As a asian I have never seen any other race do this in my life it's creepy and weird Stop.
The whitod grin
What's the purpose of this you even do this to other whites
From my experience white people are more friendly.
I'm Indian, I completely agree
Only whites do this smile and I'm not sure what it means
Are they happy? Are they concerned? Trying to suppress anger? Confused and saddened?
Anyone else think that face is comfy?
It's meant to convey a tempered disappointment coupled with acceptance.
"It can't be helped" sort of a thing.
It's more like "hey this shit sucks so bad right, like haha I kinda wanna die, but I'm not gonna complain so I'll just do this half ass fake grin to thinly mask my discontent"
>"I don't know you well enough to genuinely greet you as a friend but I can't be unpolite so instead have this smile"
white people are a stoic people who suppress their emotions. their element is fire
shut the fuck up, chinkgook. the white race owns you.
I saw this stupid face on my hapa boss after he told me he expected more from me, after I had done everything he had asked of me.
His dad was a fucking German so who knows.
Personally I've made it a resolution never to pull this face on someone else, because it makes me look like a phoney like that fucking abusive asshole was.
There's your whiteoid grin.
I'm sorry you're inferior and have to nitpick at bullshit faggot that shit must suck lmfao
Heil hitler
it is the face one makes after the realization that neither god nor free will can possibly exist and that your existence will end one day but right now you're still alive so you think oh well why not give in to the hedonistic pleasures life has to offer.
What the fuck is this new word "whitod"?
Also, if you have a problem with any particular thing we do then fuck off back to where you genetically belong. Whites are not in your retarded country you are in our country.
this. it's a way to acknowledge someone's existence without overtly greeting them because you don't know them well enough to do that.
"I wish I didn't have to breathe your air, but I do, so - NEUTRAL FACE so all will know we'll never be friends"
dog eating
cat stealing
rice pickin
Does it make you feel like a cuck to be living in a white country speaking a white language? Your parents or grandparents decided a country built by people like you wasn't good enough after all.
No. You pig monkey
T.triggered beta monkey who can't take criticism
>What the fuck is this new word "whitod"?
Ass mad wh*Toid is butt triggered
idk do you feel like a cuck living under a civilization whos language is bastardized latin and is only civilized becuase of the romans raping and bodying everyone around them at war?
Historically speaking everyone has fucked over someone else and been fucked over by someone else brainlet
stinky chon
It has multiple uses, commonly used as a silent apology for something they had to do but didn't want to. Also used to show annoyance silently without seeming rude. At least that's how I use it
Thoughts on the band chon?
assravaged snownigger
i do this grin all the fucken time
>Censoring words on Jow Forums
I know I sound like a newfag but I've been away from this site for a while. What is this new autistic new term you cunts have created? A chink called me whitoid on YouTube a couple days ago.
You ingrate motherfuckers don't realise that you owe every modern day comfort to white people. GO BACK if you don't like us, non-white scum.
what is more fake?
>white stranger giving you the white smile because he doesn't know you
>non-white stranger giving you a beaming smile and acting like he's known you his whole life
stinky chinke
chons stank
funny story brolm
Opie has never met a Polynesian dude
How has no one talked about john krasinski's jim halpert of the office, who popularized this (i e before it was a meme) maybe circa 2004? His usage was completely differalent though and based on comedy, specifically it conveyed disappointment or jaded dissatosfaction. Now it just means "heya" for us whites.
assmad snownigg
i'll have you know i'm a spic
but white people are everywhere
every you guy there will be a whitoid within 5 miles
No CHON, it is a rock band, they do super technical instrumental rock. Some of it is catchy.
>be white
>go to shitty deskjob every day
>day dream about a better world, or living in nature, or escaping the god awful place, or making some sort of machine, maybe if we could just invent that on...
>shitskin co worker walks up
>that face.jpg
What is this fucking shit? I stayed away from Jow Forums and was always nice to non-whites everywhere even online. I come to r9k to not have to think about race wars and all that shit.
But you non-white cunts now stab us in the back by turning on us. It only goes to prove Jow Forums right. You people hide in the grass acting all nice and polite until you have the numbers to turn on us whites.
You people represent why I hate humans or why I hate anyone who is not white
Jow Forumsfag wh*toid detected
It means we are trying to be friendly but failing because you're an ugly ricemonkey/pooinloo who stinks and can't speak proper English and we wish you'd fuck off back to your country but instead we have to put up with you for business reasons.
At least that's my emotion when using this face
what, its funny. its a retarded word but youre all sauced up.
