What finally killed Tinder for you? Because I bet you can't top mine

What finally killed Tinder for you? Because I bet you can't top mine.

>be 29
>try tinder after nearly two years of consideration
>mostly no matches
>finally get one
>18y/o in the vicinity
>oh god she's a cute
>holy shit, a cute
>as in want nuzzle her into your arms adorable
>hit it off really well
>finally comes over to my place one friday evening
>kept fucking, and fucking, and fucking, and fucking, and fucking...
>dream come true
>round four of fucking, hear knock on door
>it's the police
>they have questions
>apparently when neighbors saw girl walk into my place, they were "concerned"
>felt the girl was dangerously underage
>disagreed, and even showed them her tinder profile, stating she's 18
>after police ask her questions, find that she's actually 15
>showed them profile again to maintain innocence
>still asked to come down to the station
>spent the weekend in county jail while they decide on possible charges (if any)
>this was earlier in the year, and still have to keep coming back to court
>both lawyer, and the other lawyer I called when I was originally planning to fire the other one, said that the case doesn't sound too hopeful for me

I probably should've mentioned that we didn't use a condom, either.

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Kek, serves you right pedo filth. Fucking scum, hope you get raped and disemboweled in prison you dirty nonce.

Burn in Hell.

Fucking Kek please let this be real my sides are warping to light speed

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>user gets jailbaited by an irresponsible thot
>gets punished for it
The state of American """""justice"""""

She's 15, shouldn't be too bad in any first world country since it's not like you fucked a 6 year old. That being said I have a feeling you're from the US and they're brutal over there when it comes to sexual crimes.

Ouch... looks like you're screwed, boy

Have you ever heard of the NAP?

I'd like to talk you about it if you have 45 minutes to spare.

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Pretty much this. Such a fucking joke. If a girl puts her age as 18+ on a public profile, why is it the guys fault for not asking to see an actual ID.

Like WTF. The American legal system is such a joke half the time. We are so far behind in so many ways...

Jesus christ, what a bunch of nosy ass neighbors. If you end up having to goto jail, you should just kill them... you might as well, as you are likely going to get murdered in prison anyways.

How easy is it to get a chubby gf who'll let me feed her and rub her belly from tinder, lads?

You're probably fucked, but Tinder clearly states you need to be 18 before creating a profile

>The minimum age requirement for Tinder is 18 years old.

If you have been blocked from using Tinder because the birthdate you entered upon sign up signifies that you are under 18 years old, you will remain blocked from the service for the amount of time specified on the login screen. You will not be able to continue with the sign up process until this amount of time has elapsed.

OP isn't a faggot... but soon will be.

how old did she look, OP? Did she look 15 years old or did she look 18?

That is really quite retarded. You shouldn't have your life ruined because some thot lied to you.

The minimum age of consent in North America (which also means Canada) is 16. And about half of the US states (as far as I remember) have the age of consent set to 18.



She looked roughly what I expect from college freshmen, or even sophomores.

America has a lot of stupid laws. For example, you can get fucked, smoke, and go fight and die in some stupid ass war at 18, but you can't drink a beer.

>shoot someone
6 months-10 years depending on circumstances
>sexual act on lying girl
20 years, permanently labeled sex offender, have to tell everyone you're a threat to society, barely allowed in public
Now, i don't think either is right, especially when our criminal justice system is fucked and offers no rehabilitation, but religion messed things up a lot more than anyone cares to act like

Is this going to be brought up in your case? I don't know what state you're in or what statutes they have, but usually , crimes require intent. If she lied about her age to you and tinder, and she looks old enough, this should end in your favor.


but to me that just seems open and shut. She lied and you had no way of knowing.

It's one of the things brought up each time we're in court, as well as the part where I showed officers that her profile said 18. Still keep getting dragged into it, with my lawyers losing faith.

>but usually , crimes require intent
According to court so far, not so much. At least with statutory rape and similar crimes, it just has to be committed. Intent or no.

Obviously fake and gay.

First of all neighbors would not call the police because a girl walked into your house.

Secondly the police would think it was a bullshit call and wouldn't even be able to do jack shit unless you literally opened the door and shouted "she's 15!!! Please arrest me!"

26 year old ancient user here. I only match with 21+ on dating apps now. not only because of being able to meetup in a bar but because to my old ass baning a 20 year old is just as close to 17 year old jailbait

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That's fucked, OP. Absolutely fucked.

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These cases dont usually end in favor of the men. Even with all that theyll still see shes 15 and hes 29 and throw the book at him

DESU, most cases where it is men vs women in any fashion in America always end up as women being the victim...

whos the next american incel shooter

Getting a girlfriend via introduction through mutual friends (read: real life networking, not automated by a dating app) led me to delete the app. Talking to people IRL is a much faster way to get either a date or long term partner.

>Gets told she's 18
>Think's she's 18
"Pedo filthy"
You have autism even worse than most people on here.

it's only pedo if you're attracted to people who look like kids or young teens

Thanks retards for your valuable input. We here at [IMAGE BOARD] value perspectives from many diverse backgrounds. It's always important to contrast more intelligent points of a discussion with bottom-of-the-barrel rat-brain level stupid comments. Have a wonderful day!

