Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like pic related, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. prove me wrong, Jow Forums
>Protip; you can't
Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like pic related, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. prove me wrong, Jow Forums
>Protip; you can't
I'm average looking and I've fucked 3 girls
Please. I'd be happy to fuck a guy half that attractive
just take the rainbow pill user
what if you get chads to flirt with you does it count
>this same thread for the 37th time today
What are you on about? Plenty of men looks wise from 5/10 and up get laid all the time.
Heck I'm a 6.75/10 and I've gotten 3 blowjobs and penetration once this year alone
this nigga got laid so if you are nice and have decent money you could get laid
>I'm average looking
Faggots, gtfo my board
Liar, gtfo my board
I just hope and pray that if there's a next life I can be born as a 9+/10 chad so I can know what it feels like to be a literal pussy magnet.
Tee hee keep reeing my REEtarded friend. Tonight I got to 2nd base while watching fireworks :-0
fuck off retard I wish a chad would love me it would feel good
He's fucking black, of course he got laid! Do you live under a fucking rock to not know that ALL women are sexually conditioned to breed with as many filthy niggers as possible to bring about the extinction of the mighty superior Caucasian race? Thanks to the cultural Marxist Jewish media? Gtfo my board
Man I'm pretty sire that that is not my father
Maybe chad already loves you but you just haven't met him yet :-)
Nice digits by the way
platonic chad love feels good
I said I got to second base you dunce. I touched a real breast it did not feel like a bag of sand and I do not look like OP pic related
That guy is pretty ugly. Ugly guys also get laid, this is the proofs.
>KARA BOGA gets laids
wow what a shocker
Dude im the most average looking dude, am 18 live with parents still in high school and i got laid when I was 16. the reason you dont get laid is probably because you've got a shit personality, which is clear by the fact you blame your not getting laid on your looks because you dont want to change anything about yourself.
And to anybody giving you advice you respond with "fuck off its not my fault its because hes black!" or "you're a normie" or
>reee haha i used the funny meme arrows!
Die summerfags
so what, do you expect to fuck someone else on Jow Forums? you are the most pathetic creature that exists and you are not worthy of calling yourself human
>exactly like pic related
I have to look like two weird siamese siblings?
>"You are not worth of calling yourself a human"
>Implying I want to be one of you half apes
Do you think God is punishing us?
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
>gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
And there Anubis thrives
>Believing in god in 2018
I don't look like that and I got married once.
im not that jacked and tan or anything but I used to exercise a lot, im pretty pale, kept an okay haircut and always showered and put cologne on and I had sex with a few girls during high school and college
im getting back into exercising and dieting it makes a huge difference
Gtfo disgusting summerfag
> Once.
So you're divorced now.
Yeah my fault though not hers.
Why wont you fags leave my board?
I'm the definition of average pasty white guy and even I got sex from a cute female friend. She's good looking, surprised I lost my virginity to a cute girl
>I'm the definition of a Average white guy
I meant it in a bad way though user. I'm chubby with an asymmetrical face and no muscle tone. If I can get laid so can you
>t. chad
get off my board
>white boi
>getting any pussy at all
Nice try
Nah don't make assumptions like that if you don't know what your talking about
im 5'4 and i've gotten lai-- just fucking with you. im never going to get laid with this retarded height. if ur over 6ft tall you have no excuse of not getting a gf
Dry your eyes OP
Dry my cock since I'm done fapping to your mother
This is a literal lie, fat/ugly/unemployed/disabled people also have sex and get married.
OP should khs promptly
>t. smokes/drinks/doesn't lift and still gets laid
that isn't true, i'm way uglier than her and i get laidall the time
My BMI is 33.2 and I've had sex with 11 different girls. A few of them had sex when my BMI was as high as 36.9
I'm a 4/10 and got with a 6/10.
If you think its all looks and no personality that just means you lack personality.
Or a victim complex, whatever hits you first
It's all about the jawline guys. If you don't have a decent jawline you are doomed to be under a 5 or under in terms of looks.
>basically a fucking twig, completely average sized penis
>has been laid multiple times
Fuck outta here bragging Chad, let us hope you cunt
>Implying your an actual gril
You are just a bunch of losers, you are the worst part of the society, you hate girls and at the same time, you complain why they don't fuck you. I give you a hint: is not the jawline, is not the penis size, is how you relate with others.
"le just b urself br0 xDdd"
Yeah, you don't belong here
>90 lbs
>been laid multiple times
As long as you are at least a 4, even a 3, you can get laid if you have a nuce personality.
Guy never said be yourself said to be a decent person who can relate to others.
Obviously that doesn't fit your description of being yourself.
The fact that so many people here blame everything on looks, hate women yet cry that they wont fuck you.
It's complete hypocrisy and shrugging off bad behaviour with "fucking normie xDD" is only digging yourself in a grave
These Faggot won't listen. The only reason ti visit this board is to laugh at them they will never try to help themselves
My mom will set me up with someone if I dont do it myself, and we wont be ashamed of it either apparently woman like me because im very calm
>Nice personality
There we go again with the bullshite
Fuck off back to >>>/leddit/
Sorry you can't comprehend that women aren't attracted to you because of something you have control over.
But hey, "dey only date chad xDDD " amirite?
already replied here:
>Sorry you can't comprehend that women aren't attracted to you because of something you have control over.
sure kid
So much of this women hate is about not having interacted with women and just watching from afar.
Yes, of course you know all the answers mr. do nothing but judge from far away
gtfo plebbit fag. just fucking mirror yourself. are you afraid to use the word faggot? well well well, look at yourself. sigh. stop ruining my board with your memes ok?