>replying to someone who uses a slur against asians with a slur only Jow Forumsfags would recoginze
>wtf i hate nonwhites now
dumb faggot
It's a nazi gesture of solidarity. Closing your mouth tightly to show your resolve against the gaping basedfaces.
us shitskins love you Whitey. stay awesome. remember the 14 words
If you go back to your podunk dog-eating chink mini-me village you won't see any whiteys and I won't see any dirty manlet chinks. We both win, right? Get lost now little squinty yellow manlet, back to your straw hut.
This seems like a burger thing more than anything else. I work in tourism so I run into most nationalities (that aren't third world at least) and I've seen Americans do this almost exclusively. In fact, that's my main cue that they're about to ask me some bullshit.
What are some other weird things that wh*toids always do
>smiling at people the don't know
>making eye contact constantly for no reason
Why do they say to do this when its clearly unnatural? Just makes people look like aggressive sociopaths
>don't judge a book by its cover
again unnatural and the reason white's get themselves mugged and rapped all the time
jesus. imagine being so insecure of yourself that you have to criticize facial gesture in other races
It means they're uncomfortable with your presence. You're an invader.
What the fuck, I'm Indian (born in Canada) and both me and my sister use this expression whenever somebody says something unbelievably stupid or they're beyond helping.
>Just makes people look like aggressive sociopaths
user being like that is how people become successful
>smiling at people the don't know
>making eye contact constantly for no reason
again, these are just things alpha males do in any race and you sound jealous
I don't know why we are so friendly, we're just generally good natured. If you ask me we should be a lot meaner and more cruel toward you.
We typically have 2 modes - too nice and too fucking mean. Not much inbetween. Just be glad we're generally the former right now.
OP is probably from r/asianmasculinity, and if not he belongs there. Neurotic, insecure and obsessed with white people.
I'm white and I've never seen someone do this in my life.
the make eye contact meme is what happens when it becomes too uncommon to get into fights in a society
literally a sign of aggression in mammals
People have beem makimg anti asian threads all day
I like making shitskins uncomfortable. I don't do this face but I should probably start. Maybe you'll gtfo my country or at least gtfo my general vicinity if I keep doing it and pissing you off.
just poke fun at your race
I'm not a chink m ancestry traces back to panema. Too many white tourist french fags and the occasional anglo fuck
This is actually white peoples greatest flaw. They are too altruistic and kind. The things you complain and troll about are things that are good for you.
You are basically only seeing 17 percent of white peoples real power level
>turns racist over a nonslur only used on 4chins
na you're just a larping Jow Forumsnigger
i bet your oneitis got BLACKED by some nigger
>tfw you'll never be able to join in on the secret smile(?) club
>muh white race is a monolith
>muh hitler
want to know who i know you're an amerimutt nigger
reporting in fren
*le kooky Jim face*
haha, nice post!
How is it not true? I blame Christianity. These shitskins that whine about smiles and white people on tv dont want to see white people who stop giving a fuck about being nice
Whites aren't altruistic or empathetic, they're just racked with guilt
This is it. Thank you for opening my eyes. You have converted me into the monster I didn't want to be. I'm heading over to Jow Forums now, you fucks can have this incel.board with your racism.
But remember don't push the sleeping lion, or he will one day wake up and tear your face off.
reminder to white boys:
YOU wuz not ROYALTY n shit. YOU WUZ DICK WASHING PEASANT KEKS. our great great great great great great grand pappy would gladly let the local noble fuck his wife for a few scraps of wheat our heritage was being the whipping boy of jews. You are nothing. Stop being delusional and learn the truth
It expresses disappointment and declaring the situation "as is" (the situation is so bad there's nothing that can be done about it, aka absolute failure)
>dad i see the boogeyman there!
>that's an Indian, son *facial expression*
bruh wtf they censored cuck now?
Ill poke fun on everyone, spics, chinks nigger & wh*toids
Only if its capitalized
lmao you where always a Jow Forumsnigger
How many times do you think niggers on here get called a nigger on a daily bases?
Dumb fucking thin skinned faggot
I see non whites don't have the abstraction ability to understand this.
It's a neutral gesture of acknowledgement. You are connecting with someone on a level without intruding in their emotional space. smiling at someone immediately requires them to do the same or they appear rude. what if that person is going through some kind of emotional turmoil, grief, depression etc. you are putting a burden on them to force themselves to smile and say hi which would be emotionally taxing or appear rude. it's a gesture of compassion and empathy. perhaps this is only a facet of white culture. being able to render your expressions not only to what you feel be it happy or a face of disgust, anger. but to modulate your expressions and gestures so that they can best fit society at large.
