apu lift more wait than u :)
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so this dude i know says hes natty squats like 290kg but somehow he tore his adductor muscle
i thought it was impossible for a natty to tear muscles???
Did Virtus actually squat 292.5 kgs?
Is coaching a meme if your total is only around 500 kg or should i just try harder? Seems like even people at my level already have coaches and I just run the "free programs" mixed in with my own programming here and there.
how hard are you trying?
are you still progressing?
how much do you care?
how much money do you have?
Bought myself a cool bandit 650. Did lots of clutch wheelies on my 125 but now all I have to do is pull the throttle back.
Nice man, congratulations. Ride reasonably.
Or sensibly. I don't know.
>how hard are you trying?
I feel like I give it all in the gym, even doing more than the program calls for.
>are you still progressing?
Was supposed to peak this week, but got sick. Nevertheless, I haven't PR'd in 4 months in any of the big 3. Might have had a PR in Bench or Deadlift but no way I could top my previous 200 kg even If I didn't get sick
>how much do you care?
It's probably the only real thing I have in my life since I cut out football where all of my friends are. PL can feel lonesome and that can be demotivating but damn I care a lot about this, even more than football.
>how much money do you have?
>>how much do you care?
>It's probably the only real thing I have in my life
>>how much money do you have?
then why are you even asking that question?
all time best
200/120/215 at 95 kg
Now around 190/115-120/215 at 92
because I wouldn't waste money when trying harder is a perfectly good option and I'm not even advanced yet. Made some of the best progress during december and january doing my own programming
>It's probably the only real thing I have in my life
A coach can't fix this part. You need to get sorted, it's good for gains.
>It's probably the only real thing I have in my life
A coach can't fix this part. You need to get sorted, it's good for gains.
Link me his IG
I'm not asking a coach to fix it.
I have grown leaps and bounds these last two years. I'm, dare I say it, the happiest I've been since my teens
>spot a kid in my gym who's benching a single at 90 kg
>fails hard
>tell him to rest 5 minutes and then try again
>b-but 5 minutes is too much i usually take 90 seconds
>insist he should rest more
>tries again, first rep moves real fast, then grinds out a second one
who'd have thought :v)
Any 5 day split 5X5 programs? Checked the sticky and googled around. Seems to be rare, but I'd like to hit every muscle group at least twice
>making unprecedented gains at home gym
>actually missing mires at the gym
Anyone else know this feel?
Not many people need to be lifting 5 days a week. You'd be much better off really pushing 3 to 4 days per week.
>Day 1
5x5 Squat
>Day 2
5x5 Bench
>Day 3
5x5 Deadlift
>Day 4
5x5 Press
>Day 5
5x5 Chinup
>Day 8
6x6 Squat
>Day 9
6x6 Bench
>Day 10
6x6 Deadlift
>Day 11
6x6 Press
>Day 12
6x6 Chinup
Week #3 is 8x8, Week #4 is 10x10. All with the same weight. Week #5 is 5x5 again with 5lbs added to the upper body lifts and 10lbs added to lower body.
Why does it have to be 5x5?
Are you a beginner?
Nsuns 531 is 4-6 days in an upper lower type split. Thats the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
>like to hit every muscle group at least twice
You can do that even when lifting twice a week.
heavy squat, light bench
heavy The Press™, heavy deadlift
heavy bench, light squat
heavy squat, heavy bench
light squat, light bench, light deadlift
light days can also just be variations
but they do need to be much easier than normal work
add a little bit of fluff every day
also you probably really don't need to lift 5 days a week
wrong thread buddy
Rate form please?
Yeah, we all saw that thread too buddy
how this guy hasnt gotten several herniated discs yet is beyond me
Are there really grown men that consider themselves powerlifters who can't deadlift 200kg cold?
the other day i did 190kg sumo cold to prove it was easy as fuck
first time i did sumo as well ever the idea that i couldve pulled a groin muscle was very exiciting
I suppose it's not top secret, so instagram.com
is there any good highbar squatter who doesnt squat relatively upright
only one i can think of is pete rubish and he rounds the shit out of this upperback and keeps getting his spine rekked
this guy isnt natty
who gives a shit
it's a wonder to me that he's not a paraplegic
how much do you squat
im starting to get convinced that squatting a lot highbar without being upright is impossible unless youre some outlier
I'm impressed by this guys spine desu
best is 405 x 4 highbar (non comp equipment)
best lowbar is 440 (comp equipment)
I'm 6'2, 200 lbs. What is my max natty deadlift potential?
bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.
nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".
bench. press. is. king.
Whats your bench?
more than yours you dainty little manlet lmao
Yikes thought so
650-700+ depending on work ethic
more than you'll ever manage you little faggot.
Check the Livestream m.youtube.com
Haha ok weeb-sean
Thank you lad, I will.
What would ever give you that impression? I know a 66kg who tore his adductor squatting lmao 3pl8 because he didn't warm up enough or something
Oh fuck off
Ty. If I hit 470 without peaking rn how long do you think that takes? Another 3-5 years?
