What type of chocolate(s) do robots prefer?
I prefer dark chocolate m'self.
What type of chocolate(s) do robots prefer?
I prefer dark chocolate m'self.
i don't see how anyone could like anything that isn't milk chocolate.
White chocolate's my fave. Milk is fine too though, depending on who makes it.
I am quite fond of chocolate cheesecakes and chocolate on top of pasteles de tres leches. Also milk and white chocolate are fine too.
I like all types of chocolate, but types like milk chocolate i can only eat so much of before i get sick of it, in that vein i'd rather have white chocolate. I could eat a lot of dark chocolate cause it's not sweet and i won't get sick of it.
I'd say white chocolate is my favorite though.
what are good cheap chocolate to buy?
Dark chocolate all the way.
White """chocolate""" isn't even chocolate, it contains no cocoa.
Milk chocolate is far too sweet, so I only eat it once in a while.
how does it feel to be a tastelet manchild?
>that 20 year old boomer that thinks eating bitter garbage nobody actually likes makes him more sophisticated
100% pure with cacao nibs.
t. 14 year old boomer who thinks nobody likes things he doesn't like
I love dark chocolate too. I like munching on 85% a few times a week.
Milk chocolate isn't bad either, but I don't like super sweet things.
White "chocolate" can go fuck itself though. That shit is rancid.
Used to buy these in bulk back when I was younger. Bought at least $400 worth over the course of a few months just for my oneitis in middle school. Was hoping she'd love me back
opps forgot my orign
I bet you put sugar in your tea/coffee too, tastelet.
Those things are fucking delicious i want to eat some now
Patrician tier chocolate
I love it as dark as possible 98-100% perfered
70% Dark Chocolate all the way. Those green tea Kit-Kats are delicious too.
crisped rice chocolate master race desu
You would probably like Trader Joe's 85% bars. They have a suitably potent yet pleasantly gentle flavor, and two bars come in one pack as well. amazon.com
Try this if you haven't already: amazon.com
Very strong chocolate. Great to pair with another chocolate like the one mentioned above, or perhaps some sort of mildly salty treat/dessert.
dark chocolate is mans chocolate