Whitoid cat says: NIGGERS
Ooga booga me no understand
It's an entirely contextual gesture. It could mean "hello", "better luck next time", "i told you so", "no worries", or "i hate pakis don't have a loicense to do so". From what I can tell whites are the least literal linguistically which may go some way toward explaining non-white confusion at some of our ways, such as this smile.
what are you talking about? who else would be fucking stupid enough to let anyone else into their nations?
Nietzsche said Christianity had a slave morality
a white person is a person who starts out as a peasant than becomes the fuhrer of germany and conquers the whole of western europe and is only stopped by the other white people who overthrew their monarchy and rose up out of serfdom
a shitskin is someone who whines to white people for more free gibsmedats and then accuses them of racism.
a non white person is a parasite leeching off the accomplishments of white people
what's funny is that this kind of thing could be what tips white's over the edge. realising that all other races have almost next to none empathy or understanding for anyone other than themselves.
>tfw whitoid smile becomes new roman salute
interesting input, user.
tell me your thoughts about the jews
I think its just chink mongoloids & mestizo savages who have no empathy & dont understand, blacks, middle easterns & pajeets do
I don't care about niggers because niggers are in MY country not the other way round. It's a disgrace seeing the nation my ancestors fought and died for get disrespected and the people my ancestors fought for we're their children. These children are modern day whites. They fought for us. They made great nations for us. Not for Rajesh from new Delhi or Juan from Meheeco or "Jack" from Beijing.
We let you in because of our kindness and you repay us by stabbing us in the back. These internet insults are only the beginning. When white population goes below 50% in white nations that is when you will show your true face in the real world and start insulting us IRL. You will deny us jobs and vote for policies that marginalize our people.
You are backing us into a corner and the only way for us to get out of this corner would be by using fierce violence.
Also, remember your women are ugly as fuck. No non-white or mixed woman will ever match the beauty of a pure white woman like pic related.
White nations are increasingly agnostic/atheist and those types are the typical
See, this is typical Jow Forumsnigger opinions/bait
The jews are subversive as hell though
They manipulate every nation they infiltrate in their favor regardless of race
Your ancestors invaded, enslaved and killed others you mutt
>inb4 might makes right
then being reconquistad by spic swarms is right
>muh kindness muh empathy
No, every group has preference for themselves
Whites are simply racked with guilt and love the pretense of progressive values
in situations where you should be supposed to smile, but be genuine and spontaneous with it, it's for people who can't do that. it's an acknowledgment of awkwardness. remaining completely stonefaced would be weird or even seem like spite or anger.
Victory through conquest isn't the same as exploiting immigration and politics to demographically shift native populations.
Besides, the Savage Forest Niggers we invaded and killed weren't going anywhere with anything anyway. They were savages tribes in the forests killing each other. We offered peace but they refused every time. They were wiped out by disease and warfare.
And in return, we built the greatest civilisations on the planet. Every white nation is much superior to any non-white nation. That is an undeniable fact.
So, a couple hundred thousand dead redskins in exchange for civilisations that spearhead humanity into the stars? Sounds like a fair deal to me.
Besides, white genetics possess pure beauty. Your spic/chink/nigger genetics will never be able to produce beauty like pic related. To hate what is beautiful is evil.
"Nothing personal bud, just doing my job"
*buckles you into holocoaster cart*
Guys please stop provokimlng whites, they are clearly superior & would genocide us if it werent for their empathy, please stop it guys I dont want to die I just want to live peacefully, the real problem are jews not them
yeah stop bullying whites
one might shoot up another school full of white children or start another where where millions of whites get killed
Dont be an idiot, you are like chihuahua barking at a german sheperd
Oh shut the fuck up you act like modern Jow Forums isn't 24/7 nigger hate and stormfront dosn't exist
a bloo bloo bloo the poor whiteboys on this site are getting their fee fees hurt ;((
You are being hated on by white people in white websites in white countries.
If we had invaded Africa and called everyone of you nigger on a site made by a black man for black people, you would be right.
If you don't like how we are, then go back to Africa. Besides, most people here don't frequent Jow Forums or Storefront so you're targeting the wrong people because you know they're vulnerable.
A reminder that your non-white genes will never produce beauty like pic related.
Fuck I miss the early 2000s. Where can I find a girl like this again bros?
It doesnt matter if we are called niggers, atleast we can live & havent been genocided
Do you blame [[[them]]]] for your short comings? Is the jew man holding the white man down?