If you had 8k in the bank and wanted to find a way to make your last days meaningful in some way what would you do?

If you had 8k in the bank and wanted to find a way to make your last days meaningful in some way what would you do?

Open to any suggestions, no matter how insane so long as they aren't physically painful to endure. Seriously anything, I can an hero at any seconds d with a gun, so it can even be something that would normally get you in a lot of trouble.

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Buy a King James Bible and read it. Do whatever you feel like doing with the rest of the money afterwards.

donate it to charity desu.

Probably rent a boat ideally if you can get one that lets you be alone on it which is highly unlikely but still. Go out into the ocean with about 1 or 2 days worth of food/water maybe some music player and just set out into the ocean as far north as I can manage before having to turn the gun on myself and feeding my lifeless corpse to whatever creature consumes my body once it's at the bottom of the ocean. I imagine it'd be comfy if you could make it into arctic waters.

As much cocaine and whores as possible..then with the little bit of remaining cash any hallucinogen to see if you really want to die

I feel sorry for all the suiciders who never took a line first that's insane to me

Ew no. I read the Bible cover to cover, it's half the reason I'm an heroing.

Thanks you anons. I like the idea of combining these two, although I'm not sure who's going to let me rent a boat solo.

I looked it up quickly and found a small boat used for like 2.8k but I assume there are problems with it and purchasing a vehicle likely is quite a chore if you don't have insurance or whatever you need when owning a boat. I'm not sure how realistic my idea is.
Honestly the same comfy could be had depending where you live. I always liked the idea of getting a greyhound ticket head as far north up to canada as I could go and try to make it into the arctic circle and just lay on the forest floor, drink some liquor and watch the aurora (provided you can see it, I've never been to Canada but I assume in the arctic circle it's visible) and just wait until you freeze.
Downside being you can be revived 3 or so days after freezing I believe? so it'd be way riskier.

Give me a few bucks so I can fix my roof, it's leaking and my mom is too ill and broke to pay for it.

he's right do the coke and hookers book a flight somewhere its legal give it a weekend cap it off with some LSD if you want a long trip where you learn a bunch of shit DMT if you want short much shorter but still intense trips after all that you'll have become chad and may or may not want to still jump off a bridge

Hookers , hookers , and more hookers.
What's it like to have 2 or even 3 women at once well with 8k I would know.

I had 4 at once with way under 1k..he better not fuck this up you can live like a celebrity for at least a few weeks with 8k

I've considered this. I've heard that hypothermia is actually one of the better ways to go in terms of self termination, supposedly it's quite painful up to a specific point where the hypothermia really sets in, where at that point the pain disappears and you start to get sleepy. Supposedly it's like being enveloped in a warm drowsy blanket. Slowly fall asleep and never wake up again, I bet that would make for an amazing last few minutes staring at the stars in the snowy fields at night.

Maybe I can find something to dull the pain until that point.

I've also thought about taking that amazing train ride through Europe's snowy mountains and just getting off at one of the stops and heading to the hills.

Picrel is that train, oslo to Bergen, the idea of having a last meal at some tiny local Cafe in the middle of nowhere is also really appealing.

Fug forgot pic oringolo

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Do dmt and psilocybin. Both can supposedly alter your entire perspective on life.

Nah I'm fugged for a couple reasons and want out. I'm up for recreational shit but I'm not looking for a way to become non suicidal.

I appreciate the suggestion though.

not him but the point in taking dmt or lsd it isn't to become non suicidal that's just a small possible side effect. It's the trip itself. I could never explain to someone who hasn't ever tried it but the shift is so dramatic it would be like going from living in 2d to 3D.

I'd spend it with my one friend and let my parents get the rest for dealing with me

oh shit this changed my mind

pull an andy cunanan and just cruise around until you're forced to end it

give it to me to leave you a legacy

just kidding, enjoy yourself and dont kill yourself

rent out put some posters up around the neighborhood advertising a lan party, rent out a local cyber cafe, offer to coordinate transport with limos and shit, have a giant lan party and play shit like team fortress/ CS Source/1.6 / Quake/UT, Halo CE and Project Cartographer (Halo 2 Vista), other games that you like and have multiplayer lan capability.