Post something stupid

>Post something stupid
>Pull out my phone and reply to myself with an even more stupid post
>Keep this up until someone starts arguing with one of these posts pointing out the flaws in my arguments
>argue with them in a retarded until they stop replying
>See an argument taking place
>pretend to be one of the anons
>starting being retarded to make their side of the argument look weak
Who here /devilish/?

Attached: 128972394.jpg (470x595, 28K)

Try proof-reading your thread before submitting it, you troglodyte

Fuck you i'm just tired. Fucking loser gb2r***it where you can just edit your posts anyway

How would you know you can edit comments unless youve been there

Attached: 0257339F-B108-484C-AF92-E9BE504BD194.jpg (643x702, 44K)

>one grammar error
oh boy we got an einstein over here boys, someone alert the mods so we can get this man some gold

How about you kys you rancid phoneposter. Non-ASCII text is a bitch, huh

basedchild detected

>blah blah blah
>I am very much under 18

Attached: 1525747459922.jpg (249x230, 19K)

Sup OP


This is why you use Android for phoneposting.
''''''''''' """""""""

You really think I would be devilish enough to do it in this thread? I want to hear stories and ideas for devilish posting

Attached: nope.png (486x230, 9K)

yep found the original r*dditors.

Hey kiddo, here's a (you). I see (you) took the time to tag all these posts for all of us and I thought (you) could use a treat. Go on and take (you)r girlfriend out to the roller skate rink and have (you)rself a good time

Attached: (YOU).jpg (3840x2160, 1.46M)

>using reddit as an insult

Yeah, heh I bet that guys a total redditor

>go to super market
>open all the jars i can find slightly, so when the normalfags buy them they either open up in their bags or expire really quickly

Attached: our society joker.jpg (500x594, 46K)

Thats actually fucked up. Like, super hardcore evil.

>make a dumb bait post
>someone replies to the bait post with legit arguments
>try to argue back and start getting frustrated I can't defend my bait

Attached: 16EF319F-C46E-4CA5-857A-8015BEA9451C.jpg (400x400, 40K)

>work at popular sandwich store
>be sandwich artist
>my hands are my paint brushes
>go to bathroom
>see sign
>all artists must soak and wash their brushes
>do not soak and wash my brushes
>go back to work

Attached: meatmetro.png (507x338, 147K)

Good thing i only buy jars to store my useless semen for later use to rub on my dick while masturbating

the other day I made r9k my personal army, and most of them didn't even know it. i pretended to be about 7 different people and also did some good editing to help sell my story.

>mfw OP literally does in this thread what he said would do and people still fall for it

Attached: 1496259498956.jpg (640x635, 51K)

>mfw OP goes through all this effort for literally no recognition at all

Attached: smug.gif (480x479, 263K)

prove it, buster

I did it for the (Y- I mean, whatever you say, pal.

I like this OP but he reeks of reddit. HE should go back >>>>>>>

Im going to post three screenshots from the most devilish user i have ever seen...
he fucked up at the end and posted all his (You)'s
but got what he wanted

Attached: 1530667166386.png (900x1500, 268K)

then this originally happened

Attached: 1530667349054.png (900x1500, 206K)

and then wew lad this happened
also in some other thread anons messaged the dudes parents

Attached: 1530667615492.png (900x1500, 287K)

Op here who wants to be my bf

half of these aren't even me, though.