Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here. In honour of Shuaiby, my hero...

Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here. In honour of Shuaiby, my hero, who went down the path that I could only dream of following.

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Just ordered my suicide method on amazon. Not planning on doing it right away, just want to have it in my back pocket so I can kill myself whenever.

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Good on you. I was thinking of buying my rope soon.

I want to die so bad, but every time I'm thinking of it, I see my mom and dad's face with tears running down their cheeks. They try to help me, but it's just not possible. I know I'm part of the reason they suffer too, because I'm an utter failure and sad sack of shit. Why, why can't I just be hit by a car so at least they'd have the comfort of knowing I didn't die by my own hands?

So my plan is to knock my self out with meds while in the bath and then drown.

That's a good plan. Hate the thought of water in my lungs tho.

I'm currently in a hospital for stabbing myself last week. Please someone help me die. I can't live like this.

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Why would you stab yourself? Get a shotgun

Mods please delete this thread right nao

Why the fuck aren't there redditors that kill themselves and upload the video? I fucking hate those fucking faggots so much. They all deserve death. This guy was a discordfag, so I'll take it I suppose. Pretty much the same thing.

Does anyone know how bad caffiene overdose is? I have about enough for the LD/50 for me, I'm planning on getting more tomorrow, anyone know how bad it is and how long it will take? I think i deserve a painful death and this seems like the easiest option for me right now

I honestly thought i'd be dead by now one way or another

You already made a thread why post here

Why would you feel sorry for your parents? They made you how you are.

I really wish I could have asked Shuaiby for a last dance before he went. :*(

Oh well, I guess we're all going to get there some day.

My method will be my service in the armed forces. I've enlisted into the us marines. When the time presents itself I will sacrifice myself. It is an elite level version of suicide by cop.

Whats the story of this dude anyways? Forums-user-r9k-youtube/

what are we going to do as we age and become too old? i know my fate will be to kill myself at a midpoint between getting too old and increasing depression. everyone will start dying around you and your increasingly lonely life, and you will be in the 95 percentile of people alive based on age, which increases over time,

He seemed sweet. There are so many things I would liked to have talked to him about.

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No one there is willing to help me die. Maybe you guys can help

I don't know or your life but don't kill yourself please.
Life moves in ways no one can predict.
Do not kill yourself, whatever it is, there is another way to deal with it.
I lost a friend who killed himself, just beacause he was too alone.
Find someone to talk to.

Shut the fuck up with your buIIshit, please. Don't act like you care.

>Life moves in ways no one can predict.

Stop this normie shit. Not everyone is blessed to live a fantastic life. Some even will go through their whole life without happiness. The sad reality.

But the reality is it IS unpredictable. You are not a psychic.

Writing a song before I go out. Anyone have words/sentence/etc. that could put sadness/depression/suicide in a metaphoric way?

pretentious; but itd be nice to leave one thing behind.

No but I am old. Older than most probably here, in todays age, and after awhile you can make judgements about where your future will lead. Some things you can't change.

that photo is Shuaiby?

I think I would schedule mail for people I hated/love for their birthdays and what not.
Just thinking about my family opening a letter from me when my cousin turns 18 will probably freak them the fuck out. Would be a good laugh if there is an actual afterlife.

>"don't you think so, user?"

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If I'm 21 with no criminal record can I buy a gun no problem?
Any robots have experience with this?

no experience because criminal record but as long as you dont have any diagnosed mental illnesses that would make them suspect you're gonna kys then you should be able to get one

Though perhaps not "primarily", he was a redditor.

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>that photo is Shuaiby?
Yeah it is. He looks like hes struggling to smile.

Depends where. If you think it's that easy, we can assume USA, but there aren't just national laws, there are varying state laws as well.

it's not even 'if they think you're mentally ill'. It's if you have a record of being forcibly committed to a mental institution by a court.

I'm not going to post some sappy motivational bullshit.

I used to be suicidal. Now I'm not. I have a beautiful girlfriend, I have a nice career, etc.

