if you're reading this i want you to know something
i love you.
i'm sorry for what happened.
james is only a friend to me. same with alan.
please add me back on discord.
No fuck you kathy I hate you now
Lol fucking slut
Faggot or roastie that is the question.
every fucking time, with this cancer bullshit. Discord is the worst thing to happen to Jow Forums.
>typical human affairs
>sorry orbiters I'm fucking 10 other men but I really like chad please die or be cucks
josh who? james who? alan who?
Go fuck yourself, Jenny, I thought you liked me when you sent semi-nude pics
James here I don't have any friends who the fuck are you? Who the fuck is Alan and Josh?
alan here. wtf you bitch? just a friend? fuck you i thought what we had was special
josh is the guy i love
james is a friend who likes me that i talk to all the time who makes josh insecure
alan is a friend who likes me and lies about us being together to pressure me into going out with him even though i don't like him that way
james and alan are chads and josh is getting cucked and used by this hysterical roastie as an emotional tampon
whatever, discord is anonymous social media and is for normies anyways
OP can I be your friend too?
Josh is my boyfriend and the other two are just friends, we all had group sex after I convinced Josh to let me do it but now he's being really weird about it and ignoring me!
okay but please don't tell john anything about us
holy fuck just delete them. how can you be irresponsible enough to keep talking to a guy who likes you when you don't like him back? hope "josh" ghosts you permanently, stupid thot.
this is the biggest 'wewlad' in the history of 'wewlads'
>alan is a friend who likes me and lies about us being together to pressure me into going out with him even though i don't like him that way
Why would you even keep talking to someone like this? you roasties really are dumb.
>women can't have male friends
that's why no girl likes you idiot
Josh was right to leave.
Pile#9945 friend.
i'm a pretty forgiving person. not saying i won't reach my limit eventually, but on the whole he's been too good of a friend to deserve cutting ties with.
is that why there have been so many kathy threads lately?
>every fucking time, with this cancer bullshit. Discord cancer is the worst thing to happen to Jow Forums
>Jow Forums is the backup server for my discord whoring
fuck off
get dominated chucklenuts
>wahh i still want to be friend even though im fucking a normie
women and fags are one in the same
OP what do you like about josh?
Josh dodged a bullet, you're a drama bomb OP. You can't offer Josh any stability.
you guys need more reading comprehension
i'm not trying to reel in a "beta orbiter." i'm trying to get back THE GUY I AM ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH.
if there's a chad here, it's josh, not alan and james.
the single most important question here... what is OPs discord or name. i want to avoid this cunt at all costs
similar hobbies
hard worker
sweet talker (though i think it's mostly natural/accidental)
Op add me too!
dang he sounds like a catch! Now I realize he was probably hung up on you when we roleplayed
are you okay with just being friends? between james, alan, and a few other guys who won't take no for an answer no matter how many times i give it, i'm getting to the point where i'm considering only having girls for friends.
don't trust her josh, all roasties are the same
if you can get that bitch begging for you you can get any other bitch you want, fucking normie
sounds like he's too good for a low-down dirty whore like you
lmao, I get the feeling this is an epic roleplay thread.
dont fucking talk about love
you even typing those words completely dilute it's meaning
your not in love and right now you cant even comprehend love
when you actually fall into something you'll know what it means
how am i being irresponsible? i talk to them because they make me happy as friends. if being in contact with me hurts too much, i trust them to walk away.
Of user i dont mind having friends
In fact i love friends
Pls be my fren op :9
i'm not a whore. i don't even flirt with guys aside from josh, because he's the only one i have feelings for. if guys fall in love with me, that's on them. i didn't seduce them, i didn't lead them on. i treated them like a friend and nothing more.
they cant you retard, because one of them always likes the other
>mfw newfrogs think this is real
>mfw newfrogs
anyway, i'm going to bed. this joshless day has made me emotionally dead. i'm so sad. try to keep the thread bumped so that he sees this. sometimes he's awake by this point, sometimes he sleeps in.
Shot through the heart
and you're to blame
you give love
a bad name
he's awake right now, he doesn't want to talk with you
Don't mess with her, user. Screwing with the emotions of upset people isn't funny.
You're not worth Josh's time
you people don't even fucking know anything about me, jesus christ. you're all just going "reee roastie" like a bunch of circus animals who only know one trick. i haven't done a damn thing wrong and i am getting tired of being spoken to like trash.
>you're all just going "reee roastie"
I never even mentioned you'r meat flaps
You're projecting and full of issues
further proof you're not worth anyone's time
OP what do you think of foot fetishes?
>anime picture
so sad
i don't really care about them in general but it's flattering if they're attracted to mine. it's weird, i could show my feet to foot fetishists but not feel like a slut because they're non-sexual body parts. it's kind of nice actually since you can get ego strokes without feeling slutty or whoreish.
lol why are you guys bringing this drama bullshit onto Jow Forums? go take it somewhere else
Ahh, OP pls show me your soles on discord. I'll only orbit a little, promise.