diagnosed. hello friends.
I'm schizoaffective
they told me that too but I think they are lying pretty much the psychiatrist will sya whatever he wants to sound like he knows what hes talking about but in reality hes just a retarded faggot
me too!
i hate other schizos though, they're all terrible people and rarely even try to be normal. i hate the stigma but i honestly can't say it's unjustified
yeah but i believe it. mostly because everyone in my family has some undiagnosed mental component themselves and i know this was fate. i think we are just mentally retarded but are too smart to be grouped in with the autists and downies.
idk user i feel like a pretty terrible person after i get out of the mental safeguard and address who i am deep down. hope you can relate.
well for me schizoaffective always sounded like a cop out like they cant specifically diagnose me anything so the just say this I tell them prove or fuck off
you're basically schizophrenic and your symptoms vary with whatever mood disorder you have. you can function but your mental state is unreliable long term. i could say you validate that just by your response but you would question that validity and see it as something else. not because that's the reality but because your schizoaffective aka kinda psychotic.
i'm not a naturally good person but i try my best. unlike other schizos who are manipulative, guilt-trippy, intimidating or otherwise abusive.
people who blame shit behavior on their mental illness are not to be trusted, you can always do better
but at the same time this could all be because of some undiagnosed personality disorder, and we've just let ourselves go inside a web of false truths. our current state just being the result of us not recognizing what's real(important) and what isn't (not important).
BP w/ psychosis
So pretty similar no?
> talk to schizoaffective on d*scord
> she gets on meds
> isn't even herself anymore
> sad because she was the one person I enjoyed talking to
> she says she's the same, it's clearly not true
I just want to talk to her, not some fake medicated version that can't even think for themselves
How do I know if i'm crazy like you fuckers? I can somewhat see myself in the comments in this thread. But what are the symptoms, in your own words? I don't like doctors either but maybe I should see one
but you are probably very manipulative just by being schizoaffective, or atleast that's how i would see it. i do like to learn though.
don't know much about BP or even schizoaffective yet. all i know is me
>tfw I've become extremely paranoid and scared of becoming schizophrenic after a bad weed trip 2 months ago
It's basically an obsession at this point and it scares the shit out of me, life is suffering boys
nah ur just gay lmao
i take resperidone, and I can see how that could happen
i don't think anyone is crazy, the only thing i buy into is a distorted reality which i think certain schizo spectrum people have in common. if you see the points i think that's a good starting point. the symptom that set off the alarm in my head was mainly my paranoia and delusions that were a result of it. i think once you recognize one you begin to understand the others.
i never thought weed could do that but apparently it can cause an onset in some people who are predisposed. good luck user
i don't like you
The thing is I know it's an irrational fear but it still scares me to no end, it really sucks and im pretty sure I'm not predisposed to it. Hopefully this shit goes away soon.
i was at that same point this time last year lmao
it gets a lot easier to manage, you just need to learn to distinguish between thoughts that are rooted in paranoia (illogical, just not worth mulling over) and thoughts that are rooted in reality
i also still smoke weed, that might factor into my situation, i dunno
Yeah, sorry I called you guys crazy. I'm just worried. I feel paranoia often, but like () I had a bad experience with weed a few years ago, I think it was laced. I don't know if i've ever been right after that. Or maybe i'm normal now. Hard to tell. I quit smoking weed a year ago.
But yeah, I get paranoid that people are going to come to my house and rob me or kill me (I don't leave my house often and feel like i'm being watched through the windows at night so I always keep the shades closed). I always think my sister knows more than she lets on and is talking down to me for some reason, like everyone knows i'm crazy or retarded or something and won't be real with me. I used to have friends but I got it into my head that they all hate me and maybe pity me so I hardly speak to them. Sometimes I think somebody might be reading my thoughts with the intent of using it all against me somehow.
Now, pretty much all of this, began after the bad weed experience. And I tell myself it's illogical and makes no sense, but it's like the other half of my brain is convinced shit is up. I tend to isolate myself a lot, because I have a hard time interacting with people. I can handle one or two at a time for the most part, but today my sister dragged me to a 4th of July party her friends were having, all older than me. But when we got there it was like two dozen people in this super tiny apartment and I just couldn't take it. I sat in a chair in a corner and didn't say a word to anyone. I just had to focus on my breathing, it was so loud and overwhelming in that place I wanted to run out immediately. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day too but I quit that around the same time as the weed. After that awful party experience I wanted to smoke a carton.
Sorry for the blog post
Yeah man it's super tough cause I have mild ocd and obsess over shit all the time but this trip just made my ocd and anxiety 1000% worse. I won't ever smoke again desu, it was only my 3rd time smoking but I feel like I'll relive that experience if I get high again. What's your current situation if you don't mind me asking?
