'm quite fine I'd say.

But seemingly too stupid to post my results.

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got this


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It fits the official diagnosis. Seems like I'm quite normal compared to most of you homosexuals though.

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>what does this mean?
Schizoid means you have trouble maintaining social relationships, not because they scare you or because you're antisocial, but because you find it too difficult to give a shit and don't want to put in the effort required.

Avoidant means you avoid things that make you feel bad, even when you know those things are good for you in the long run. Of course avoiding painful things is normal, but when you have Avoidant Personality Disorder you tend to take it to extremes, like quitting your job because you're scared of your boss criticizing you.

me narcissistic? that's impossible.
i'm just regular mysoginist

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i used to think these tests were bs but these are all the mental issues i'd peg myself with too.

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