It took me 2 years to get 1000lbs, I'm in year 3 @ 1100ish. My genetics are pretty shit. Does that help?
nah. stop projecting and go do something about your shit lifts, manlet.
>kinda bored, venture outside of peelj for a laugh
how the fuck do you train to have correct squat posture and barbell row form?
it's like i'm too tight in some places so I can't get proper form
Have your boyfriend fuck your tight knots from behind
I hit 515 when I was about your weight. I hit 600 at 25 lbs heavier. Try hard.
How does fat improve "leverages"?
being fat only makes my deadlift worse.
I'm at 470 still adding, I just wanted estimations.
Focus on what you are doing, not where you think you might end up.
that's because you're not only fat, but also weak
Ha ha, okay nu-fag
I just want to get to a point where I know it isn't my routine or diet or something and I've just topped out. It isn't an effort issue, I burst a blood vessel in my eye a few weeks ago and damn near pass out on lower days.
Effort doesn't need to mean giving 110% every session. Effort is sometimes giving 90% over years of training, and a consistent and process-oriented manner.
wut a retard good fucked up spine gains bro. Dude has no definition on him. Why do normies ego train and not strength train.
I receive thousands of questions about training templates, assistance work and “form videos”all hoping that there is a reason for their lack of PR’s, lack of progress or simply looking for the magic formula for getting stronger. Yes, if you are squatting with the barbell on your forehead, you will have to make a change. But the factors that no one even considers are Will and Desire. These two things can force a square peg to fit into a round hole. The world is filled with millions of examples of people doing extraordinary things with Will and Desire.
Why not you? I see so many people settling for mediocrity simply because they think successful people have some kind of advantage. Sure, you may have been dealt a tougher hand in life. Make it happen.
This reminds me of a quote from the movie “Goodfellas:”“Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill? He can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. But now the guy's gotta come up with Paulie's money every week, no matter what. Business bad? "Fuck you, pay me." Oh, you had a fire? "Fuck you, pay me." Place got hit by lightning, huh? "Fuck you, pay me.”
If you want something to happen, have the Will and Desire to do the necessary work and the attitude to go along with it. Excuses are nothing more than you showing the world you have given up. You get what you expect and you get what you deserve. Embrace that in your life and watch what happens.
- jim
I wouldnt be making progress if I maxed every session at this point though. It sucks because I miss being about to do that while still adding weight.
GOOD song
Yeah man, its cool and I am very happy. Weird time flies, a year felt so long away but here I am.
You want reassurances. It's a waste of your time and ours, largely because there are FAR too many variables at play that we couldn't possibly know in order to make an even semi-accurate prediction.
Stop worrying about trivial shit like that. Worry about making any progress, they worry about making the progress reasonably steady. THEN this shit will happen on its own.
First useful consideration to make is: What is your current programming?
Effort is putting energy into something in order to get the desired result (or at least maximize your chances of it).
Discipline is not wasting effort doing stupid shit just to feel good about expending the effort.
I can't stop fapping to cartoons
not your blog. kys, faggot.
fuck off kill yourself get off my blog
Had my weak moment on this cut and grabbed a mouthful of gummy bears, chewed them up and spat them out and gave myself a bad tummy ache
Oh no I've fallen in love again
plz no bully
I wanked right before heading to the gym.
Gotta say it really ruined my mood and energy.
Pete squats low bar for comp. He has lots of shit like hip and ankle impingement so hes doing fronts/high bar and such until comp gets closer.
who is bullying trappy-chan
When you brag to normies, do you include the bar when counting powerlifts or nah?
yo guys question, I did a 315lb atg 5 second pause squat today, with pretty good explosiveness out of the hole. How would yall rank that? if seen in the gym? or by fit's standard
I'll upload a vid next time I squat prob Tuesday
Majority of people would just think you got pinned
no offense but 405 for 4 highbar isnt a whole lot
unless you mean in kg but dont think so
aka dont know how to be tight
How much do you normally charge to design a program for a normie intermediate?
do the bridge and get your buddy to tell u @ what rpe u did.
Boom garagebro coaching 101.
>the bridge
if you put effort into it it will work
What do you mean I Don’t know how to be tight?
I’ve just been realizing my knees have taken a lot throughout my sports growing up so i was thinking by doing pauses i get to fatigue the legs with less strain on the knee (specifically patellar tendon)
this is autism
Bruh elaborate
Man some of you guys are just retarded, especially this last dude, this board used to be decent
Honestly I have a friend who only does pauses, just 5 singles at around 90% and 3x3 at 70/75/80%.
He’s made great strength gains (assuming thats all you want, your not getting swole like that) just kee at it, it’s all trial and error
Anything is possible if your form is shit enough
>design a programme
Theres plenty of basic shit out there that will get you gains
Also i have no idea what 'the bridge is' so dont listen to But i do believe that nothing beats eyes on training, no amount of videos filmed from every angle imaginable will allow someon to pick up on issues, it needs to be done with eyes on a sey by set rep by rep basis
For example, on friday i was doing triples and having corrections done mid set which improved the next rep