Take it and report scores anons
Take it and report scores anons
19, down from 47 last year.
I've given up on life. Pls pray for me
85. Down from 93 from a few months ago.
What went wrong user? org
Probably just answered more honestly
Killing yourself is bad.
largely carried by the fact that i'm not a permavirgin/complete autist. up from ~85 in the last few months due to getting sober/quitting smoking
A literal normie.
A literal fucking normie.
146, but have never had luck with women or many projects at all. Most of my successes came from the result of hard work on my part and not from something that was handed to me.
I'm not even surprised that that was original
72, not surprised honestly. I hate who I am.
>no addictions to drugs or alcohol makes you a normalswine
How does this work? Only normans indulge in that shite.
female should be +59
same for not a virgin
shit test. kys normie fags
63 cyborg. Got hit hard by the social category. I'm a hermit kv but I live a "successful" life otherwise.
Woah. I got the same score.
Let's see what score you got, asshole
25, life is confuse
I've gone from robot to cyborg in half a year or something. moving out and stuff, feels better
Also what the hell is with all you people who are beyond 50? Why are you here?
48, thought i would do worse oreganolly
52... I didn't realize I was this much of a robot
Not even surprised at this point
93, cool but yeah fits description, if I actually have done things with girl would be normalfag
125 or so here, I was robot tier in middle school and high school. I still come here because I don't want to lose touch with my roots
I took this a few days ago and got either 43 or 48 i don't remember. 3's kinda look like 8's
Depression and slight autism is what crippled me
122, hell yeah, Chad coming through
fuck you are more chad than me
27 God why was I born
34, used to have 22, but I finally got a girlfriend. Who knows if this is all a joke, because I legitimately have nothing interesting about me. Wish me luck anons, I just want to be happy.
Having a gf should put you in cyborg category at the very least
me too, Still a depressed and autistic faggot but somehow life is alright
42, went up from 18 from last year.
I-I think I'm making it, guys
Why do you get +1 point for being into feet?
100. How the actual fuck.
i am le reddit man hehe
This test needs negitive points to be properly balanced. For example you get 8 points for losing your virginity, but it dosent mater how? like girlfriend, hookup and prostitue are all the same points?
31, honestly thought it would be better and half of those points are from physical. The others just felt like they were reading my mind
the amount of normies itt isn't surprising at all
goddamn chads
wth are you doing on r9k?
It didn't, but I should be. Sorry user, and I hope you find happiness someday
35 up from 28 in a year
guys im doing it, i think im gonna make it
i cant understand this either, i would be a wizard year ago if i would touch drugs sometime in my life
guess its time i left Jow Forums for good i don't belong here finally.
41, took a big hit in the accomplishment category. feel like i move up to cyborg when i'm actually trying to do something with myself. i probably used to be slightly strange when i was studying but the past 2 years have been pretty harsh
109 normalfag, should I be happy or sad...?
dammit almost free
well, i guess i'll be going now.
we've arrived here to laugh at our inferiors
113 but im gonna buy a smartphone soon s im jumping up to 116 chad
jokes on you guys ive never had sex or a gf but basically maxed out the physical mental and accomplishment trees
this test is BS btw more points should be in social im defiantly not a chad
same, bro, ive never had a gf and I got 109
From a 15 to a 25. Feelin a bit better honestly. Though 13 of my points are in physical now...
31 here, I honestly don't know how or why I got this low; I have about two friends that I even trust and I have a shit job, I think thats where most of my points came from. I remember last year I didn't even leave my bed for about four months so I think i'm actually doing pretty well for myself right now.
154 out of the box
but with the amount of drugs i buy on the dep web it could drop to zero soon
you guys are smalltime
Keep up that momentum bro. You will make it.
used to be around 115 but I like being alone and no longer make effort to make friends
a solid 59
I don't mean to sound like a gatekeeper but come on now...
100+ scores? I mean this in the nicest way when I say you dont belong here.
What's the 1 in user?
28 in the moment, but I will become wizard in a few month. Mental and social 'skills' kill me.
116, I guess I just make the cut-off.
Eh. I just come here to observe and give advice when it's asked for
116 here, this place is fun :(
Physical: 12
Mental: 7
Social: 9
Accomplishment: 4
Bonus: 1
Total: 33, wizard apprentice
i got 23 yikes
30 exact. down from 41.
god i feel worthless
108, physical: 32, Bonus: 13, mental:25, social:22 (i am still really young), Accomplishiment: 16 (again i am still pretty young),
Can't tell if you're trolling but I was laughing at the statement you made.
I was unsure how to answer some of the questions. I didn't know if attractive meant especially attractive or just average/not terrible.
If I answer it optimistically the highest score I get is 69.
not sure if i added it up correctly, but i think i got a 26
>No sexual attractions to under -15s
anyone who answered yes to that question is lying
24 or 19, depends how you would define 'had a romantic partner'
Currently considering suicide.
25. not even a robot. was robot last year.