Post your bmi you guys

i wont laugh, promise

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How about you mister op

23.3. Would like to get down to 20.0.

What are you guys drink on? Sipping some jack here.

It doesn't feel accurate, but that's what the chart says.

23.1, it was 33 at its highest, I want to go down to 20.

>16% bf
>180 lbs

20.1 in original ways

24.5. I've started going to the gym but I doubt I've built up much muscle. Considering my BMI used to be 34.5, I think I've made a lot of progress

Probably 19
I'm bulking

27.1 at 5'11" 194 lb. Working on getting fit again. Looking to get down to 190 for the time then back up to a lean 215 again.

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My bmi is 19 hh

not too bad
random sentence added because "it wasnt original"

you wont laugh but that frog is laughing

nubs checked my guy haha

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Goodjob user that's awesome

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no lie my bmi is 7 lmfao. 6ft tall und 130 lbs

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I have a friend who is about the same weight and height as me, but his body fat percent must be different because he looks much worse than me.

19. If you're above 25, you're basically subhuman.


I'm 5'11" and 119 pounds for the record.

20.5 is meine bmi

jesus fucking christ you Dachau Jew, eat a damn sandwich

>tfw not skinny enough to be attractive but not fat enough to ngaf

Nigger you would have to be 51 pounds to have a bmi of 7 if you were 6 feet tall.

If that's the case then you literally cannot be alive so i'm calling bullshit.

185cm @ 92kg brings me to 26.9.

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Yeah i've been told to eat a sandwich multiple times before. I have also been called an emmaciated jew before as well.

It's kinda funny because I ate a whole large pizza today for lunch with wings by myself so i estimate about 2500 calories for just one meal. I'm probably eating like 5000 calories a day yet no weight gain...

Honestly I have no idea why. My brothers are like that as well. We're all considerably tall yet none of us weigh more than 130.

19-20 is what it says im 5 foot 8 and weigh 130 lbs

>i wont laugh, promise

I am 103 5'7" ish

just eat bags of chips and soda, you'll gain weight

I don't want to gain weight
Why would I want to gain weight?

27 bmi at 6'3 but it's the highest its ever been. Working hard to reverse it. I used to weigh 170lbs now 220 :(


5'11 at ~175


145lb, 5'10

fuck all yall fat niggas

18. I'm roughly 5'10" and 130 lbs

27 bmi
i actually like my body. i have wide shoulders, and i lift weights (for strength, not to look like a douche).other than that, horrible backne and chest acne

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You deserve backne for such a faggy post.

6' 1" 200 lbs.
I can do 7 pullups so I'm sorta fit.

24, not so good.

Are you possibly converting the units wrong? That is extremely high.

backne is a sign of high testosterone so i really dont care

Sad thing is, I've been gaining weight lately. Was probably 15 at the start of 2018.

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27.5 bmi

>backne is a sign of high testosterone so i really dont care
Wait, so if I started HRT my bacne might actually go away?

I'm this guy and I've been thinking about taking HRT to become girlier (uwu) for a while now

This might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back desu, there seems to be very few downsides

5 foot 6, 132 pounds, 21.3 bmi basically a girl at this point

High testosterone is a sign of not getting laid

im not a dermatoligist, but it seems to add up to that

i personally dont give a shit about real life women, theyre nothing but tricks and hurt feelings. all that testosterone goes to helping me lift even heavier weights

High testosterone also leads to early balding in men as well as increased risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, decreased sperm count, fucking cyct growth in the prostate, heart attacks, and skin problems
But fuck yeah high testosterone, right!
Fuck those soi bois!

14 or so.
I'm 43kg.

kek health issues dont concern me. at this rate ill probably be dead by 50 because of lung cancer because of smoking. might as well make the most of my time on earth

Isn't it sort of silly without height? Either way, 20.4.

It is 30.4

End my life right bow please

38.4. I can lose it and I've done it once before going down to 25.1 but I value binge-eating garbage in moments of high stress far too highly to ever keep it off.

Use imperial, the Americans don't understand.

You're 5'9" and 95 pounds? Jesus, and I thought I was insanely thin.


I need to buy some food

Can you bf my skelly bf I endlessly cook and bake for...

here ya go, ol' buddy. I'm going you have a whale of a time with your thread.

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How do you calculate BMI, anyway? I'm 5'2", 101lbs. My chest is 30 around. Dunno about waist.

are you literally me arcanine?

type bmi into google and enter your height and weight, spoon fed baby


5'11 130lbs orig desu

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Want to get back to 25, but not enough, apparently.

As long as you can cook well and don't mind listening to me complain endlessly about never being able to find pants that fit.

19.2 according to the calculator i just used online, I'm 4'10 and 92 pounds just fyi


Want to loose more desu

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Expecting buffet busting behemoths or something?

33, don't worry I'm just stuffing myself before sudoku.

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>tfw not a true skelly

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I feel fat


At the start of 2017 it was 42.

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It has been dropping steadily, so that's good.

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Very close to underweight, still have a long way to go though.


alright, which one of you sissies is gonna bend over for daddy?

21, BMI of chads

Working on losing weight though

not quite skelly but close

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was around 18.6 before summer started
hoping to get it

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>17 flat.

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21.7 original riginaln

BMI isn't accurate using only your height and weight, though. You can correctly determine your BMI by measuring your frame as well as height/weight. A regular BMI chart would call me under weight, but my nurse who takes into account my small frame measures my BMI a few numbers higher. As I don't know the math, I've watched her measure and calculate it.

i'm underweight but i still have "skinny fat" because i couldn't give less than a shit about exercise

feeling as good as ever

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