Lmao consider suicide you autistic fucker

(((((intelligent points)))))

Always check ID when soliciting with significantly younger partners. Especially when they claim that they're 18-20.

If someone is 25, they generally look the part. 18 is the tail end of teenaged years. Honestly, even as a senior in university, freshman look like fucking babies. She's shitty for lying, but you're shitty too for not thinking twice.

Dude. There's plenty of 15 year girls and guys that look 20.

OP's neighbors are just assholes . What the hell? Are you supposed to check your GF's ID now before fucking her?

>no way of knowing
He could have asked for ID. The crown could articulate that any reasonable person, at the age of 29 and about to engage in sexual relations with a woman over 10 years younger than him and claiming to be 18 would do just that.

There were red flags and OP didn't do his due diligence.

Again, that's what the prosecution could claim, among other things. I'm not a lawyer, but I did pass the BAR in Quebec

If you had told the cops to mind their own business, you wouldn't be in this situation.


>a tinder whore is the same as a gf

Is this one of those situations where you're not supposed to talk to the police and demand a lawyer?

bro you fucked a 15yo cutie.
lucky you man.

FUck the police and their retarded AOC laws

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Not him, but my dates as a legal adult have only been with other university students. Usually there's a setting where we have to present student ID or whatever, so it's obvious that these girls are of age. The same goes for the adult world.

The problem came in because OP found a young girl who was down to fuck without second guessing it. University 18 year olds still look like they belong in highschool. It isn't until 20 or 21 that they start looking like actual adults.

>26 year old ancient user here
>meetup in a bar but because to my old ass
90s born normalfags were a mistake.

>There is never good news in the criminal defense world.

WTF are you talking about? It's called getting the case rejected and having your arrest expunged.

I'm sort of questioning OP's whole story though. How fucking nosy do they have to be to see OP bring a girl home? Something just doesn't seem right about that part of the story. OP could have just not answered the door unless they were pounding the door non stop and saying "we know you're in there"

His case has probably been indicted. The case will not be rejected. He will not be able to get the arrest or case expunged without going through something like diversion, which is unlikely based on his lack of confidence with his attorney.

this happens a lot whenever you sexual anything with an underage person. people get nosy and up-in-arms about it all the time; that's been a constant throughout modern history. especially here in america. because it's that serious(ly taken as) an issue. I don't get how you can be so oblivious. people REALLY do not like sex offenders. so much that it doesn't matter if you're an ACTUAL offender, but rather a PERCEIVED offender. that has always been a thing, and that always been in the mantra of even ordinary people's hatreds. :S

and about not answering the police, lack of cooperation with law enforcement is also a crime, especially in underage cases.

>>try tinder
Kill yourself normalfag

I hope you get cancer. Unless the girl was 3 feet tall and skipping to the door in pigtails op's neighbours are just nosy scum.

nosy scum that resulted in op having to repeatedly go to court, and his lawyers losing faith.

Fuck off youngfag, op did nothing wrong. If anyone should be in trouble it should be the girl. Op isnt a pedo for fucking a sexual developed girl who led him to believe she was of legal age, people like you are the fucking problem.

18 year olds are never 18 dumbass

Is it fucked up that it's the guys that get punished for shit like this while it's clearly the girls that lie and mislead them?
But is OP a fucking normalfag who deserves zero sympathy for having his life about to be ruined?
Also yes.
Eat shit and die, fag

>What finally killed Tinder for you?

Nothing. Im Chad.

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>Op isnt a pedo for fucking a sexual developed girl who led him to believe she was of legal age
Kek. Nice assumption retard. How do you know that she looked mature. Defending a predator is degenerate
People like you are the real problem



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*laughs in age of consent is 14 in my country*

*joins in in the same language*

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She must look extremely young if someone called the cops, how could you not see it?

You are FUCKED due to mandatory minimum sentences. Even though you did literally nothing wrong, your life is fucking over.

>he actually put in the effort to have sex with anyone
lmao fag you get what you deserve

>that 29 year old boomer that still uses tinder

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>check a girl's ID before you fuck her

YES MOTHERFUCKER THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO THESE DAYS. Shit, get a written goddamn consent form like the PC Frat South Park had.

It's the teenage whore's fault she's a lying whore but men these days REALLY need to cover their ass in case of shit exactly like this. Teens and young girls have access to the internet too you know, and as everyone here knows, it's super fucking easy to lie about everything on the internet.

Because of this lying bitch OP is going on a sex offender list and will probably serve some time while he's at it, even though the bitch lied, but that's never ever been an acceptable excuse to judges, juries, or the public eye.

what esoteric meme app does gen z use

God damn, I don't understand how a legal system could be so fucked as to let you get jailed for this. How in the world could you know she was underage if she lied to you? Imagine if the genders were reversed, and a 29 year old woman fucked a 15 year old boy who looked 18 and lied, noone would Call the cops, and if they did, the policemen would high-five the kid, not punish the woman. Some days I wish for nuclear war.



Pick one. Jesus you people are autistic. I am done. Never again am I visiting this cesspool. I am going to ascend to reddit.