Any dixiebots here?

It's so hard to be a robot in the south bros. especially one with social anxiety. What do we do?

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I live in south texas but its not really Dixie more like mexico

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My fucking condolences. I just escaped. Enjoy your tacos, that's all you have.

yea it sucks ass here anyone left is too dumb or cant afford to leave

im in north texas. it sucks being a robot but at least the southern hospitality is somewhat true. im in a college town though so people here are used to weird.

I cry that usually doesn't help but at least it passes the time

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I'm in Dallas. Its hot as shit out and I'm broke.

dallas huh? i dont live too far. can you please be my bf

No, I'm not a faggot user sorry.

o-oh okay. i hope you get some money and dont have to be broke anymore

lol denton?

Yes sir. Exactly 0 people from my high school I would ever want to associate with still live there. I moved to a yuppie, dead city but at least I'm out and have more access to move along later.

no dox pls

where you are from I am in corpus and this sounds exactly how it is I haeard people saying coming here is like going back in time to the 80s-90s

Born and raised in Alabama. I'm a black boi tho

>tfw Mexican and always telling people the South will rise again


It doesn't feel like the 90s, it's just... fake? bland?

How do southerners deal with all the blacks???

just remember that they are more afraid of you than you are of them

It always was desu. The only reason 'South Texas' isn't North Tamaulipas is because the US nabbed it in the Treaty Of Guadeloupe Hidalgo and stuck it onto Texas.

I'm very good at understanding that shit at the drive through now.

But really, it's fairly self-segregated.

Any other Midwest City bots still around? I know there's at least 2 of you.

I might be not the example you want [t. Houston for 28 years] but I just hung with the middle class blacks a lot. They helped steer me from the trash.

The real question is, how do blackbots deal with all of the southerners?

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unironically in support of this. florida does not belong in the USA anymore.

People are legitimantly more social and open to interaction with strangers in the south though. I strike up conversation woth randoms all the time in the store, while getting food, or just walking around town here but when I visit family up north people are just more closed off and less friendly in general. It's probably easier to be a robot in Dixie than a yankee robot.

>actually talks to people
get OUT

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It's bad for people like me with social anxiety. People walk up to me to talk about random shit and I don't know how to keep up the convo.

It could be worse. I just fucking despise privileged Yankees. I dont know why they keep migrating down here and i would really prefer if they just fuck off right back to new jersey or whatever the fuck they came from

Kinda agreed. The old people are very nice by comparison apparently.

NC, it's alright yeah

anyone else here live hours from relevant civilization in the backwoods of their state? got that 76.8 kb/s dsl (highest option available) and 90%+ humidity each day

anyone else here started using "south new york" instead of "florida"?


all the women are either fat as shit or taken

Just rant about something you've thought about a lot and can present well so long as it doesn't reveal your powerlevel. I get anxious and lock up to the point I can't think or even really hear their responses too but it's still doable. Not every interaction is going to become a real conversation and when a person gives you the cold shoulder or worse it feels absolutly miserable but if you happen to meet someone who shares an interest they often find all you have to say on the subject interesting. It's not easy at all but it's better than just wallowing in fear, doubt, and self loathing alone as it swallows you up. I'm on 3 different meds for anxiety but people call me charismatic for some reason just becuase I can be articulate and passionate. Weaponize your autism.

Where at? Tricuck here. Durham isnt too bad but its gotten gentrified as fuck by all the yanks.

Yep. Plus in NC theres several yankee hubs, including Cary (Concentrated Area of Relocated Yankees) and other cities.

Does Virginia count?

hell yeah, anyone from the same state as stonewall is welcome here

central AL here. you're not alone brah. lost 2 jobs because of my autism. just gonna go self employment now since i can't handle bosses or coworkers

We are the home of the capital of the confederacy, so I'd say yes

As long as you're not in NOVA. RVA area is a mixed bag, obviously Richmond was the capital and that can't be discounted but the city is pretty overrun with transplants. The way I see it is that as Monument Avenue stands it's still Dixie.

NOVA is fucking hipster yuppie hell.

closet gay living in Houston, i hope the flood gets me

Are they still trying to get our monuments taken down?
Also Fuck NOVA

go to montrose


don't fucking talk to me

We move to Portland or Vermont.

enjoy nigeria lmfao
t. coastal chad

Triad here (WS area)
It's crap in the area but it could be a whole lot worse
Fucking hell I hate the dumbasses that drive on Business 40

Yeah, right now they are focused on the Jeff Davis statue rather than Lee, Jeb, or Jackson though. People have also been arguing for plaques and such to be a fixed to provide "context" but it's Richmond so there's been a whole lot of pushback. I think the city knows if they try to force it people will probably die.

I know Kansas isn't south but it's my state and I don't like it.

South Alabama reporting in. I absolutely hate the ghetto blacks living here but the educated ones can be nicer. I'm pretty alone here though, can't relate to anyone because of my social anxiety, and I had to go through high school basically all alone.

Where my SC bots at?