That sounds like anxiety to me user, and weed is rarely ever laced, you probably just had a bad reaction. Don't worry just get some meds for anxiety and see how it treats you
>projecting this hard
come on now
Damn man this makes me super anxious that I'm never gonna go back to feeling the same way after my bad trip, hopefully both of us get better
it sounds to me like you didn't respond because of comments but because you kinda know you are already, to some degree, schizo. you knew what to expect before reading the thread. alot of what you wrote i share and i imagine many schizo people share. which is why i said we have commonalities within our own distorted realities. i think you should definitely see a psychiatrist regardless of how you feel. i think for you the biggest thing would be how much you believe deep down those are true. some people can tell they are delusions and tend to be in a much better position than people who can't get away from those thoughts. () wrote it could just be anxiety and weed just stressed it, but i feel like that's more than anxiety. you should try to get some help.
situation paranoia-wise? for me it plateau'd. i haven't seen a therapist about it and i'm not on any meds, i just keep smoking so i can stop thinking about it. it becomes all-encompassing, but then once you make the distinction, you can tune it out to some extent, but not fully
i was prone to paranoia before, and what this user said is applicable for me at least. once you learn to manage it, you can keep smoking, i'd be cautious around sativas though
i've never met anyone else schizoaffective or atleast conscious of it, but i don't see how anyone like me could not be manipulative unless they were completely cut off from human contact. and i don't mean manipulative as in i manipulate people for gain. but like manipulation where i front a personality and character that isn't my own. almost defensively.
So you're not schizo? I'm also pretty paranoid desu but I think you should stop smoking man, weed can really fuck you up and cause psychosis if you abuse it a lot, but it's up to you. I learned my lesson already lmao.
Most people who are schizo aren't even aware they have it/are developing it tho. The part where user said that he thinks people can read his mind is pretty odd desu, but I still think that it's pretty severe anxiety. Anxiety can do some weird shit man, it can make you completely neurotic
I should clarify, I don't think its some random person reading my mind, I think the government has high-tech surveillance on us more than we know. Possibly mind reading, but probably not. I mean, I wouldn't put it past them if they had the capability
Ahh I see, yeah man I'd get myself checked just in case but I'm still certain it's anxiety, like I said that bad weed trip made my anxiety 1000% worse and im currently on meds and it's helping so it might help you too. Good luck user hopefully we both get out of this shit well and healthy :)
nah, the whole "you're gonna turn schizo" stuff is wack, you can become schizo, but only if you are predisposed to it and you give into the paranoia. i know weed can cause psychosis and i'll have a bad trip again eventually but i don't care, paranoia is stressful and weed is comfy so w/e
really? because i was 100% aware of my delusions being juat that prior to being diagnosed. but i guess that's why you said most. what's funny is that there are actually true schizophrenics who are able to come out of a hallucination and describe what they've seen and be aware that is was a halluconation. maybe that has something to do with how severe your schizo symptoms are.
Yeah that's what my psychiatrists told me, but I guess since you have a 'lesser' kind of schizophrenia you're mind wast fully into deep psychosis. Good luck tho man! It's good to see that you don't seem to let this illness completely fuck you up like a lot of people with schizo do
I feel you man, I'm gonna ask for some anxiety pills or something to make this more manageable cause it's killing me atm. But hopefully you eliminate that paranoia user
thanks. i'm nothing like the gang-stalking cia schizo user. he has it really bad.
>the gang-stalking cia schizo user
you don't mean me, right? :(
thanks, be careful with pills, the side-effects can fuck you up, good luck with your management
i could never tell if you were just a larper or just off your pills. i actually brought up gang stalking to my psych because i genuinely think it occurs to some degree with some harassment included. it was just strange how you came along not too long after that.
Oh I don't think you meant me, I didn't explicitly say it in a thread ever, I was the guy with the extra long blog post. Nevermind
Oh no, you'll know the gang stalking cia schizo user when he decides to show himself. he makes this thread look like child's play.
It's all coming into place
Can you explain this anons behavior? Shit like this fascinates me
You won't see that user anymore. Let's just say...
he's too far gone
You had a bad trip, likely due to having too much weed and being hungry and thirsty at the same time, and having low blood pressure. And it gave you PTSD
Don't worry fren, you'll get through it. I cried on the shower floor thinking I was trapped in a permanent time loop. Now I look back and can't remember what I worried about, unironically
>and having low blood pressure
Oops I meant low blood sugar
Watch inspiring movies. That helped me. Eventually it will get better
I was extremely worried and uneasy that day so that probably resulted in that massive panic attack. Thanks tho user, this shit sucks but I'm hopeful that ill get better
ANOTHER schiz thread
Something is happening does everyone else notice this?