It took hard work. Hard fucking work. I didn't accept being unhappy and I realized that I didn't know how to fix it. I reached out for help. No one could help me, but it made me realize that some of my fundamental ways of thinking maybe were not correct.

I'm still a depressive person. I'm not like some retarded whore on instagram who 'loves life'. But, at the same time, I'm not miserable, I don't live in pain constantly, and I don't wish I didn't exist.

I still don't see the point in most of life because there isn't one. You just move on day by day and find things that make you happy.

Go kill yourself if you want, I don't give a shit lol but just know this feeling won't last forever. Fight, don't lose.

caffeine overdoses are very rare. It takes an awful lot of that stuff to kill you. Like pounds and pounds of pure anhydrous caffeine like bodybuilders use. Make sure you double check your math.

What country are you from user?

Before you hang yourself how about you try this out.

>Sell everything you own
>Take your money and buy a plane ticket
>Go move to a beautiful part of the country
>buy or rent a small house on the coast in some butt fuck fisihing village
>Try enjoying life
>Just forget about your family and friends
>Live life how you want

Try this for a year if that doesnt help then go off your self if you really want to but i suggest you prolong it as long as possible

"The median lethal dose (LD50) given orally is 192 milligrams per kilogram in rats. TheLD50ofcaffeinein humans is dependent on individual sensitivity, but is estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass"
I weigh 110 pounds, which is about 50kg. 200 milligrams is equal to one caffeine pill. Each bottle of caffeine pills has about 75 although I have used a few of them so I have about 60, if I get another bottle I will have 135 pills, more than double the LD/50 for my body weight

what's the most painless suicide method

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Nembutal or fentanyl OD, it's how I wanted to go out but package got seized. Now I'm gonna have to either use a firearm or a rope, I guess. I've got $409 left.

>most painless suicide method
nuke on forehead

wow thats a lot lower than I thought it was. I used to take half a gram a day of that stuff.

200mg PER KILO. You'd need something like 10 grams dude.

meanwhile you can kill yourself with acetaminophen with like 4 times the max dosage on the bottle. Do not recommend.

Muhreens literally never see combat anymore.

private sales bypass all laws

"Toxic acetaminophendosages. In adults, an acute ingestion of more than 150 mg/kg or 12 g ofacetaminophenis considered atoxicdose and poses a high risk of liver damage. In children, acute ingestion of 250 mg/kg or more poses significant risk foracetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity." You need more or the same amount of acetaminophen to kill you than caffeine

Maybe you should self-immolate in the woods where nobody will find you for a while. Also cyanide isn't too hard to get.

>nobody will find you for a while
>attract attention with a forest fire
self immolate in the desert

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especially since organ failure takes weeks/months and is overall an unpleasant experience by all accounts

I mean so they wont be found alive and I guess a forest fire could happen but whatever they would be dead by then.

I have accumulated around 20 Tramadol pills (50mg), do you think that would do it?

fucken freaks just kill yourself already stop crying about life

You're retarded
t. Active duty muhreen

t.failed normie. Original

>I lost a friend who killed himself, just beacause he was too alone.

well sounds like you werent really a friend then.

Everything is numb,
also I'm dumb.
Time to die,
good bye.
P.s. the Earth is flat

user, 2018

>watching anime
He deserved death.

What's going to happen is that you'll me stuck in 29 palms for 2 years and once the desert yeti you marry starts cheating on you, you'll just suck on your own barrel one day.

same here man im not dead because I dont wnat to hurt them.
I look foward to dying though.


fug off attention whore

your a normie as you think its bad he wnats to die, be happy he wants to escape this gay ass earth.

>I lost a friend who killed himself

Poor you, cant handle your friend dying

Here we have the Normie post.

You know a lot of people want to die right and they are depressed and nothing in life can make them feel happy?

Fuck off you normal nigegr


It is completely fine to an hero if you dont want to improve your life or if you know that your depression is clinical.

Its your life man, why the fuck cant you kill yourself legally?

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