I was wondering about how gay r9k is, so I made a straw poll about it strawpoll.me
I was wondering about how gay r9k is, so I made a straw poll about it
I actually think homosexual acts should illegal and punished by 6 months to 2 years in prison as well as medication/therapy and SO registration.
I would suggest hanging/burning, but this sadly isn't the Middle Ages.
What do you think is gonna happen, the gays taking over?
unironically this, fags need to go
this except punishable by death
Why do you think this? Are you afraid of gay people? Self loathing?
>because you dont like gays you either hate yourself or are afraid of them
obvious bait
Why isn't it possible to vote for homosexual transsexual (HSTS)?
Then tell me. I come from a fairly liberal area, and haven't really talked to anyone homophobic before. I admit, I was being bait-y but I'm curious
Didn't think of it. Just put Trans then gay in I guess
>gay culture
>accepting gays is a gateway to accept worse stuff, like transgenderism or even worse
>gays destroy culture
Ive probably missed or forgotten some
What about people really geniunely hate gays? As a child I did, I even wanted to be elected as leader of my country so I could make homosexuality illegal and carry the death sentence. But I grew compassion and matured enough to let go of irrational hate, that or just became addicted to games.
So that should get a prison sentence? I guess if you think shits a choice then I could *maybe* we your pov
No, I just hate them. They disgust me in the same way a pedophile or a roasty does.
who gay trans girl here
>So that should get a prison sentence?
yes, both as a punishment and to prevent the shit stuff from happening
>I guess if you think shits a choice then I could *maybe* we your pov
its kinda a choice, like you can willingly go from gay to straight or vice versa, and its just mostly affected by your childhood
And your thoughts on the 22% who *dont* have an STD?
youre ignoring my other points
>50% of this board is straight
i am a biromantic pansexual man trapped inside a lesbians body, but i'm not really gay
reminder that being bi is the way to gl
pray the gay away
good life? it is not
Alright, then tell me about what culture is being "eroded"
Who asexual homoromantic here?
More like the way to double the sexual frustration
Heyo, it's my someone like me? Whats up ?
Where my pan demiqueer transfaggot penisholes at
You are also an ace homoromantic user?
Yeah. It sucks, but I'm surprised to see someone else on the thread Who is the same
53% straight, 47% mental illness.
Somehow I am not surprised.
It's surprising yeah. It seems like it'd be impossible to actually function as one as well given how rampant lewd is with most gays. We're seemingly fucked in regards to dating/relationships even if we weren't fucked in other manners.
>constant flow of trap porn
do you really have to ask?
Yep. Even tried having sex with a guy cause I really liked him, and I almost fucking laughed because of how dumb people look when the try to look "sexy"
All lewd tends to seem really unappealing and cringy desu. I wonder how many gays are asexual.
>almost half this board is filled with degenerate faggots
Accepting homosexuality is a symptom of a destroyed culture. Tolerance is the last phase of a dying empire. Everyone only worries about money, individual happiness. Withal, no one is willing to fight for their country.
>inb4 hurr individual freedom good
Every empire you will study showed the same symptoms. Look at the Roman Empire - once women got feminism (so to speak) more people were tolerated, including goths (the same people who sacked Rome). When North Africa was sacked by the vandals, you know what Romans did? Roman citizens sided with opposing forces - why? Because they didn't care about the well being of their country, but rather, their own well-being!
Tolerance should not be tolerated. Once people become more tolerant, they stop to respect their own culture. They see their past-time as barbaric, and they give citizenship to foreigners - the same foreigners who were subjugated under their rule! Foreigners don't care about your country; only theirs!
I actually agree with this, the faggot takeover of Jow Forums has turned my views on homosexuals a complete 180, I used to be a supporter and now I unironically want sodomy criminalized again and gay marriages annulled. I want them to suffer.
Dude the western Roman empire died *after* Christianity ended homosexuality, and the eastern didn't even die until 1450, but history clearly isn't your forte
Show me where I claimed the Roman Empire collapsed?
>Roman Empire died after Christianity got implemented
I wasn't just talking about homosexuality but tolerance to decadence. I advise you to comprehend your reading skills, dross moron.
>tolerance is the last phase of a dying empire
Do you even read what you fucking write?
Dying empire, not a dead/collapsed empire.
Here, let's dumb it down for you. Terminal cancer is the last phase of a dying man. Not a dead man, but a dying one.
So what the Roman Empire survived until 1450? Their epoch years were long gone, and the Byzantine had nothing to offer besides architecture.
you people are so annoying and gross, west hollywood is the worst place to visit and i hope it gets shot up
You forgot the "kill yourself faggot" option.