This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
This is how my ideal husband looks like. Your thoughts?
mentally ill/ unstable
It’s “what he looks like” or “how it looks”
Not fucking “how it looks like” you god damn mudslime
Newfag detected
I bet you don’t even know who that is
lookit his little pouty bitch boy face lol
You're gay as fuck
hello newfriend
Detection result:
1 faces detected
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"top": 141,
"left": 37,
"width": 162,
"height": 162
"scores": {
"anger": 9.29041E-06,
"contempt": 0.000118981574,
"disgust": 0.000015619363,
"fear": 0.983269583,
"happiness": 0.06630674,
"neutral": 0.00555004273,
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How is a 5'5 manlet ideal rofl
>Answered instantly
masT is like 6'0"
>How to summon Jow Forumss biggest aspie
It's called blue steel
>t. masT
Yeah that's what pouty bitches call it
>t. jelly coping manlet dyel
>torso is like 2.5 heads tall
sure lmao
Hahahah holy fuck someone took the time to research the measurements to shit on his height that's awesome
i-i’m six foot y-you guys I swear
Damn masT looks like that? How can natties compete?
Is masT legitimately unstable or is that a joke? He seems pretty funny
By stepping over him
You’re body is the joke faggot, because I bet you won’t post it ITT
I’m a natty and unironally MOG you.
Why? Because I’m 6’3
>based non pic poster
You sound so insecure lanklet is everything okay up there?
>t. masTlet
You can't fool anyone faggot. I've seen you lurking on /fraud/ and starting dozens of /cbt/ threads. Stop baiting others into thinking you're some kind of sex icon.
Oh shit have I just proven myself to be a newfag? I didn't know he was a tripfag
Is this bait?
I mog you hard and you know it. Being jelly doesn’t change that
Back to >>/fa/ with you newfaggot
>Your thoughts?
What, exactly, is the point of this thread, and threads like it? We don't really care what your idea of what your 'ideal spouse' looks like, that's entirely your business and doesn't concern us. So what's the point of this thread? Are you trying to depress the insecure gymcels of Jow Forums, who, deep down, are convinced they'll never measure up? By the way you don't post a pic of yourself (as an aside: we don't even know if you're a straight female or a gay male), so if you're trying to get people to conflate your apparent 'value' as a mate with the apparent 'value' of the gent in that picture, then I'd say you're failing at that; you could look like Quasimodo and still desire a 10/10. So, again, help me out here: what is it we're supposed to get out of this thread? What's the point? Is there even a point at all?
Hanlo new fren
Some people just have a big head. Steve Reeves was 6'1 but had the head to body ratio of a dwarf.
>Resting duck face
Is this the power of steroids?
Why do I have to be new if I ask questions? The thread is pointless garbage unless it gets explained.
>All that size
>Completely unsculpted
0/10 bodybuilder
t. angry and confused newfag
>By the way you don't post a pic of yourself (as an aside: we don't even know if you're a straight female or a gay male
OP is a trap.