Was Obama a Chad?

Was Obama a Chad?

Inb4 he didn’t put up shit in the weight room

> posture freak
> power thru posture
> great public speaker

Did he mew? He definitely did. U can tell in awkward situations he was conscious on posture which gave him a more powerful appearance. It works, lads

Attached: 37B12CC3-02E9-44EA-B979-8EA48BF6C920.jpg (300x219, 26K)

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what kind of retarded question is this?

> was the President of the United States and leader of the free world a chad?


obama had a lot of charisma but also acted like a beta in some ways so i dont really know. judging by the absolute state of his wife he can,t really be a chad

is a puppet, also the world doesnt end at america's borders
no, he wasnt

>great public speaker
If-if-if-if he didnt have a teleprompter youd say otherwise

Master of soft power.

Attached: obama-and-castro.jpg (1600x900, 168K)

In no particular order: JFK, Clinton, FDR, Obama, Reagan.
You know I'm right.

Obama is the biggest beta male cuck ever to have entered the white house.

> U can tell in awkward situations he was conscious on posture which gave him a more powerful appearance.

He literally amogs Putin in every photo they have together.

OP is a nigger

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